291 Course Calendar
How To Use The Course Calendar
Using all of this information requires a bit of organization, so follow these general
instructions. For each week, begin by reading assigned work from the hard text. There
will be rhetoric and source material from Giannetti. The works themselves, listed by
title and author, are primarily on the internet or handed out in class. You are then to view the Web pages for the authors
and topics for that week, listed as a link on the
English Internet Resource List section of
the Web site (not all are covered). That means all you have to do is click on the
colored (usually blue) label of the name or address of the site. Following that, read the
online presentation of the format strategy for the week (Org & Outline,
Quoting Your Sources, How To Take A Test, etc.). You are also required to read the thematic
presentation for that week in Online Presentations
(Character, Theme, Irony, etc.). Finally, read Questions for Reading and Writing.
This will allow you to follow the schedule and be topical
in the classroom. Read the directions. Assignments and due dates for papers and tests are announced in class. Most of this syllabus is self-explanatory.
The following is a plan for the semester.
- Tentative Schedule
WEEK I. Introduction to Film and the Film Making Process
- Ch 1 -photography
- Realism vs Formalism in Cinema
- Formalist Criticism
- Screening: Stephen Spielberg’s Duel
WEEK 2. Film Theory and Criticism/Point of View
- Ch 11 - critique
- Standard Motifs
- Historical Criticism
WEEK 3. Character
- Ch 6 - acting
- Gender Criticism
- Screening: George Lucas’ American Graffiti
WEEK 4. Setting
- Ch 3 - movement
- Cultural Criticism
WEEK 5. Mise-en-scene
- Ch 2 – mise-en-scene
- Screening: John Frankenheimer’s Grand Prix
WEEK 6. Montage
- Ch 4 - editing
- Psychoanalytical Criticism
WEEK 7. Adaptation
- Ch 9 - writing
- Screening: Rob Reiner’s Misery
WEEK 8. Subjective Rendering: Animation
WEEK 9. Genre ideal
- Plot
- Ch 8 - story
- Screening: George Dunning's Yellow Submarine
WEEK 10. Motifs and Symbols
WEEK 11. Objective Rendering: Documentary
- New Historical Criticism
- Presentations
- Screening: The Grateful Dead Movie
WEEK 12. Sound Design
WEEK 13. The Concept of Genre
- Ch 10 -ideology
- Mythological/Archetypal Criticism
- Screening: This is Spinal Tap
WEEK 14. Generic Transformation
WEEK 15. The Concept of National Cinema: the Cultural Context of Film
- Ch 12 - synthesis
- Marxist Criticism
- Screening: Guiseppe Tornatore’s Cinema Paradiso
- Presentations
- Term Paper due
- Final Test Prep
WEEK 16. Finals Week: Final Exam
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Questions for Reading and Writing
Something to keep in mind in your essays for this class:
Be able to answer these four questions somewhere in the context of your essay. Please
don't merely list the answers... make them part of your general discussion of the work.
- What is the message? Clearly state it and support your response from the text itself.
There can be more than one answer.
- What is the prespective of the message? Be as specific as you can. Authors will create characters or "voices" to tell a story or give a
viewpoint. In drama, that is all you get...
all characters, no narrator.
- Who is the audience of the message? There can be more than one, often linked to the
message...or a single message may have different audiences with different expected results.
Again, be specific and use text for support.
- What methods does author use? Be specific, using terms from ENGL 101 -- irony,
symbolism, theme, conflict -- and new terms from this course.
- In poetry, the use of meter and rhyme and condensation of ideas into brief images
is common.
- In drama, the use of character, dialogue and setting are often important.
- In literature, all of these aspects may be factors.
Once you've gotten this information into your paper, then we apply the critical
approaches to discuss HOW EFFECTIVELY the message was delivered by author.
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© T. T. Eiland, December 5, 2005
Last modified: January 30, 2008