zoochikk has joined the conference.

diedinchrist95 has joined the conference.

stichure: hey now

zoochikk: Hello

diedinchrist95: Hola

zoochikk: Howdy Miss Died

stichure: Which story did we cover last week

zoochikk: I believe The Lesson

zoochikk: and

diedinchrist95: The Lesson and part of everyday use

zoochikk: TY

stichure: Then we will finish everyday use

stichure: And talk about some formatting issues

diedinchrist95: ok

zoochikk: okie dokie

stichure: I think I asked you to look at the items that dee wanted

zoochikk: yes

zoochikk: quilts

stichure: Remember a symbol is a literal thing that has symbolic meaning

stichure: Start with the lateral

zoochikk: butter thingy

stichure: Start with the literal

stichure: hehe

zoochikk: haha

stichure: What is a quilt\

zoochikk: the mom and grandma made

diedinchrist95: patchwork of peoples past

zoochikk: oops

stichure: Literally

diedinchrist95: blanket/warmth

zoochikk: need to change my color of font....brb

stichure: Made how

diedinchrist95: sewn

t_ra_ce has joined the conference.

diedinchrist95: together with bits of material

stichure: Of what

stichure: Where do the bits come from

stichure: Hello race

diedinchrist95: people past

t_ra_ce: hello

stichure: Symbolic of quilt

stichure: More literal, Christ

stichure: You're jumping right to the symbolic

diedinchrist95: old clothes

ssevenjc has joined the conference.

stichure: There you go there you go

ssevenjc: hello

stichure: Hey seven

stichure: Symbolism

stichure: Everyday use

stichure: Why it would people make a blanket out of old clothes

stichure: What kind of people would make a blanket out of old clothes

stichure: Or old scraps

diedinchrist95: practicality

stichure: Which particular people quilted and why

stichure: Explain Christ

t_ra_ce: poor and cold

diedinchrist95: if you're poor you need to use everything to it's fullest

zoochikk: i was going to say slaves or hired help

stichure: Christ you're correct

stichure: Race you're correct but a bit vague

stichure: Too specific, zoo

stichure: Now let's get the symbolism

stichure: The specific quilts that were mentioned are mentioned by style for one thing

stichure: If you're going to discuss the story, you must mention what those styles mean

stichure: Moreover, what does the Narrator tell us they were made of?

stichure: And this is where we'll get into that symbolism, Christ

diedinchrist95: scraps fo dresses from Grandma Dee GrandpaJarrels Paisley shirts and Graet 
grandpa Ezras uniform

stichure: So the quilts represent...

diedinchrist95: history

stichure: Whose

diedinchrist95: family

stichure: Which

zoochikk: outdated out of style according to dee

stichure: Whose

stichure: Then why does she want them, zoo?

diedinchrist95: their family history

stichure: Much better answer Christ

zoochikk: they represent

stichure: Represent what

zoochikk: enslavement

zoochikk: is that a word

zoochikk: haha

stichure: It is

stichure: Explain how they represent enslavement

stichure: Christ, explain how quilt equals family history

stichure: When you're making a symbolic equation, you must be able to apply the same 
adjectives to the literal as well as the figurative meaning

zoochikk: they rep. heritage

stichure: That's a better answer

stichure: How does the quilt represent heritage

stichure: In other words, the definition of quilt should match the definition of heritage

diedinchrist95: bits and pieces of family members lives put to gether as a rememberance of 
them while also functioning in everyday life.

stichure: How does a person use remembered says or bits and pieces of family members lives 
in an everyday use

stichure: Remembrances

stichure: Which characters use their families memory in everyday use

diedinchrist95: maggie and mom

zoochikk: dee thinks she has a piece of black history when it was nothing like she was 
making it out to be

stichure: That is correct, zoo... what is she going to do with it

zoochikk: agree with christ

zoochikk: hang them

stichure: How do Maggie and their mother used their families memory or history every day

zoochikk: whereas maggie would use them as blankets

stichure: And explain which one is a better idea

zoochikk: reminising

zoochikk: can't spell

stichure: Add a C

zoochikk: hehe

stichure: Reminiscing

stichure: Not exactly

zoochikk: better how??

diedinchrist95: they live with it and use things from generations past and remember the old 
stories of who made them and what happened around them

stichure: What is Maggie's comments when her mother decides to give the quilts to her sister

stichure: Very good Christ

stichure: So to them, the quilts...

zoochikk: no big deal 

zoochikk: she said let her have them

stichure: There is something that she says that is a very big deal

stichure: Is the difference between

stichure: Maggie

stichure: And

stichure: dee

zoochikk: Maggie was low key, not making a big deal about them

stichure: What specifically does she say

zoochikk: dee was angry she wanted them!

t_ra_ce: I think she Maggie would make her own

stichure: I think you're right, race but

diedinchrist95: Maggie was used to being last and gave up without a fight

stichure: What did she say

stichure: That is also correct, Christ

stichure: But

stichure: What did she say

t_ra_ce: let me look

stichure: Thank you

stichure: It is her specific comment that the author includes that explains essential 
difference between the way that Maggie and her sister view everything they're discussing

diedinchrist95: I can remember grandma Dee without the quilts

zoochikk: "she can have them mama," 'like somevody used to never winning anything"

stichure: Meaning?

t_ra_ce: yes

stichure: Which of the two sentences do you think is more important

t_ra_ce: quilts are for memories

diedinchrist95: Maggie thinks of family when she looks at the quilts Dee thinks of Art not 

stichure: Yes

stichure: Let's look at the word heritage

stichure: When Maggie or her mother say heritage what do they mean

zoochikk: their past..their family

stichure: And when they mean their family who specifically are they referring to

diedinchrist95: Grandma Dee and Grandpa?? and Uncle?? immediate close family

zoochikk: Grandma Dee, Big Dee, etc

stichure: Yes Christ

stichure: Yes Zoom

t_ra_ce: people that they knew

stichure: hehehe

stichure: zooo

zoochikk: hehe

stichure: And what does dee mean by the word heritage

diedinchrist95: African Heritage

t_ra_ce: a general utilization of the term

diedinchrist95: something she knows very little about

stichure: Exactly

stichure: Does she consider herself part of the immediate family of the Johnson's

diedinchrist95: not anymore

zoochikk: Dee wants to make a big deal out of it for the attention maybe??  To impress 

t_ra_ce: she probably does not consider it

stichure: Explain Christ

stichure: Actually , zoo, the other is reflecting a common practice by the 1970s that is 
even popular today...

stichure: Explain ranks

stichure: Explain, race

zoochikk: sorry if that was a lame answer

stichure: Actually zoo, the author is reflecting a common practice

stichure: Its not a lame answer...

