You have just entered room "engcitguy Chat44."

eeyore fan 023 has entered the room.

engcitguy: have you read death of a salesman?

xssquared has entered the room.

xssquared: hey

eeyore fan 023: hi, x

engcitguy: hey now

xssquared: how's everyone doing tonight?

eeyore fan 023: good, how about you?

engcitguy: who has read death of a salesman

eeyore fan 023: I think it is starting to rain outside.

engcitguy: it is

engcitguy: /

xssquared: I did

engcitguy: good

eeyore fan 023: not me, not ever

xssquared: ok

engcitguy:  what is the primary conflict

xssquared: the primary conflict, well there is the conflict between the dad and the oldest son 

xssquared: there is the conflict within himself about whether or not he is worth living

xssquared: a little conflict between brother and mom

xssquared: main conflict I would say is his personal conflict

engcitguy: did you read any biographical information about Arthur miller

xssquared: Yeah.  let me see where I read it.  It is book marked on my website.  Ummm..just a 

engcitguy: there are aspects of miller's life and life experience the reflected in this particular play.  In fact, in all the plays that we read for this particular class, the authors life is directly reflected in the content of the play

xssquared: he had a lot of failures with his first plays he wrote

engcitguy: heheh

engcitguy: link it into the story square

engcitguy: which character is reflected in the authors experience

engcitguy: anything I can do to help

xssquared: the author had many failed plays that he had written and thus it is reflected in the play in the character of Willy Loman, a man who has grown old as a salesman and has nothing to 
show for himself, a son who is a failure, he just got fired and he missed a great chance to make a lot of money with his brother a while ago.

engcitguy: good point

engcitguy: actually, Willie Loman is modeled after his uncle

engcitguy: and Miller's own father lost everything in the Depression

engcitguy: which brings us to historical context

engcitguy: what is going on in United States in the 1940s

xssquared: Depression

engcitguy: no]

xssquared: well end of it isn't it

xssquared: 1939

engcitguy: the Depression ended sometime during the war

xssquared: Okay, war then....

xssquared: hee hee

xssquared: That was my next guess, I promise

engcitguy: when was this play written

PinkkLady1: hello

PinkkLady1 has entered the room.

engcitguy: hey now

PinkkLady1: my aol is sllllllooooowwwww tonight

xssquared: Well sometime in the mid-40's because he won a pulitzer prize for it in 1949.  there 
isn't a date at the end of the play in this book.  Should I look on the internet?

PinkkLady1: what did i miss?

engcitguy: it should be there

engcitguy: the point is, it was postwar

engcitguy: which brings me to the question

engcitguy: what was going on in United States in the late '40s

PinkkLady1: depression

engcitguy: no

xssquared: not depression...I already made the mistake of saying that

PinkkLady1: ooops

xssquared: i know.

PinkkLady1: i suck at hist.

PinkkLady1: cold war....

PinkkLady1: lol

PinkkLady1: sorry

engcitguy: in the United States,

engcitguy:  what is the economy like 

PinkkLady1: that industrial revolution

engcitguy: try again

xssquared: trying to pick up after itself

PinkkLady1: no money jobs scarce

engcitguy: I will tell you

engcitguy: unlike Europe, which has to rebuild after the war,

engcitguy: the United States has a fully blown economy roaring

engcitguy: we do not have to rebuild our cities

engcitguy: we'd taken factories that make tanks and turn out other things

engcitguy: what is happening to Willie Lomans job

PinkkLady1 has left the room.

xssquared: him personally or the field he is in?

engcitguy: both

engcitguy: start with him personally

xssquared: he got fired, but other salesmen were making  a lot of money

xssquared: a lot of money

engcitguy: where are  sales being done now

PinkkLady1 has entered the room.

PinkkLady1: got booted.

PinkkLady1: errrr

xssquared: New York

engcitguy: Willie Loman was what kind of salesman

PinkkLady1: road sales

PinkkLady1: traveler

engcitguy: why were traveling salesmen needed

engcitguy: and what is happening to that profession

PinkkLady1: to bring things to the people who could not get to the stores

PinkkLady1: dying out

engcitguy: why

xssquared: they are using the phone to do their sale

engcitguy: why dying out

xssquared: sales

PinkkLady1: because we have cars

PinkkLady1: and phones oops

Wormstheword has entered the room.

PinkkLady1: he is getting older too

engcitguy: cars allow us to do what

PinkkLady1: shop

PinkkLady1: travel

engcitguy: where are we buying our products if we're not getting them from traveling salesman

PinkkLady1: the store

PinkkLady1: our self ---then he has no job

xssquared: catalogs

engcitguy: lady is more correct

engcitguy: the traveling salesman was actually part of the catalog system

PinkkLady1: we no longer needed a middle man. we could go direct

PinkkLady1: he was old to and struggling could not do as much

xssquared: what's up worm?

xssquared: I agree with lady

PinkkLady1: thanks :-)

engcitguy: yes

engcitguy: it also gets to the new economy

engcitguy: what is going on in United States that's different in the late '40s what kinds of products 
are being bought and sold

engcitguy: look at the things that will he complains about in his own home and into his own life

PinkkLady1: fridge

PinkkLady1: lol

eeyore fan 023: washing machines

engcitguy: generalize those things

PinkkLady1: car

PinkkLady1: mechanical things?

engcitguy: yes

PinkkLady1: we were modernizing and it was passing him by

xssquared: upgrades on his house, like a new roof and new technologies (fridge)

eeyore fan 023: appliances if all kinds that would be to large for him to carry around with him.

