an eiland distance education course

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Paper List

Choose from the following list for FINAL TERM PAPER
Your final paper will be a thematic overview of the chosen author's work using the selected work or works as examples of those themes you see. You must employ at least two distinct critical approaches, including a critique of the weaknesses in a critical analysis by another author (Biographical and Historical together count as ONE). See Assignments 103 for more details.

Lyric/Poetry - choose 5-10 works (lyric/album selections must incorporate entire album)
Beatles (Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band)
Dickinson, Emily
Frost, Robert
Grateful Dead (So Far)
Hughes, Langston
Hunter, Robert
Led Zeppelin (fantasy sequences from Song Remains The Same)
Pink Floyd (The Wall, Dark Side of the Moon)
Other (must be approved by Instructor)

Miller, Arthur (The Crucible, All My Sons, or overview)
Shakespeare, William
Other (must be approved by Instructor)

Bradbury, Ray (The Martian Chronicles)
Bronte, Emily (Wuthering Heights)
Chaucer, Geoffery (any 5 Tales from Canterbury Tales)
Chopin, Kate (The Awakening or overview)
Conrad, Joseph (Heart of Darkness)
Hillerman, Tony (any novel)
King, Stephen (any novel, any three novellas, any 5 short stories)
Kafka, Franz (The Plague)
Kingsolver, Barbara (ANY)
Melville, Herman (Typee
Oates, Joyce Carol (Where are You Going...)
Poe, Edgar Allan (any 5 short stories)
Shelley, Mary (Frankenstein)
Other (must be approved by Instructor)

© T. T. Eiland, January 1998
Last modified: March 30, 2000