stichure: But historical information is helpful

diedinchrist95: she has grown and moved on from where she came from They are not part of her 
new life

stichure: What has happened in Black culture during the 1970s that is reflected in this 

stichure: That is correct Christ but it was she ever part of their family in any real sense

stichure: Look back at the specific images in story

zoochikk: they change their names etc

t_ra_ce: try to find their roots

t_ra_ce: not afro-american

t_ra_ce: african roots

stichure: Yes, the zoo but why

stichure: Yes race

stichure: Why

diedinchrist95: She would ahve had to have been when she was small but as she grew she grew 
farther and farther away from them 

zoochikk: Do not want to be associtaed with their??? name??

stichure: Something a little bit more important, zoo

t_ra_ce: it was unknown...and now more freedom, money would allow for it.  maybe like an 
adoptive child finding mom

stichure: The name is just start

stichure: Christ, show me

stichure: Show me she was ever part of the family

stichure: Ever part of that mentality

diedinchrist95: reading too much ionto it again

stichure: Actually , race it has to do with identity and how others see a person

stichure: According to nonblack America, African-Americans were seen as primarily what?

stichure: In terms of heritage

diedinchrist95: primative/uneducated savages

zoochikk: slaves  (i hope that is right

stichure: Zoo is correct

t_ra_ce: in the 70's?

stichure: Sort of , Christ but not so extreme

zoochikk: woo hoo

stichure: Prior to that, race

t_ra_ce: okay

t_ra_ce: in the 50's or so?

stichure: And during the seventies, how did many African Americans try to re identify 

stichure: Actually up to and including the early seventies, depending on where you were... 
the South was a much slower change

zoochikk: going back to their heritage

t_ra_ce: okay

stichure: But in the north and east, the back to Africa movement was quite strong

t_ra_ce: yes

stichure: Which heritage zoo

diedinchrist95: imersing them selves in African culture which they didn't really know much 

zoochikk: black/african american

t_ra_ce: colorful hats, shirts 

t_ra_ce: tall hair

stichure: The heritage that Mrs. Johnson identifies with or the heritage that dee identifies 

zoochikk: voodoo?

stichure: Put a generalize label on it race

zoochikk: j/k

stichure: That is Caribbean, zoo

stichure: That is correct Christ

t_ra_ce: i don't know

stichure: And that manifested itself in

stichure: Clothing

stichure: Like what

stichure: Now here's your chance, race

t_ra_ce: politically correct language is hard

stichure: Out on a politically correct language

t_ra_ce: jive

stichure: I need the answer

stichure: That is one thing

stichure: An identifiable language that is separate from those of oppressors

stichure: Slang

t_ra_ce: yes

stichure: Oddly enough,

t_ra_ce: jive

stichure: That slang makes its way back into the majority culture

stichure: Other African staff

zoochikk: jive talking...??

stichure: Stuff

t_ra_ce: yes

stichure: The jive stuff is really inner-city American

stichure: Look at the influences that dee brings back

t_ra_ce: afro-american out -- afrikaan in

stichure: How is she different?

zoochikk: she is educated

diedinchrist95: dress down to the floor so loud it hurts my eyes

stichure: That particular word refers to South Africans who are of Dutch descent, race

stichure: Yes Christ

zoochikk: fancy clothes

t_ra_ce: darn

zoochikk: show off

stichure: Yes zoo... which aspect of African culture is into education

zoochikk: i am not sure

t_ra_ce: not many

stichure: What else is changed about dee

stichure: Try again, race

diedinchrist95: muslimism

stichure: Islam

stichure: hehhe

diedinchrist95: thank you

stichure: Christianityism was being rejected 

t_ra_ce: those that want to get out of the oppression

zoochikk: has a name that the mom can't pronounce

stichure: From where , zoo

zoochikk: ?

stichure: Why was Christianity being rejected

t_ra_ce: oooh!  i get in

t_ra_ce: white man's religion

stichure: Why was the name Dee being rejected

stichure: Very good race

zoochikk: associated with her past

stichure: Why would they reject Christianity

diedinchrist95: slave name

stichure: The white man's religion

stichure: That is correct Christ

t_ra_ce: forced upon them by slave owners for conformity

stichure: That is correct zoo

stichure: That is correct race

stichure: Also, what did the white man's religion say

stichure: In the context out of the black man's position

t_ra_ce: dee is a white name -- taken from a white slave owner and handed down probably

diedinchrist95: be content

stichure: That is correct Christ

stichure: If you're a slave owner, be a good slave owner

zoochikk: Why did she always take photos of momma and her sister in ways that looked 
bad..with a cow..in front of the house??

stichure: If you're slave,

stichure: Be a good slave

stichure: Zoo... what is she studying in college

stichure: Likely

stichure: Whether it's a natural class or its merely the culture in which she has found 

stichure: Herself

stichure: Whether it is an actual class

t_ra_ce: black history?

stichure: Or its merely the culture in which she has found herself

stichure: Exactly

zoochikk: ok

stichure: Which Black history

t_ra_ce: slavery in the us

stichure: Try again, race

stichure: leewanika is not from slavery in the United States

t_ra_ce: really?  cultural origins of africans?

t_ra_ce: finding out where she really may come from 

stichure: Suddenly you have people with African sounding names

stichure: Claiming royalty

stichure: Which of course makes them feel...

diedinchrist95: important

stichure: I'll house them to reject...

stichure: And allows them to reject

diedinchrist95: white rule

t_ra_ce: that they were made slaves

zoochikk: beef cattle people..hehe

stichure: What was the comment about beef cattle people

diedinchrist95: the government

zoochikk: Asalamalakim..

stichure: What about it, zoo

zoochikk: I was reading the comment momma said to him

stichure: What does the mother reveal about her knowledge of Islam

zoochikk: "You must belong to ..."

stichure: In that comment

stichure: How much did she know about Islam

zoochikk: yes

diedinchrist95: nothing

stichure: Exactly Christ

stichure: It be that as if you're a Catholic

stichure: And I told you

stichure: All you must be with those first Baptist people

stichure: or those Branch Davidians

stichure: What is the authors point

diedinchrist95: Momma didn't buy into all that

stichure: It is a broader issue than that... the authors making a point about the 
differences between cultures within black culture

diedinchrist95: But it's like that with all races

zoochikk (7:43:25 PM): Hakim makes a statement that he believes some doctrine but not into 
raising cattle

stichure (7:43:36 PM): Of course Christ

stichure (7:43:41 PM): Which means what zoo

stichure (7:43:49 PM): This again has to do with the author's larger point, perhaps even one 
of the themes

stichure (7:43:57 PM): How much does dee know about her family culture

zoochikk (7:44:02 PM): just what he said..not into farming

stichure (7:44:09 PM): How much does Mrs. Johnson know about black culture outside of her 

stichure (7:44:18 PM): You're being too literal, zoo

t_ra_ce (7:44:19 PM): not very much

stichure (7:44:27 PM): You're correct on both counts

stichure (7:44:32 PM): Who is likely the audience for this particular story

zoochikk (7:44:38 PM): i agree with race

ssevenjc (7:44:38 PM): enough to know she wants no part of it

t_ra_ce (7:44:46 PM): college students

stichure (7:44:53 PM): White or black?