PinkkLady1: ??

engcitguy: the industrial revolution was at the turn-of-the-century... what was occurring was a 
mechanization of America

PinkkLady1: we became more automated and self sufficient

engcitguy: explained lady...this is symbolic

engcitguy: fan, it also has to do with how well Willie understands those particular new 

PinkkLady1: he doesn't

engcitguy: do we get the impression that he understands the New World, either the technologies 
or anything else in the New World

PinkkLady1: like the microphone thing

PinkkLady1: with the  guy in the office

engcitguy: explain Lady

PinkkLady1: it overwhelms

engcitguy: what was the thing he was playing with

PinkkLady1: tape recorder i think

engcitguy: remember that in 1940 that was brand-new

engcitguy: yes

PinkkLady1: called......

PinkkLady1: ummmm

PinkkLady1: :- yippie

PinkkLady1: it was intimidating

PinkkLady1: yet very cool

engcitguy: to Willie?

PinkkLady1: yes

PinkkLady1: and fascinating to his boss

engcitguy: cool to Willie?

engcitguy: what has happened to Willie's neighborhood

PinkkLady1: no intimidating to willie----- cool for us technology

engcitguy: better answer Lady

PinkkLady1: no more houses

PinkkLady1: has no room to garden

engcitguy: where does Willie Loman live

PinkkLady1: or play in the yard like before

PinkkLady1: city i think

PinkkLady1: unsure

engcitguy: in what kind of dwelling

engcitguy: hehehe

PinkkLady1: house

engcitguy: yes... it is always important to clarify your answers

engcitguy: what surrounds him

PinkkLady1: building

engcitguy: same size as his house

PinkkLady1: a lot larger i believe--again more overwhelming issues

engcitguy: what effect does this type of building have on his living conditions

engcitguy: try a high-rise 

PinkkLady1: traps him in he feels like its coming down on him

engcitguy: what happens to his pastime

PinkkLady1: cant garden nothing will grow

engcitguy: just like what... what is the symbolism here

PinkkLady1: its fades  disappears

engcitguy: why I are there are bigger and bigger buildings needed in the city

engcitguy: just like what Lady

PinkkLady1: more people

engcitguy: why are more people moving to the cities

engcitguy: what are the doing their

PinkkLady1: working- living

engcitguy: what did people do before they lived in the city's

PinkkLady1: unsure?

engcitguy: the kind of work

PinkkLady1: farm

engcitguy: and what is happening to farming

AshReed69 has entered the room.

PinkkLady1: disappearing- people are coming where the work is

PinkkLady1: factories and such

engcitguy: what kind of work will they do in the city

engcitguy: yes lady

PinkkLady1: factory

xssquared: factory

engcitguy: yes

engcitguy: building what

PinkkLady1: things we need and use?

xssquared: mechanical things

engcitguy: be specific

PinkkLady1: or cars? radios and such?

engcitguy: yes square

engcitguy: exactly

xssquared: fridges, microphones

engcitguy: see how it all comes together

engcitguy: what is happening to the world that Willie Loman grew up in

PinkkLady1: ahhhh the big picture becomes clear :-0

PinkkLady1: its dying

engcitguy: what happened to the house in the city and the traveling salesman and farms that 
needed traveling salesman

xssquared: he doesn't know how to move with the changing times and it is overwhelming him and 
drowning him

engcitguy: what is replacing them

PinkkLady1: dying out

PinkkLady1: technology

engcitguy: yes square

PinkkLady1: mechanical things

engcitguy: second answer is better lady

engcitguy: more specific

engcitguy: is always better

PinkkLady1: ill get it i swear :-)

engcitguy: what does Willy want to Biff to do for living

engcitguy: I have faith in you Lady

xssquared: something big with his life

PinkkLady1: .......racking brain...

engcitguy: be specific

PinkkLady1: be successful in something

engcitguy: be specific

PinkkLady1: ummm businessmen

engcitguy: think obvious

PinkkLady1: salesmen

engcitguy: yes

xssquared: of sporting goods

engcitguy: what does Biff want to do for living

xssquared: be a farmer

PinkkLady1: raise animals

engcitguy: does Willy's vision of his son's life or Biff's dream of his new life seemed to be rooted 
in reality

PinkkLady1: biffs dream

PinkkLady1: of his new life 

engcitguy: what is happening to farming or ranching at that time

PinkkLady1: dying out

PinkkLady1: ohhhh 

xssquared: replaced with technology

engcitguy: what is the authors point

PinkkLady1: he wants to go into business with his brother

PinkkLady1: father and son at similar crossroads?

xssquared: the ideas are carried on.  Neither one is in reality

engcitguy: very good lady

engcitguy: very good square

PinkkLady1: heheh :-)

engcitguy: which brings us to the primary conflict as explained earlier

engcitguy: why are biff  and Willie so at odds with each other

PinkkLady1: so much alike

engcitguy: explain

xssquared: willy wants him to be a certain way so willy doesn't feel like he is a failure of a father 
and that it is his fault and Biff want to do what Biff wants.

