Your paper will be a thematic overview of the chosen author's work using the selected work or works as examples of those themes you see. You must employ at least four distinct critical approaches. If you choose a dramatized work you must quote from primary text, which means if it was a movie, you need the script. You may not analyze a work you have covered in a previous assignment.
Lyric/Poetry - choose 5-10 works by theme.
Anzaldua, Gloria
Cervantes, Lorna Dee
de la Rocha, Zack
Estéfan, Gloria
Girmay, Aracelis
Gómez, Selena
Hidalgo, david
Los Lobos (Hidalgo, Perez)
Lopez, Jennifer
Mora, Pat
Pérez, Louie
Quintanilla-Pérez, Selena
Other (must be approved by Instructor)
Drama N.B. You MUST use actual dialogue from the movie, so make sure you have a script.
Rodriguez, Robert. El Mariachi, From Dusk Till Dawn
Rodriguez, Robert, with Quentin Tarantino. Grindhouse