zoochikk (7:44:54 PM): us

diedinchrist95 (7:44:57 PM): white

stichure (7:44:58 PM): That's correct, zoo

t_ra_ce (7:45:03 PM): white

zoochikk (7:45:07 PM): both white and black

stichure (7:45:13 PM): How would a majority white population view black culture... as 
multilevel or as one thinking mind

diedinchrist95 (7:45:24 PM): one thinking mind

zoochikk (7:45:28 PM): one thinking mind

ssevenjc (7:45:28 PM): one

stichure (7:45:31 PM): How many black people weregoing to college in 1970s

t_ra_ce (7:45:32 PM): not sure

stichure (7:45:34 PM): Relative to general population

t_ra_ce (7:45:37 PM): not many

diedinchrist95 (7:45:38 PM): a few

ssevenjc (7:45:39 PM): ??

ssevenjc (7:45:46 PM): not sure

stichure (7:45:46 PM): A what is Walker telling the larger audience about black culture

zoochikk (7:45:47 PM): dont know not alot id guess

t_ra_ce (7:46:03 PM): change is happening

diedinchrist95 (7:46:08 PM): were not all the same

stichure (7:46:11 PM): Well seven, that's a good point... that's where research comes and

stichure (7:46:15 PM): Good answer Christ

t_ra_ce (7:46:16 PM): struggle during the change

zoochikk (7:46:16 PM): getting a "piece of the pie"

stichure (7:46:18 PM): That's where research comes in

ssevenjc (7:46:20 PM): you can do more now

stichure (7:46:27 PM): Interest income, zoo that's what Ms. Moore said in the other story

stichure (7:46:33 PM): Interesting comments, zoo

stichure (7:46:48 PM): Seven, are we supposed to identify with Dee or her sister and her 

stichure (7:46:53 PM): There is a struggle, race

stichure (7:46:57 PM): Between which factions

stichure (7:46:59 PM): Between what elements

stichure (7:47:08 PM): Or is black America a united front demanding a change?

ssevenjc (7:47:16 PM): the mother and sister

zoochikk (7:47:25 PM): demanding a change

t_ra_ce (7:47:26 PM): struggle in all areas

stichure (7:47:26 PM): How do you know that seven

stichure (7:47:32 PM): Is the mother demanding a change?

t_ra_ce (7:47:35 PM): no 

zoochikk (7:47:36 PM): no

diedinchrist95 (7:47:36 PM): between those who are satisfied with their lot and those who 
want more

stichure (7:47:39 PM): Essentially, you're right, race although it's a bit vague

ssevenjc (7:47:40 PM): thats who is telling the story?/

stichure (7:47:42 PM): That is correct Christ

stichure (7:47:45 PM): That's good .seven

stichure (7:47:50 PM): Exactly

t_ra_ce (7:48:02 PM): government making it difficult family difficulties

stichure (7:48:11 PM): Which means that it's unlikely that the authors telling the college 
readership, who is well where social change more than anyone else in the country, that 
there's change going on

stichure (7:48:27 PM): Who is well aware of social change more than anyone else in the 

stichure (7:48:35 PM): Is the government even mentioned, race

t_ra_ce (7:48:35 PM): socio-economic difficulties

diedinchrist95 (7:48:35 PM): youth

t_ra_ce (7:48:39 PM): no

zoochikk (7:48:52 PM): african americans

ssevenjc (7:48:54 PM): middle aged

stichure (7:48:54 PM): Where are those youth

diedinchrist95 (7:49:00 PM): in school

stichure (7:49:00 PM): Were man he or her mother aware of those changes

stichure (7:49:04 PM): That is an important aspect, Christ

stichure (7:49:09 PM): Again

stichure (7:49:30 PM): Were Maggie or her her mother aware of those changes

ssevenjc (7:49:31 PM): I don't think they cared

zoochikk (7:49:35 PM): no

t_ra_ce (7:49:36 PM): no they did not know

stichure (7:49:48 PM): How do you know that, race, zoo

zoochikk (7:49:51 PM): they cool 

diedinchrist95 (7:49:52 PM): It was not real tothem

ssevenjc (7:49:53 PM): I think they were content

zoochikk (7:49:53 PM): haha

stichure (7:49:58 PM): These are important aspects because the author is narrowing what the 
point of her story is

stichure (7:50:10 PM): Show me, Christ, seven

t_ra_ce (7:50:11 PM): could not read

stichure (7:50:13 PM): Show me content

stichure (7:50:18 PM): That is one aspect, although Maggie can read

stichure (7:50:21 PM): Slowly

stichure (7:50:24 PM): Good-naturedly

zoochikk (7:50:26 PM): sorry to say this but they were both a little slow, 

ssevenjc (7:50:32 PM): it shows when they left at the end of the story

stichure (7:50:33 PM): Why are you sorry

zoochikk (7:50:35 PM): but good hearts

stichure (7:50:45 PM): It is what the story told us

ssevenjc (7:50:50 PM): they just went back the same thing

stichure (7:50:51 PM): That is correct seven

stichure (7:50:53 PM): That is correct

zoochikk (7:50:54 PM): i didn't want to say they were dumb? In case i was wrong

t_ra_ce (7:51:20 PM): not necessarily dumb -- not educated

stichure (7:51:21 PM): There's a difference between being an educated and perhaps even a bit 
slow and being dumb, a medical phrase specifically designed to denigrate

stichure (7:51:34 PM): In fact, are their aspects in which dee 

stichure (7:51:40 PM): Is uneducated

stichure (7:51:43 PM): Compared to her sister and her mother

zoochikk (7:51:50 PM): and i have been know to give wrong answers..haha

stichure (7:52:05 PM): What does Maggie know that dee does not

diedinchrist95 (7:52:12 PM): yes Dee can't quilt or farm or...

stichure (7:52:17 PM): What does her mother know

stichure (7:52:20 PM): Exactly Christ

ssevenjc (7:52:27 PM): she is uneducated in the "slower life style"

stichure (7:52:28 PM): Does Dee care

diedinchrist95 (7:52:35 PM): no

stichure (7:52:35 PM): Well,

zoochikk (7:52:43 PM): Dee was sent to school by the grandma and mom, correct?