PinkkLady1: similar place in life however willie sees biff life to be so easy and so clear yet biff does not want what his father does also has his dreams of being on a farm?

engcitguy: similar answers

engcitguy: next week we will discuss a feminist response to death of a salesman

AshReed69: yeah

xssquared: i already know where that is heading

PinkkLady1: willy wants his son to be successful like his friends son like that boy who was a 
supreme court judge or something.

engcitguy: look at the portrayal of women in the play and we will cover that for the first half of 

xssquared: I can't believe it is already 8:00. how time flies. whew

PinkkLady1: keep quite and take care of things at the house 

PinkkLady1: lol

engcitguy: well, to finish at this historical perspective, what is happening to the likelihood of a son 
following in his father's footsteps, which was expected back in an earlier century

PinkkLady1: like the crazy hoses

engcitguy: stay focused on historical for now

PinkkLady1: ????

AshReed69: so what is the likely hood

PinkkLady1: do what dad did-?

AshReed69: of it happening

engcitguy: in a rapidly developing society, what is the likelihood that he signed will have the same 
job as his father did

xssquared: take over the family business would have been what happened year's earlier

engcitguy: yes square

xssquared: but now...

xssquared: they have to start new but 

AshReed69: well..... now its an independent

engcitguy: which child took over his father's business

AshReed69: lifestyle

PinkkLady1: i think it still occurs now just not as often

xssquared: since the son only knows his father's example, it is hard for him to start anew

xssquared: the oldest son

engcitguy: true lady

AshReed69: children don't do what their fathers do (sons)

engcitguy: what happens to other sons, square

AshReed69: that trend is rare unless its a wealthy family

engcitguy: does happy at out of the same pressure as biff

xssquared: they are helpers to the business or start their own

engcitguy: does happy have the same pressure as bifff

xssquared: not as much responsibility

PinkkLady1: not wealthy --family bus has struggled for now 50 years

PinkkLady1: its quite cool

PinkkLady1: but i know its rare

engcitguy: it is rare lady

PinkkLady1: happy 

xssquared: the father wants him to carry on the family name.

engcitguy: rich families tend to pass on family businesses because those are businesses that 
transcend time more readily

engcitguy: like oil

engcitguy: railroads

engcitguy: auto racing

engcitguy: gold

engcitguy: politics

engcitguy: paper

AshReed69: family name

engcitguy: etc.

engcitguy:  but things like traveling salesman get replaced

engcitguy: with new technologies

xssquared: "I am willy loman and you are biff loman..."

PinkkLady1: just like how i cant believe some people do business these days without a 

engcitguy: from an historical perspective, did biff ever have a chance to follow in his father's 

xssquared: no

PinkkLady1: no

AshReed69: no

engcitguy: but would Willie Loman ever be will to understand that

PinkkLady1: no

engcitguy: to predict that

engcitguy: to be able to deal with that

PinkkLady1: cant conceive the idea

engcitguy: exactly lady

xssquared: no, cuz he is having a hard enough time moving with the changing times

PinkkLady1: hes battling it inside his head i think

engcitguy: yes square

engcitguy: yes lady... how successfully

PinkkLady1: not very well.

engcitguy: exactly

PinkkLady1: ie  the hose in the basement

engcitguy: okay

engcitguy: exactly

engcitguy: and now for something completely different has joined the conference.

stichure: tryuing again

leslied639 has joined the conference.

jordan_bass2001 has joined the conference.

vamp234201 has joined the conference.

stichure: Sorry folks

stichure: We had a couple power outages

stichure: In a row

stichure: And for some reason I can't get a good connection

stichure: So if I disappear, hangout and I will be back

vamp234201: k ok

jordan_bass2001: ok

leslied639: k

stichure: Does anyone have a questions about the critical perspectives we have covered so 

stichure: We introduced two new ones last week... did you all read the archive

stichure: If you were not here

vamp234201: yes

stichure: And

stichure: Do you all read death of a salesman yep

stichure: So we will try this again

leslied639: just a little behind.....but this week's assignment has been read!

stichure: Great

stichure: What is the basic plot... formalistic... of the story

vamp234201: very lon didn't finish

stichure: Who is doing what

stichure: Well, vamp if you started it you should've gotten most of it

stichure: Who are the main characters willy biff happy linda

stichure: What is Willy's primary problem it's a story about a weird family he's having some kind of mental breakdown?

stichure: That's correct

vamp234201: He has no confidence

stichure: Vamp... that's an interesting observation

stichure: Can you give me an idea why you think so

vamp234201: he expected something else for his life

vamp234201: better

vamp234201: than what it is

stichure: That is correct

stichure: What is his solution to fix things fantasy

stichure: That's one thing

stichure: Let's talk about that

stichure: What is the fantasy dickies recurring him

stichure: What is the fantasy that keeps returning to him

stichure: hehehe his past mmm about his relationship with biff

stichure: Well, there are too specific things... one is the past and in one is a 
different image

stichure: What specific images from the past keep coming back to him biffs senior year?

stichure: That's part of it... what happened biff caught him with another woman... is that what you're looking for?

