Eiland's Online English Materials

zabana fractal
art courtesy of
Janet Parke, FrActivity

I-Net Reading List

This is a representational author list for English classes. The author sites here are primarily biographical, with some analytical portions. If the site is noted as WEBSITE, it means it is dedicated to that author. If the site is noted as AUTHOR WEBSITE, it means the author has a hand in the curation of the website. This list is not exhaustive; I expect you to find more material out there, but avoid public posting sites like Wikipedia, Shmoop, SongFacts and the like. (Use their provided REFERENCES if they are credible). Some of these links here require passcodes to Gale Literature Resource Center or Ebscohost, available to most college students through their institution. New additions are welcome. Please report bad or expired links.

Drama: Playwrights
Literature: Fiction and Literature Writers
Poetry: Poets

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Co-compiled by Beverly Butler

© T. T. Eiland, January 1998
Last modified: Aug 30, 2017