stichure (7:52:52 PM): If the big one hits and we are all reduced to a more basic level of 
living, who is more likely to survive, Maggie or her sister

stichure (7:52:55 PM): That is correct zoo

diedinchrist95 (7:53:02 PM): maggie

t_ra_ce (7:53:02 PM): maggie

stichure (7:53:03 PM): Does the mother care about dee's world

ssevenjc (7:53:09 PM): maggie

zoochikk (7:53:10 PM): Maggie

t_ra_ce (7:53:12 PM): no

diedinchrist95 (7:53:13 PM): she knows how to survive with less

ssevenjc (7:53:17 PM): not really

stichure (7:53:19 PM): That is correct Christ

stichure (7:53:40 PM): It's interesting that we point out that dee does not care about 

world in which she grew up and in some ways we are very comfortable with that

zoochikk (7:53:48 PM): she has survival skills..cooking, sewing

stichure (7:53:56 PM): Yet in some ways it seems almost offensive that the mother and her 
younger daughter do not care about the world's which essentially we live and

stichure (7:53:59 PM): Live in

stichure (7:54:09 PM): and the auther did that on purpose

stichure (7:54:15 PM): Otherwise,

stichure (7:54:18 PM): dee would have told story

diedinchrist95 (7:54:27 PM): Dee offends me much more than Maggie or Mom

stichure (7:54:31 PM): And we would have joined her in thinking that her family was a bunch 
of back word Hicks

stichure (7:54:41 PM): She supposed to

stichure (7:54:44 PM): And at the same time

stichure (7:54:50 PM): She supposed to remind you of you

zoochikk (7:54:51 PM): I'd rather be like the mom and sister

stichure (7:55:12 PM): Unattractive, uneducated poor and oppressed

stichure (7:55:21 PM): ?

zoochikk (7:55:23 PM): Maybe don't have much, but they seem more content and accepting of 
their life

stichure (7:55:28 PM): Of course

ssevenjc (7:55:28 PM): I would rather be a little of both

t_ra_ce (7:55:29 PM): chewing tobacco?

stichure (7:55:39 PM): Just a pinch between the cheek and gum

diedinchrist95 (7:55:42 PM): part of the culture

stichure (7:55:43 PM): Gives you real tobacco pleasure

zoochikk (7:55:44 PM): Better than wearing a bright yellow dress, haha

stichure (7:55:46 PM): Absolutely

stichure (7:55:48 PM): hhe

stichure (7:55:50 PM): It looked good on me

stichure (7:55:57 PM): This is a cultural battle

zoochikk (7:55:57 PM): look like a chiquita bananna

stichure (7:55:59 PM): Within a culture

stichure (7:56:17 PM): When someone wear sunglasses, what does that represent

zoochikk (7:56:18 PM): and her designer imposter perfume...haha

stichure (7:56:22 PM): hheeh

t_ra_ce (7:56:24 PM): hiding

zoochikk (7:56:25 PM): hiding

stichure (7:56:27 PM): From

stichure (7:56:28 PM): ?

diedinchrist95 (7:56:28 PM): hiding

t_ra_ce (7:56:35 PM): light

diedinchrist95 (7:56:36 PM): others

stichure (7:56:40 PM): Explain race

zoochikk (7:56:42 PM): to much wooping it up the night before

stichure (7:56:43 PM): You'll have to symbolize light as well

stichure (7:56:49 PM): Try again zoo

zoochikk (7:56:51 PM): want darkness

stichure (7:56:52 PM): In what way Christ

stichure (7:56:55 PM): Which others

stichure (7:56:58 PM): What kind of darkness zoo

stichure (7:57:05 PM): What does she not want to see

zoochikk (7:57:07 PM): don't want to make eye contact

stichure (7:57:10 PM): With whom

t_ra_ce (7:57:12 PM): shades the sun's light

zoochikk (7:57:13 PM): ashamed

ssevenjc (7:57:13 PM): the negative

diedinchrist95 (7:57:17 PM): Eyes are the window to the soul if you hide them you don't want 
anyone to get too close

zoochikk (7:57:19 PM): maybe?

stichure (7:57:21 PM): Of what zoo

stichure (7:57:24 PM): Better answer Christ

stichure (7:57:30 PM): You're on the right track, zoo... develop it

zoochikk (7:57:32 PM): What ever they did??

stichure (7:57:33 PM): Explain, race

stichure (7:57:41 PM): What does the sun represent

stichure (7:57:46 PM): What specific negative, seven

ssevenjc (7:57:49 PM): the world

diedinchrist95 (7:57:52 PM): good

zoochikk (7:57:56 PM): brightness

zoochikk (7:57:58 PM): light

stichure (7:58:00 PM): Be more specific

zoochikk (7:58:01 PM): exposed

ssevenjc (7:58:06 PM): the ones not like her

stichure (7:58:08 PM): Who is she afraid of being exposed

zoochikk (7:58:15 PM): " i can see"

zoochikk (7:58:20 PM): Dee
t_ra_ce (7:58:22 PM): if we put light on a strong subject (our mother living in a shack with 

a cow) it may hurt our eyes 

stichure (7:58:33 PM): Race, it interesting

stichure (7:58:51 PM): Zoo, what is dee afraid is going to be exposed about her self

t_ra_ce (7:58:52 PM): we don't wear sunglasses at night

zoochikk (7:59:01 PM): she is a little bit of a b.s er

diedinchrist95 (7:59:05 PM): her actual roots

stichure (7:59:07 PM): Is it nighttime? Race

zoochikk (7:59:09 PM): she is not real

t_ra_ce (7:59:11 PM): no

stichure (7:59:12 PM): Good point Christ

t_ra_ce (7:59:17 PM): noontime

stichure (7:59:18 PM): That is correct zoo

stichure (7:59:26 PM): Okay... I was just wondering why you mention sunglasses at night

zoochikk (7:59:33 PM): 

zoochikk (7:59:40 PM): haha

zoochikk (7:59:42 PM): that is a song

t_ra_ce (7:59:46 PM): light of day

stichure (7:59:59 PM): All of these things that you're all mentioning are all symbolic of 
enlightenment or exposure on a personal level

t_ra_ce (8:00:05 PM): yes

stichure (8:00:11 PM): And the fact that she is wearing sunglasses tells us that she is 
afraid of real enlightenment or relative motor

zoochikk (8:00:12 PM): I smelled b.s as soon as I was getting to know Dee's character

stichure (8:00:13 PM): Really exposed or

t_ra_ce (8:00:15 PM): she was a sight for poor eyes

stichure (8:00:20 PM): Well, zoo, it is a farm

zoochikk (8:00:27 PM): haha 

stichure (8:00:34 PM): That's a nice pun race

zoochikk (8:00:36 PM): better check my boots

zoochikk (8:00:53 PM): yup race!

stichure (8:00:58 PM): What about the butter churn thingy, as it was so aptly described

zoochikk (8:01:03 PM): haha

zoochikk (8:01:13 PM): a dashboard??