stichure: that is part of it

stichure: What effected this have on biff

jordan_bass2001: id be so made

stichure: What effect does this have on biff

stichure: Jordan, what is biff's response he realized his father was a fake

stichure: Interesting

stichure: And what effect does it have on biff's actions thereafter

stichure: You mention his senior year

jordan_bass2001: it would make me crazy he gives up on his dreams

stichure: How well does Biff do in school

stichure: To what was this supposed to be

stichure: What was Biff supposed to be a football star ?

stichure: What happened i dont think he graduated from high school

stichure: What happened to that idea

stichure: Why not failed math

leslied639: failure

stichure: Dizzy heaven opportunity to finish math summer school

stichure: Does he have opportunity to complete math

stichure: Does he follow through no

stichure: In fact

stichure: Is that a pattern for the rest of his life

vamp234201: yes he's a theif too thief

stichure: Great... show me another example

stichure: Show me an example of thievery

stichure: Show may example of not following through he stole basketballs from one of his employers

stichure: And what was the result and a football from school he was fired 

stichure: Does he steal in another place but he made up a story in his head that it didnt happen he stole a suit as an adult

stichure: Interesting

leslied639: stole lumber went to jail

stichure: A lot and sand

stichure: One last one

stichure: A minor one but an important one a pen

stichure: When when he went to go borrow money for his "big deal"

stichure: If he had not taken the pen, would he have been successful in the endeavor 
that was associated with the person he took the pen from no

stichure: I will try again the man didn't even see him for a meeting

stichure: if he had not taken the pen, would he have had a chance at success? not there

stichure: Why do you think he steals the pen

vamp234201: does it represent something he is missing? he said he was mad

stichure: Psycho analytical criticism says our actions, especially our repeated actions 
revealed our true nature and our true desires

stichure: What does he is constant thievery ensure him

stichure: His constant that he fails

stichure: Exactly

stichure: Psychoanalytical criticism and psychoanalysis claim that people who failed do 
so because they want to

stichure: And despite the opportunities for success, they will do something to sabotage 

those opportunities in order to ensure failure

stichure: Who is Biff punishing

stichure: Who is the person most concerned with Biff's personal success his father,  maybe himself

leslied639: himself?

stichure: Your first answer is better

vamp234201: He thinks he's punishing himself but really his father

vamp234201: ?

stichure: Think about this... what does Biff really want to do with his life

stichure: Work in a business?

stichure: Work for someone else?

stichure: Stay in the city? he wants to be a rancher i think

stichure: That is correct

stichure: Look at the elements of that job

stichure: Where would he be

stichure: And where would he NOT be in the open

vamp234201: he would not be in the city he want to do physical labor

leslied639: not under someones to speak

stichure: Who would he not be around

vamp234201: his fathr

stichure: Melissa, how does his father feel about that

stichure: What kind of job is his father want him to get he thinks its a waste

stichure: And why

stichure: That is correct

stichure: Because physical labor is for... he wants him to be a big shot business guy

stichure: Very good

stichure: Historically... what is going on at the time that reflects this attitude of 
Willy when was it written? tell me

vamp234201: You mean with Willy? 1949?

stichure: What is happening in American job market in 1949/early fifties

stichure: Vamp, how does Willy feel about physical labor everyone was moving to the cities

stichure: In other words, what kind of person does he feel would be doing physical labor 
and what should his sons be doing


stichure: To do it kind of work Melissa

vamp234201: It's not his cup of tea?

stichure: To do what kind of work

stichure: It has to do a class issue

stichure: It has to do with the image of a particular person as two which social class 
does what

vamp234201: It goes back to what he wants to be office work

stichure: What kind of job is a big shot salesman

vamp234201: He wanted to be like his brother

stichure: Blue or white-collar work

stichure: Vamp... what did his brother do

stichure: What did Willy's brother do

vamp234201: Successfull

stichure: In what way

stichure: by doing what some kind of office work was he a salesman?

vamp234201: He was wealthy

stichure: No Melissa

vamp234201: He too must have been a businessman

stichure: No

stichure: It's explained in the story hold on

stichure: What did Willy's brother do... this is the other recurring image besides 
Willy's past with his son

stichure: Because there was a price for what he did

stichure: In what way is Willy's brother in the story

stichure: Where does he appear, so to speak

vamp234201: He's a ghost

stichure: Because there was a price for what he did

stichure: In what way is Willy's brother in the story

stichure: Where does he appear, so to speak

vamp234201: He's a ghost

stichure: Very good

stichure: Which means

vamp234201: he appears in his day dreams

vamp234201: hes dead he keeps trying to impress his father

stichure: Yes

stichure: What is the price that he paid to live up to biff

stichure: For his success

vamp234201: Hard work kills

stichure: Its what he did

stichure: Where did he go for his fortune

vamp234201: ?

vamp234201: To the grave

vamp234201: ?

stichure: No

stichure: He died after he made his fortune

stichure: And died doing it africa i'm lost what are we talking about

stichure: The jungle

stichure: Right now focus

stichure: We are talking about Willy's brother

stichure: You're right k

stichure: He went to the jungle to find his fortune

stichure: But

stichure: He's dead

stichure: In a general sense,

vamp234201: right and?

stichure: What did he do that willy did not do

vamp234201: he was wealthy successfull?

stichure: And this gets back to what Willy regrets

stichure: Its what he did to become successful in a general sense

vamp234201: He followed his dreams

stichure: And this is different from what he did to become successful took a risk?