stichure (8:01:19 PM): Try again

stichure (8:01:24 PM): Since they don't have a car, I doubt

stichure (8:01:26 PM): It

Yahoo! Messenger (8:01:27 PM): llmizshortyll has joined the conference.

t_ra_ce (8:01:33 PM): butter would have been for the priveledged during slavery

diedinchrist95 (8:01:35 PM): dasher

stichure (8:01:37 PM): hey Shorty

zoochikk (8:01:42 PM): when I read that i didn't know what they were talking about?

stichure (8:01:47 PM): We are discussing symbolism in everyday use

stichure (8:02:01 PM): Well, race, they have a cow

zoochikk (8:02:03 PM): it rep. sweat and tears

stichure (8:02:04 PM): And this is the 1970s

zoochikk (8:02:09 PM): hard work

t_ra_ce (8:02:12 PM): the slaves would have made the butter for the owners

stichure (8:02:20 PM): What is the dasherr do

t_ra_ce (8:02:23 PM): now it would be a memory of that

stichure (8:02:25 PM): Think more literally right now

ssevenjc (8:02:25 PM): the churner was very old and used

stichure (8:02:33 PM): Nobody in a family remembers slavery

stichure (8:02:36 PM): Their two young

t_ra_ce (8:02:39 PM): oh yeah

stichure (8:02:39 PM): They are two young

stichure (8:02:41 PM): too

t_ra_ce (8:02:42 PM): trying

diedinchrist95 (8:02:45 PM): went up and down to churn the butter

llmizshortyll (8:02:47 PM): hey

stichure (8:02:48 PM): Where they come from, seven\

ssevenjc (8:02:54 PM): oh

stichure (8:02:56 PM): Where did the Dasher come from

stichure (8:03:01 PM): Wal-Mart?

ssevenjc (8:03:03 PM): outside

zoochikk (8:03:04 PM): hahahaha

stichure (8:03:05 PM): That's correct Christ

stichure (8:03:15 PM): How important is it to Maggie and her mother

zoochikk (8:03:16 PM): 

stichure (8:03:22 PM): Was a used that day

t_ra_ce (8:03:24 PM): it is worn from use

stichure (8:03:25 PM): Was it used that day

zoochikk (8:03:26 PM): it's not

diedinchrist95 (8:03:28 PM): Uncle Buddy

stichure (8:03:29 PM): That's correct race

t_ra_ce (8:03:29 PM): not used

zoochikk (8:03:34 PM): something in their way

stichure (8:03:37 PM): Are you sure

stichure (8:03:40 PM): Are you sure

t_ra_ce (8:03:42 PM): no 

t_ra_ce (8:03:46 PM): not sure

llmizshortyll (8:03:49 PM): sorry im a lil behind what story are we talking about rite now
stichure (8:03:54 PM): Everyday use

zoochikk (8:04:02 PM): chking

stichure (8:04:04 PM): By Alice Walker

zoochikk (8:04:07 PM): ohhh

llmizshortyll (8:04:07 PM): k

stichure (8:04:12 PM): Yes, zoo?

zoochikk (8:04:24 PM): 

zoochikk (8:04:36 PM): It was something they used everyday?

zoochikk (8:04:43 PM): hence the title

ssevenjc (8:04:50 PM): hehe

stichure (8:04:51 PM): Well, that was a phrase used to describe quilts

t_ra_ce (8:04:54 PM): maggie hung it up

t_ra_ce (8:05:01 PM): maybe they used it

stichure (8:05:03 PM): Buddy, that the butter churn been used that day

stichure (8:05:11 PM): heheh

stichure (8:05:26 PM): had the churn beeen used that day

zoochikk (8:05:46 PM): didnt i read that momma tripping on it, in her way??

stichure (8:05:56 PM): What does that tell you...

diedinchrist95 (8:06:04 PM): no the milk in it was rotten

stichure (8:06:16 PM): Be careful Christ

diedinchrist95 (8:06:17 PM): but it was regularly used

stichure (8:06:21 PM): Carefully

stichure (8:06:24 PM): Read it carefully

stichure (8:06:28 PM): It was regularly used

zoochikk (8:06:34 PM): ok

diedinchrist95 (8:06:36 PM): ok what is clabber then

zoochikk (8:06:59 PM): Dee wanting it ..."Didn't Uncle Buddy whittle it out of a tree you 
all used to have?"

zoochikk (8:07:04 PM): what is wittle???

zoochikk (8:07:12 PM): whittle?

diedinchrist95 (8:07:15 PM): carve with a knife

stichure (8:07:18 PM): Sour curdled milk

ssevenjc (8:07:18 PM): yellow

stichure (8:07:22 PM): That is correct Christ

stichure (8:07:27 PM): Why would the milk turns sour

stichure (8:07:30 PM): How long does it take

zoochikk (8:07:32 PM): sitting

stichure (8:07:35 PM): Where

diedinchrist95 (8:07:35 PM): overnight

stichure (8:07:37 PM): Were not where

stichure (8:07:42 PM): or not where

t_ra_ce (8:07:45 PM): to make sour cream

stichure (8:07:53 PM): Or other things

stichure (8:08:03 PM): Where do they get their milk

ssevenjc (8:08:08 PM): cows

t_ra_ce (8:08:08 PM): from the cow

stichure (8:08:09 PM): Do they have a refrigerator

zoochikk (8:08:15 PM): no

t_ra_ce (8:08:15 PM): no

llmizshortyll (8:08:16 PM): no

ssevenjc (8:08:18 PM): not sure

stichure (8:08:25 PM): Why would the milk be sour

stichure (8:08:32 PM): They don't have any electricity, seven

zoochikk (8:08:33 PM): milk does not take long to go bad

llmizshortyll (8:08:35 PM): its rotten

stichure (8:08:36 PM): That is correct

ssevenjc (8:08:37 PM): ioh

ssevenjc (8:08:40 PM): oh

stichure (8:08:42 PM): The reason our milk does not is because

stichure (8:08:45 PM): It is refrigerated

stichure (8:08:47 PM): It is pasteurized

zoochikk (8:08:48 PM): frig

stichure (8:08:50 PM): It is homogenized

zoochikk (8:08:53 PM): hahaha

stichure (8:08:57 PM): It is basically designed to stay together

zoochikk (8:09:00 PM): milk does a body good

stichure (8:09:03 PM): And not develop any nasty bacteria

stichure (8:09:14 PM): And of course, keeping it cold is a must

stichure (8:09:19 PM): Do they use the butter churn

ssevenjc (8:09:25 PM): yes

zoochikk (8:09:28 PM): Definitely

t_ra_ce (8:09:28 PM): i think so

zoochikk (8:09:29 PM): yes

stichure (8:09:31 PM): What happens if dee takes it with her 

zoochikk (8:09:36 PM): centerpiece

stichure (8:09:36 PM): What impact does it have on her family

stichure (8:09:43 PM): That's what she wanted for

diedinchrist95 (8:09:43 PM): they must get a newone

stichure (8:09:48 PM): Where did they get the old one

t_ra_ce (8:09:49 PM): how will they make cream, butter, etc...

stichure (8:09:56 PM): Good question

diedinchrist95 (8:09:57 PM): the family made it

t_ra_ce (8:09:59 PM): made 

stichure (8:10:01 PM): That is correct

ssevenjc (8:10:04 PM): a tree outside

zoochikk (8:10:08 PM): a show piece to exaggerate about

stichure (8:10:08 PM): Exactly

ssevenjc (8:10:11 PM): yellow wood

stichure (8:10:16 PM): Softwood

stichure (8:10:30 PM): does dee really think about the impact she has our family

t_ra_ce (8:10:32 PM): tree outside of dee's namesakes house

stichure (8:10:32 PM): On her family

stichure (8:10:36 PM): Interesting

t_ra_ce (8:10:38 PM): no

ssevenjc (8:10:39 PM): no

diedinchrist95 (8:10:43 PM): no only wants

stichure (8:10:50 PM): When dee rejects the name, what is she symbolically rejecting

t_ra_ce (8:10:57 PM): her family

stichure (8:11:02 PM): Indeed

ssevenjc (8:11:03 PM): her family

stichure (8:11:06 PM): Yes

stichure (8:11:11 PM): More...

zoochikk (8:11:13 PM): The story makes Dee seem like she has money, where did it come from?

t_ra_ce (8:11:22 PM): being poor

stichure (8:11:23 PM): Where did it come from

diedinchrist95 (8:11:26 PM): her whole heritage

stichure (8:11:30 PM): That is correct race

stichure (8:11:34 PM): That is more correct Christ

ssevenjc (8:11:35 PM): where she came from

stichure (8:11:39 PM): That is correct seven

zoochikk (8:11:45 PM): She has no job?

stichure (8:11:57 PM): As part of a theme for this story, Walker is examining inter-family 

ssevenjc (8:12:01 PM): does it say?

stichure (8:12:04 PM): Zoo, what does she do for living

stichure (8:12:14 PM): It's been mentioned today

zoochikk (8:12:20 PM): I thought she was a student

stichure (8:12:23 PM): That's exactly yet

stichure (8:12:25 PM): It

zoochikk (8:12:27 PM): Art

stichure (8:12:29 PM): And how does she pay for it

zoochikk (8:12:44 PM): mom, grandma?

stichure (8:12:48 PM): Not really

stichure (8:12:52 PM): The mother tells us

stichure (8:12:57 PM): Grandmother's dead

zoochikk (8:12:58 PM): loans? 

stichure (8:13:02 PM): Try again

t_ra_ce (8:13:05 PM): mom & church

zoochikk (8:13:13 PM): i remember now

zoochikk (8:13:14 PM): ty

t_ra_ce (8:13:15 PM): christian church

stichure (8:13:17 PM): Exactly

stichure (8:13:19 PM): heheh

stichure (8:13:21 PM): Nice point

zoochikk (8:13:22 PM): poor maggie

stichure: heheh

stichure: Nice point

zoochikk: poor maggie

stichure: Does Maggie have a future

t_ra_ce: yes

ssevenjc: yes

zoochikk: not really

stichure: Which is...?

ssevenjc: with jimmy t

stichure: Careful zoo

zoochikk: Chewing cud and sewing

stichure: That is correct

diedinchrist95: getting married ahving babies

t_ra_ce: marry boy down the street

zoochikk: she gets to marry a man with green teeth

stichure: She's not a cow, zoo

t_ra_ce: making quilts

stichure: Again

zoochikk: i mean tobacco

stichure: In her mind

stichure: For her culture

stichure: And her experience

stichure: Does she have a future

stichure: Will she likely be happy

t_ra_ce: future does not matter to maggie

ssevenjc: yes

zoochikk: Momma has a "hottie" picked out for her...hehe

stichure: Try again race

diedinchrist95: yes 

zoochikk: content maybe

stichure: Look at the end of the story

diedinchrist95: that is what is expected of her

t_ra_ce: she more or less lives in the now not the future

ssevenjc: she is content with her she is

zoochikk: they gossip about dee and laugh

ssevenjc: she is happy

zoochikk: hehehehe

stichure: Folks, just as you cannot say that Sylvia will change her mind and become an 
excellent student to get out a Harlem because that's what we would want, there is no 
indication that Maggie is unhappy with her choices or her future

zoochikk: a simple life 

ssevenjc: they relax til they go to bed

stichure: Simply because we may not want to live that way

stichure: That is correct zoo

stichure: That is correct seven

stichure: In fact, is dee likely to come back and visit again

zoochikk: yes

diedinchrist95: yes

ssevenjc: maybe

t_ra_ce: maybe to get more stuff

zoochikk: golddiggin for stuff

stichure: What on earth would make you think so

stichure: What's the answer already

ssevenjc: she said no matter where she lives

stichure: That was before she left

ssevenjc: she will always come to visit

stichure: And she said she would bring no one

stichure: And she brought someone

stichure: And that was before she became "Muslim"

stichure: What was her purpose for the visit?

t_ra_ce: to get stuff and tell them that they should change

stichure: Did she get anything

zoochikk: to show off 

t_ra_ce: no

stichure: Did she make any progress about changing them

ssevenjc: to bring back thins from her old house

t_ra_ce: no

ssevenjc: no

stichure: Is she likely to come back

t_ra_ce: no

zoochikk: ransack the house!  hahaha

t_ra_ce: to try to get stuff, maybe

stichure: did any character change during the story

stichure: Race

t_ra_ce: no

zoochikk: no

ssevenjc: the mother

stichure: Explain seven

zoochikk: flat

stichure: Try again zoo

ssevenjc: she took the quilt back

stichure: Bigger issue, seven

stichure: You're correct, but that is the symbolism of the change

ssevenjc: and gave it to maggie

stichure: Not the change itself

zoochikk: round

diedinchrist95: seh stood up for Maggie

stichure: What was the symbolic gesture supposed to mean

stichure: At she ever done that before Christ

stichure: Add

stichure: had

t_ra_ce: maggie is okay the way she is

diedinchrist95: no Dee was the favorite

stichure: What changed

stichure: Who changed

zoochikk: yeah!

ssevenjc: no

zoochikk: momma

t_ra_ce: maggie is okay with mom

stichure: In what ways you

stichure: In what way, zoo

zoochikk: she stood up to Dee

stichure: Did that ever happened before, zoo

zoochikk: told her NO

stichure: Exactly

zoochikk: no

stichure: EXACTLY

ssevenjc: she stood up for maggie

stichure: There you go

zoochikk: ahhhh!  