stichure: Very good Melissa

stichure: That is correct vamp

stichure: Why does the dream with his brother keep coming back to Willy

stichure: Psychoanalytical criticism sahy dreams and images revealed truth willy feels like he passed something up
stichure: What does this reveal about Willy and who he really is

stichure: Very good Melissa

vamp234201: ben is a symbol of willy's non success that he really wants

stichure: So, wouldn't it make sense for him to encourage his oldest son to go out West 
and take a risk to seek his fortune?
stichure: Very good vamp

vamp234201: he craves success and is reminded by his brother

stichure: What stops Willy

stichure: Yes

stichure: What stops Willy from getting that kind of success

stichure: From encouraging in his son

stichure: The same kind of success as ben

vamp234201: He looks down on himself maybe he wants him to fail too

stichure: Interesting Melissa... how come

stichure: Doesn't he tell Biff that he wants him to be successful

stichure: How can you say he wants Biff do fail to

stichure: And psychoanalytical criticism explains how you can come up with that kind of 
answer i think a lot of people dont like to see other do better 
than them...

stichure: Interesting i know im supposed to prove it but...

stichure: In order to support that, psychoanalytical criticism would have to say that 
Willy would have to sabotage his son

glaugh58 has joined the conference. he does in a way

stichure: Hey, laugh

stichure: Melissa

stichure: Go-ahead

stichure: How does Willy sabotage Biff

glaugh58: Hi Everyone

leslied639: Maybe he doesn't like his son hi g

vamp234201: He had an affair and got caught by his sons

stichure: And remember, psychoanalytical criticism says the things may appear to look 
random or accidental but they are intentional

stichure: Leslie... why

vamp234201: they then looked at the world in a different way

stichure: That is one thing vamp

stichure: But did this effected both sons the same way he tells him it's ok to steal

stichure: And were both sons there

leslied639: he's a failure, a thief

stichure: Interesting

vamp234201: and a liar he tells him not to worry about the math class

stichure: Leslie, Psycho analytical criticism would say that Willy would have to be the 
cause of Biff becoming a thief

vamp234201: to himself and family

stichure: Very good Melissa

stichure: Leslie, just to clarify

leslied639: thakns

stichure: Are you talking about biff or Willy me?  biff

stichure: When you say thief, liar to himself and family

stichure: Leslie

leslied639: biff

stichure: How is Willy the cause of that, Leslie

vamp234201: he's not living the life he really wants

vamp234201: he lives this way cause he is not the risk taker

stichure: Very good vamp

stichure: So does Willy want to succeed... really?

stichure: Or is he revealing to us that he really wants to fail

vamp234201: It's hard to say 

vamp234201: He gets told what to do and he does it

stichure: Moreover, in what other ways does Willy ensure his own failure

vamp234201: He has no leadership skills he never faces reality.. he never tries to do better he lies to himself

vamp234201: he misses the point in life

stichure: And what is that point, vamp

stichure: Stronger, Melissa

stichure: Specific actions that he takes

vamp234201: His family loves him no matter what

vamp234201: successfull or broke he tells his wife he's making more sales than he really is

stichure: Does he see that as success vamp

stichure: Keep going Melissa

stichure: How does he jeopardize everything he has

vamp234201: He has an obsession with what everyone else thinks of him

stichure: Very good vamp

stichure: And what is the result of that he lies to his kids about having lots of friends

vamp234201: He misses the important parts of life

stichure: That is one thing Melissa he tells his family that he is an important man when he is 

vamp234201: His work of being non successfull will eventually kill

stichure: Vamp, look at the way Willie tries to impress the neighbors besides what he 
tells people he lies about trying to kill himself

glaugh58: He's so busy trying to prove to everyone else how wonderful he is ,  it's like 
a shell game

stichure: And what specific things does he do to actually sabotage or jeopardize his own 
success, workwise or family wise

vamp234201: He lives in a fantansy

stichure: Vamp, can you give me a concrete specific example... and action or something 
like that... to support that notion

vamp234201: Maybe his lies will eventually take him to the success he looked for

stichure: Again, give me a specific thing that he does

stichure: For example

stichure: Think about the ways that we today demonstrate our own success to ourselves and 
to society

vamp234201: give me a sec

stichure: How do you know for example that your neighbor is successful

stichure: What kinds of things would indicate that TU

stichure: To you

vamp234201: drives a nice car nice house

vamp234201: dresses nice

stichure: Very good nice car and clothes

stichure: Look at Willy's life

stichure: Look at his possessions

stichure: Does he have the modern conveniences of the day

stichure: And again, this is where knowledge of the time period is going to be important

stichure: What specific things do they describe that Willy has... possessions Studebaker?

stichure: that's one

stichure: At that time, is that a luxury car

stichure: Is that a upperclass car

stichure: Or is that ate lower class car

stichure: Keeping in mind

stichure: That the older lower class would not have a car at all, especially in the city middle class

stichure: Very good

stichure: What else fits that image of moderate success he has a house

stichure: And you have to keep in mind that some of the things that you take for granted 
today would have been brand-new at that time

stichure: That is correct

vamp234201: He lives in a home 

stichure: We will talk about the setting and its symbolism later

stichure: Keep going

stichure: Look inside the home

vamp234201: At the people or the material items

vamp234201: ?

stichure: Material items

stichure: Although the people are also indicative of a certain level of success and image did they have a washing machine?

stichure: hhhee

stichure: That's what I'm asking you what!

glaugh58: brass bed, but little else in their bedroom

vamp234201: Weren't they almost done paying for there home and refrigerator? i know it said something about linda carrying the wash

stichure: that is correct vamp

vamp234201: Car was paid off

stichure: What about the refrigerator itself

stichure: Is the refrigerator something standard at that time or is it a new concept

stichure: And what would be the alternative

vamp234201: standard it was pretty popular by then wasn't it

vamp234201: farming 

glaugh58: ice box would have been the alternative

stichure: That is correct laugh

stichure: In fact, the iceman was still delivering, like the milkman and the mailman, 
into the fifties and early sixties

stichure: A refrigerator would've been considered a luxury item

stichure: Back then

stichure: What about entertainment

stichure: In the home

glaugh58: Playing Cards

stichure: And electronics?

glaugh58: no television

stichure: That would be an extreme luxury that

stichure: At that time

stichure: Radio?

stichure: Victrola?

stichure: Anything like that

stichure: Moreover,

stichure: Does the family itself indicate a certain level of success i know they had a radio

stichure: Good


vamp234201: Relationship wise?

stichure: Is the family itself represent a certain level of success


stichure: Yes

stichure: Does the family itself

vamp234201: Linda loves him no matter what

stichure: To the outside world

stichure: To the neighbors

stichure: Does the family represent a certain kind of success well to have two kids and be doing ok is a sign of certain 
level of prosperity

stichure: Yes

stichure: Exactly

stichure: I want you to put this altogether...

vamp234201: Middle class family owning a home was a big deal then
glaugh58: Definitely -- they live in a house!

stichure: A cohesive family
stichure: They own house

jordan_bass2001: souns average

stichure: He has a job

vamp234201: keeping a job 

jordan_bass2001: sounds

stichure: He has some of the finer newfangled appliances

stichure: Jordan, what is average now

stichure: Was extraordinary then

vamp234201: car in the city

stichure: Absolutely vamp

stichure: But let's look closer

stichure: In what condition is the refrigerator

vamp234201: still lopoking

vamp234201: looking

jordan_bass2001: suburbia it keeps breaking

vamp234201: thank you

stichure: And the car?

glaugh58: broken belt?

stichure: That's correct laugh

stichure: Is the appearance the same as the reality 80,000 miles

stichure: Which means what Melissa it's old

stichure: Especially back im 1940s or used up
stichure: Exactly

stichure: Exactly

vamp234201: reality to Willy or us?

stichure: Is the family dynamic really solid no

stichure: This is the difference between reality versus image, vamp

vamp234201: No

stichure: This is the whole point of this conversation right now willy is not very nice to linda

stichure: It is the difference between what people project to the outside

stichure: And what is really going on

stichure: Is his married stable

stichure: It is his relationship with his sons stable

stichure: Are his sons stable he's an adulterer

vamp234201: Willy daydreams about his mistress while his wife is talking to him

stichure: And his relationship with his son?

glaugh58: He can't relate to Biff at all. he buys his mistress stockings when his wife has old ones he ignores happy

stichure: Very good Melissa... symbolism

stichure: That is correct laugh

stichure: This is interesting... is happy successful

glaugh58: He can't understand why Biff wants to work on the farm.

stichure: What is happy doing with his life happy maybe reminds him of himself

stichure: That's true laugh....

vamp234201: He lives in Biffs shadow

stichure: In what way Melissa

stichure: Does he even recognize happy

stichure: Vamp, that's interesting... which one is more successful

vamp234201: Happy

vamp234201: ?

stichure: Is happy given any credit for his success happy is a womanizer

stichure: Describing his wife

stichure: That's true no

stichure: Described his life

stichure: I want you to compare happy to Biff happy keeps asking his father to notice him

stichure: Job

stichure: Relationship

vamp234201: Happy is his father

stichure: Success

stichure: Independence

stichure: In what way vamp

glaugh58: Happy needs approval

vamp234201: Sleeps with others wives

vamp234201: He is an assistant not very successfull

stichure: Compared to biff?

stichure: What does happy have that his brother does not

vamp234201: Biff wants away from that type of world a job

stichure: That's true

stichure: That's one thing Melissa an apartment

stichure: What else

stichure: Yes women


stichure: Which one of these two is living the American dream

stichure: Very good Melissa happy ?

vamp234201: Happy pretending to

stichure: Vamp, how is he not living the American dream

vamp234201: What he learned from his father

jacob_eng103 has joined the conference.

stichure: Okay... we have to make something clear

stichure: Who is the person who discovered what Willy was doing biff

vamp234201: His father lives a life of lies to the outside world as he does too

vamp234201: biff

stichure: Is there any indication this has effected happy

vamp234201: Biff was a smart kid

stichure: In fact

stichure: Is there any indication happy even knows what his father did no

stichure: Did their share this information or has he get to himself

vamp234201: Maybe happy already knew and decided not to say anything

vamp234201: ?

stichure: You can not say that vamp

stichure: There is no way you can make that assumption

stichure: If there is an indication that the two boys have shared this information

vamp234201: Gussing sorry

stichure: Then that's OK

vamp234201: guessing

stichure: You cannot do that unless there is some indication in the story

stichure: So

stichure: This affects whether or not happy is consciously echoing his father or if it is 
a merely a subconscious... unconscious thing i dont think happy knew

stichure: If it is unconscious, then it is psychoanalytical...