stichure: is she likely to let dee run over them again

zoochikk: NO

ssevenjc: no

zoochikk: She took a stand

t_ra_ce: she used to worry about maggie and liked dee 

stichure: So is deee likely to come back for more stuff

stichure: How does Maggie feel now that dee is gone

stichure: After getting the quilts from her mother

zoochikk: Probabley not

t_ra_ce: smiles

stichure: I agree zoo

ssevenjc: relaxed again

stichure: What kind of smile, race

diedinchrist95: content

stichure: Yes seven

zoochikk: She was shocked it happened

stichure: Yes Christ

stichure: Yes zoo

t_ra_ce: real smile not scared

zoochikk: Dee (the brat)

stichure: Good use of text, race

t_ra_ce: t/y

stichure: Has something happened

stichure: Has somebody changed

stichure: Has a change occurred

t_ra_ce: maggie changed too

zoochikk: Took a stand for what was right

stichure: That is correct zoo

stichure: In what way, race

zoochikk: That is good Professor

t_ra_ce: not scared

stichure: thanks zoo

stichure: Yes, race

zoochikk: that was a sneaky change

ssevenjc: they are not going to be walked all over again

t_ra_ce: chin on chest eyes on ground feet in shuffle in beginning

stichure: And later?

t_ra_ce: did not describe her walk that way to get snuff 

zoochikk: Momma showing assertivness

stichure: There you go

stichure: Your theme is going to center around Walker's point.  It may be a discussion about 
family issues

stichure: And may be a discussion about what happens within a culture

stichure: It may be an issue about generational issues

stichure: The items that dee wants are symbolic

stichure: The way she dresses is symbolic

stichure: The building in which they live is symbolic

stichure: The dirt floor

stichure: The glassless window

zoochikk: cows all around the front yard

stichure: Maggie's scars are both literal and figurative

stichure: Has anyone done a research on this author

zoochikk: injured from the fire

t_ra_ce: no

zoochikk: no

diedinchrist95: yes

ssevenjc: no

diedinchrist95: a little

stichure: Christ... what did you find

stichure: Which character is the author most like

zoochikk: just the brief blurb it said before the story

diedinchrist95: seh was blinded at eight by her brothers spent some time in Africa

diedinchrist95: maggie

zoochikk: Maggie or the author??

t_ra_ce: would have guessed dee

zoochikk: hehe

stichure: In what ways is the author like dee

t_ra_ce: spending time in africa

zoochikk: Wanted a better life for herself

diedinchrist95: she lvies in the city

stichure: Zoo, better answer

stichure: Race, there's no indication that dee spent anytime in Africa

zoochikk: make something of herself?

stichure: But she is spending time in a place where Walker spent time

stichure: In what way zoom

stichure: zoo

zoochikk: haha

stichure: Yes Christ

t_ra_ce: no -- i was thinking about dee's concentration on african studies

zoochikk: oh simple stuff

diedinchrist95: college

stichure: That could probably be a connection, race

stichure: Yes Christ

stichure: In fact, some secondary sources might even say that this is a discussion with an 
Alice Walker over which aspects of her own heritage and character are more important to her

diedinchrist95: I was thinking about the disfigurement and being content with what she has

t_ra_ce: maybe she is a combination of both maggie and dee -- with the blind and studying 
and all

stichure: With an Alice Walker

stichure: within

stichure: Those are appropriate to Christ

stichure: Very good race

t_ra_ce: is alice walker's mother still alive?

stichure: I don't know

stichure: I'm sure in 1970 she may have been

stichure: But the mother may be a mixture of the two aspects

ssevenjc has left the conference.

t_ra_ce: wondering if it is a statement to what she might have had with a mother

zoochikk: will somebody be so kind and share this info with me? page please?

zoochikk: hehe

stichure: In fact, there is a secondary source that says that the author uses the mother as 
a way to examine herself from two different sides

diedinchrist95: onthe internet Google her

stichure: Zoo, you're connected his research

stichure: You're going to have to do some research

stichure: In fact, we all are

stichure: Have we discuss secondary sources

diedinchrist95: no

llmizshortyll: what is that 

stichure: Let's talk

stichure: Your second paper

t_ra_ce: ?

stichure: Is a 5-7 page paper

zoochikk: oh

stichure: It requires three to five secondary sources

stichure: A secondary source is merely an article or SA in which the author discusses the 
work or the author your examining

stichure: Secondary sources are available for this class specifically through citrus college

stichure: The best way to go about this is to go to the library and pickup the online 
resource sheet available to all students

stichure: It has passwords and logins for you to use to get access to the secondary sources

stichure: If you open a browser window right now, I can give you an example

stichure: Tummy when you're ready

stichure: Tell me when you're ready

stichure: In the meantime,

stichure: You're required to analyze this work based on symbolism, theme and narrative point 
of view.

diedinchrist95: ready

t_ra_ce: ready

llmizshortyll: ready

stichure: You'll likely discuss the narrative point of the first, as with two of the three 
stories, the first-person narrative affects specifically how the story is told

stichure: Go to citrus college.com or go to my main web site

stichure: Telling when you're there

stichure: Tell me when you're there

t_ra_ce: there

stichure: The second item that you will cover is the setting, as everything is bound around 
the setting

stichure: Also, the setting is symbolic in all three stories and therefore will launch you 
into the rest of your essay, the majority of which is a discussion of symbolism

llmizshortyll: do we write about all three stories

llmizshortyll: or do we pick one

stichure: No

stichure: You just pick one

stichure: From the lesson

llmizshortyll: okay

stichure: Everyday use

llmizshortyll: worn path?

stichure: or worn path

stichure: Exactly

llmizshortyll: ok

stichure: Is everybody there

diedinchrist95: there

stichure: http://www.citruscollege.com/DE/Eiland/distance/engl101/engl101.htm

llmizshortyll: is there any one topic u want us to focus on

stichure: Click here if you're not there yet

stichure: I just mentioned it, Shorty

stichure: Symbolism, setting and narrative point of view

llmizshortyll: o

llmizshortyll: alrite

stichure: To show a theme is presented by the story

stichure: Once you have gotten to the page, click on a library link

t_ra_ce: there

stichure: http://lib.citruscollege.edu/

stichure: You will notice that there is an entire section four English 101

stichure: You'll also find that the "search databases" section is helpful

stichure: Click on English 1o1

stichure: The two most helpful elements will be ebscohost

stichure: And twaynes... also known as the literature resource Center

stichure: Go to the literature resource Center

stichure: If you're on campus, it will immediately linked to you.