stichure: Friendly, there is no indication that he did

stichure: Frankly

stichure: biff seems to be carrying this burden himself

vamp234201: Frankly Happy lived the way he wanted to with no help
stichure: Which gets is back to happy

stichure: That is correct

stichure: So i  ask the question again

stichure: Is Biff or happy living the American dream

stichure: Job

vamp234201: In the eyes of Willy Happy is 

stichure: Apartment

stichure: Women

stichure: From the eyes of the culture

stichure: Brahma the perspective of American culture

stichure: sigh

stichure: From the perspective of American culture

stichure: Is happy successful

vamp234201: He's successful the way he wants to be

stichure: That's important

vamp234201: He's Happy

stichure: hhehe

stichure: Exactly

stichure: The author is telling us something about success in America

stichure: About the types of things that make a person successful what's up with their names?

stichure: Good question

vamp234201: Success is if we're happy

stichure: That correct vamp

vamp234201: We are successful if we are happy?

vamp234201: I think

vamp234201: I'm confusing myself sorry

stichure: Is Willy successful according to that definition vamp

vamp234201: Yes

glaugh58: no

stichure: Why not laugh

stichure: Is ben successful according to that definition

vamp234201: He lives the life he wants everyone to think he has but he know the truth

glaugh58: He's the most miserable guy around, and he isn't fooling anyone into thinking 
he's happy.

stichure: Then change your answer vamp

stichure: You're saying that he is successful

stichure: But he's unhappy

stichure: Which means that he's not successful according to your definition

stichure: Is happy successful according to that definition

vamp234201: I can't because he wants everyone to see him successful and they do

vamp234201: the house the car

leslied639: so are you asking if happy is happy?

stichure: Again, vamp... your definition said that if the individual is happy than they 
are successful

stichure: It's not what everyone thinks

stichure: Yes Leslie

vamp234201: I said I was confused sorry

stichure: Is happy successful

vamp234201: got it

stichure: heheeh

vamp234201: Willy is not happy

stichure: Should Willy the happy with what he has gained in life

vamp234201: He is not successful

stichure: be  happy

stichure: Has he had a moderately successful career he should

stichure: Not a great one

stichure: Does he have a family that care for him

stichure: Does he have some of the modern conveniences

vamp234201: He should

stichure: Is the better off than many

vamp234201: he does have his wife who sees when he is lying

stichure: Is he better off than many

vamp234201: she loves him no matter what

stichure: And does he even recognize that

stichure: Indeed

glaugh58: yes, very

leslied639: probably no

vamp234201: He's blinded by reality

glaugh58: sorry, I answered yes to the question of being better off than many...

stichure: Interesting vamp

glaugh58: I agree that he doesn't even recognize what he's got

stichure: According to Marxist criticism the authors challenging what Americans 
considered to be success

stichure: According to standard American culture

stichure: In terms of capitalism

stichure: And in terms of public image

stichure: Which character is the most successful

stichure: And keep in mind that capitalism has no morality bernard ? no

vamp234201: His brother

stichure: Within the family

stichure: Ben

stichure: Yes ok

stichure: How about among the living people

vamp234201: Howard

stichure: Bernard certainly is successful and what way did he get his success willy's boss

stichure: And this is actually the author making another social commentary about another 
aspect of life which will get to a minute

stichure: Therefore, what defines success

stichure: American success money

stichure: Yes

stichure: What else

glaugh58: material wealth

stichure: yes laugh

vamp234201: Inheritance successful career

stichure: What is the author saying about the pursuit of that... what does it cause 
people to do

stichure: Possibly, vamp \

stichure: Do we see inheritance in the story\

vamp234201: Howard got the company from his father whom willy looked up too ben's children are mentioned

stichure: Yes

glaugh58: The pursuit of wealth causes people to usurp relationships with other people.

stichure: Very good laugh\

stichure: According to those ideas, vamp and Melissa, what is one of the perks of wealth

vamp234201: Power

stichure: And is willy able to supply that

vamp234201: No willy doesn't have anything to leave

stichure: Very good Melissa unless

stichure: .... he dies ha

vamp234201: does he have anything then

vamp234201: He got fired

vamp234201: The house still wasn't payed off

stichure: Good crushing vamp... Desi

stichure: Good question, vamp

vamp234201: did he have life insurance?

stichure: Does he have anything if he dies

stichure: Yes

stichure: In fact,

stichure: How does he died

stichure: die crashes his car

vamp234201: don't spoil it for me I haven't finished

vamp234201: haha

stichure: heheh

stichure: Generally Melissa oops

stichure: Don't worry about it

stichure: Generally what is the nature of his death he kills himself?

stichure: Interesting

vamp234201: did he? yes

stichure: Does that indicate a certain level of risktaking... or exactly the opposite

stichure: Explain your answer well usually you think of people who commit suicide as 
giving up

glaugh58: That is a question that has been debated for centuries!

vamp234201: killing yourself resolves nothing

stichure: Very good Melissa

vamp234201: it leaves unanswered questions for family

stichure: Remember that this is going to be analyzed mostly from a Western perspective

stichure: But certainly cultural criticism might say... especially from Eastern 
philosophy... that his suicide... is willingness to sacrifice himself or his family, 
would be more mobile

stichure: For his family

glaugh58: Many people believe that suicide is a way of not dealing with the harsh 
realities of living, in other words, the chicken's way out. other culture might say it was honorable

stichure: That is the Western philosophy laugh

stichure: That is correct Melissa

stichure: Cultural criticism

stichure: And then you analyze it from that perspective

glaugh58: absolutely

leslied639: Selfish way out

stichure: Cultural criticism defines a set of terms

stichure: A set of rules

stichure: And therefore if one were to use cultural criticism here, you would have to 
define the particular culture, find a secondary source that explains the rules of that 
culture, and then apply to the story

stichure: Western culture would say quitting

stichure: Eastern culture might say taking one for the team i don't think of willy as honorable

stichure: Which is acceptable in Western culture if it is a team sport

vamp234201: How about the Samuri?

stichure: Then you're thinking this from Western perspective Melissa

stichure: Exactly

stichure: hari kiri

stichure: Honorable suicide

vamp234201: yes

stichure: Death over dishonor

glaugh58: And I think of Willy as definitely trying to make it in the western world


stichure: Certainly

stichure: And likely so did the author

stichure: And in fact, let's go back to something that was mentioned before

vamp234201: Death over success for willy

stichure: What was important in Western culture when the boys were in high school

stichure: In other words,

glaugh58: Football!

stichure: Who was the big Man on campus and why

vamp234201: Sport

stichure: What was important

vamp234201: Biff

stichure: Yes

stichure: However, in terms of actual success in the real world, what yields success

vamp234201: We do

vamp234201: How we chose to accept what is given

stichure: Let me re-question

stichure: In terms of the story

stichure: According to the story


stichure: What best prepares a person for true success in life


stichure: Look at the character that is the most successful

vamp234201: Family

stichure: And why

glaugh58: a good education

stichure: Explain laugh

vamp234201: actions

stichure: Explain vamp fortitude?

vamp234201: Ben lived to be successful and died is that a word

stichure: So how is he enjoying his success

stichure: Is been himself really that successfully... is he enjoying the fruit of his 


vamp234201: Willy lived to be successful but really never was and died

stichure: Is ben

stichure: Interesting

stichure: That is a word Melissa it means bravery

vamp234201: Howards dad lived to be successfull and died

glaugh58: you need to be a well-rounded individual--not just book-smart, but also able to 
get along emotionally and socially, as well.

stichure: So who gets the fruit of that labor vamp

stichure: Which character is most successful at the end of the story based on his own 

vamp234201: The children

vamp234201: Biff

stichure: Subtle one way to be successful in America... to be too is a sensible... is to 
be born rich

stichure: So, one way to be successful in America

vamp234201: He goes west and does what he wanted

stichure: To be truly successful

stichure: Is to be born rich

stichure: Did the actually do that, or is that his dream

stichure: biff

vamp234201: Dream

stichure: Did biff actually do that

stichure: According to the story

stichure: According to what actually happened in the story

stichure: Which character in is the most successful and why

stichure: The first is those who inherit

stichure: And certainly in our culture, those who are very successful are often those who 
were born with the very thing that the rest of the strive for

stichure: Who else is successful

stichure: And why

stichure: In the story

vamp234201: Happy Bernard is successful

stichure: Why Melissa

stichure: Good vamp... why

stichure: What other two things is the author saying are important for success in America

stichure: Bernard... his focus is on education and the future

vamp234201: he lives the way he wants

jacob_eng103 has left the conference.

stichure: And what is the yield of his desires, vamp

stichure: Yes Melissa

stichure: So we have three sayings

stichure: Three things

stichure: Be born rich

stichure: Get a good education

vamp234201: His yeild is that he has reached his success

stichure: Or do something that makes you truly happy

vamp234201: Nothing else might make him happy
stichure: And to him success equals

vamp234201: His Welath


stichure: What else

stichure: What does the apartment represent

vamp234201: His castle

vamp234201: ?

stichure: More conceptual

glaugh58: his refuge

leslied639: his sanctuary independance

stichure: Very good Melissa

stichure: Laugh, Leslie those are also correct

stichure: But in America, which of those three is most important

stichure: Especially compared to other cultures

stichure: When you look at how long people live with their parents... modern-day American 
not included

vamp234201: Good education and what you do with it

stichure: Of those three vamp

stichure: Refuge sanctuary independence

vamp234201: Independence

leslied639: independence

stichure: Exactly

stichure: That's why we put our old people in old folks homes instead of having the move 
in and raise the kids

vamp234201: You mean the kids raise them

vamp234201: hehe

stichure: It is written from a very specific cultural perspective

stichure: It is a response to an other very specific cultural perspective

stichure: Your test is going to be based on either a play or some poems

leslied639: ok

glaugh58: okay

vamp234201: call it night?

stichure: It's a night

vamp234201: good chat

stichure: Have a good one folks... give me a buzz if you need some help

vamp234201: till next week

leslied639: good night all

stichure: I agree the vamp... thanks for hanging in there

stichure: By Leslie

stichure: By Melissa see ya has left the conference.

leslied639 has left the conference.

stichure: By laugh

stichure: By Jordan

glaugh58: 'k ttfn

stichure: poof

glaugh58 has left the conference.