stichure: As we are off-campus, a pass code is required

stichure: The password

stichure: is

stichure: Glen55457

stichure: The capital G is necessary

stichure: Let me know when you're in

t_ra_ce: in

stichure: Christ, Shorty, zoo

stichure: http://lib.citruscollege.edu/

diedinchrist95: in

llmizshortyll: the password

stichure: Glen55457

stichure: in exactly that way

llmizshortyll: in

stichure: The first thing I want you to do is a biography search

stichure: You'll notice that it is an author search... put in either Welty, Walker or 

stichure: Your defined at least one biography of the author

stichure: Even if you do not use the information

stichure: The bottom line is that for everyday use and the lesson, the author is very much 
like one or more of the characters in the story

stichure: For a warned that, which will discuss next week, the author's experience directly 
led her to the writing story

stichure: wprn path

stichure: You'll notice that when you type in an author's name of the top, he gives you 
several biographical links

zoochikk: sorry had to get my daughter out of bathtub

stichure: Choose the author that is correct in appropriate

stichure: Its okays zoo

zoochikk: pjs and all

stichure: Once you get on a biography page, it will list for you a number of articles, which 
you can read by clicking on

stichure: Also, you'll notice there's a series of tabs at the top include historical 
timeline, additional resources, and most importantly LITERARY CRITICISM

stichure: The literary criticism is what we will be using

stichure: These are critical analyses very much like your papers, only written by grad 
students and professors

stichure: They discussed specifically the same elements you are discussing

stichure: Theme

stichure: Symbolism

stichure: Conflict

stichure: Setting

stichure: Point of view

stichure: Irony

stichure: Remember that I did not ask you for anything other then Beemer symbolism setting 
and narrative point of view

stichure: theme

stichure: Which means you will have to read through the assays end ignore the ones that talk 
about things like irony and conflict

stichure: It is likely you'll read 20 or 30 of these essays to find four or five good quotes

stichure: It is likely you'll find one quote in entire essay

stichure: That's the way it works

stichure: That's why it's called research

stichure: And not just search

stichure: Your job is to find quoted lines from the essays that you will incorporate into 
your own discussion to support your analysis of the story

llmizshortyll: are there even 5 LC for worn path?

stichure: You will file that quotation with the author's last name and the page number

stichure: I don't know what lc means

llmizshortyll: literary criticism

zoochikk: you read my mind stichure

llmizshortyll: sorry

stichure: According to one search, a student found 6700 returns for Worn Path and Eudora 

zoochikk: i was gonna ask the same thing

llmizshortyll: okay

llmizshortyll: just making sure

stichure: In fact, if you choose Worn Path, your problem is searching through so much 

stichure: The lesson is probably the one with the least amount of material

llmizshortyll: i did this kind of research in high school

llmizshortyll: its very hard

llmizshortyll: and long

stichure: Also be aware that originally the story was from a larger story called gorilla my 

stichure: However the past few years several articles have been written about the lesson 


zoochikk: i got the feelign about that story to, its a little weirdish

stichure: But keep in mind

t_ra_ce: easier now with computers 

stichure: That your job is to sift through what is not useful and find what is

zoochikk: figure there is all kinds of hidden stuff in that one

stichure: Imagine what it was like when some of us older people went to college and 
everything was in a book in the library

llmizshortyll: o man

stichure: In fact, much of this is in the library and an excuse you cannot make is that the 
library people would not help you... they are very helpful

llmizshortyll: i dont know what i wouldve done

stichure: In fact,

stichure: That you have found a biography or two

stichure: Click on the literary criticism stab

zoochikk: tab

stichure: You notice there is a list

llmizshortyll: yah

stichure: I put in

stichure: Welty

stichure: And I got was 70 essays

stichure: As you read through, you must note the title and author and other information for that particular essay

stichure: Because at the end of your essay, you will create from a works cited

llmizshortyll: some of the essays are about other stories

stichure: A works cited page is a page that shows a specific sources you used

stichure: And you ignore those Shorty

llmizshortyll: but if theres quotes that describe just the author 

llmizshortyll: can we use that 

llmizshortyll: like general remarks

t_ra_ce: will this code work for us tomorrow?  or next month, too?

stichure: Listed on the works cited will be the primary source, which is the story, as well 
as the secondary sources you use, including a dictionary or Encyclopedia were even the arp 
and Johnson book.  If you quote something from arp and Johnson, like the  definition for 
symbol, they will be listed in your works cited

stichure: For the rest of the year, race

stichure: Yes, Shorty, if it fits in with the theme

llmizshortyll: okay

llmizshortyll: and when is this assignment due

stichure: Many authors use the same things over and over again, and Alice Walker specially 
uses recurrent themes about family issues and black on black conflicts

stichure: I will post a due date next week but it's likely by the end of the month

llmizshortyll: thanks 

stichure: Tony cade bambara constantly wrote about inner-city conflict within the black 

stichure: So general discussions about themes presented by these authors will work as long 
as it gets the story that you read and that you writing about

stichure: It a go to my web site,

zoochikk: Is there any examples of works cited ...can you show me Professor?

stichure: Under

stichure: He read my mind's new

stichure: You read my mind, zoo

stichure: go to my web site

stichure: Under paper format and test instruction

stichure: You'll find there is a discussion of primary sources

stichure: Secondary sources

stichure: Works cited

stichure: An example the works cited page

zoochikk: you been hangin with momma and dee to long...haha

stichure: The works cited page list all of the articles that you used in alphabetical order

stichure: By authors last name

stichure: The information I need is as follows

stichure: Authors last name and first name

stichure: In that order

stichure: Walker, Alice.

stichure: The title of the article or story

t_ra_ce: author of the article?

stichure: "Everyday use"

stichure: The title of the book, journal or anthology from which it came

stichure: Perrine's story and structure

stichure: The city in which was published

stichure: New York

stichure: The publishing company

stichure: Heinle and thomson

stichure: And finally, the publication here

stichure: Year

stichure: 2002

llmizshortyll: k

t_ra_ce: articles we quote will cite the author of the article, right?

diedinchrist95: ok I have a question, when I was reading about Welty the article said that 
she kept her life private so what she wrote could just "be" Why is it important that we pick 
apart all of these stories??

zoochikk: Can't we just write something like:  Works cited: NUNYA (business)  

zoochikk: I am kidding...sorry

stichure: Walker, Alice.  "Everyday Use." Perrine story and structure, edited by Arp and 
Johnson, 10th edition.  United States: Heinle and Thomson, 2002

stichure: yer a laff riot, so

stichure: That is correct race

stichure: Christ, because if you can figure out what somebody means in a story, you can 
figure out what somebody means in a play, in a movie, on a sitcom and in a speech

diedinchrist95: shouldn't it just mean what we get out of it?


stichure: Funny thing is, Christ is that Welty actually had a very public life because she 
worked for the government and was a well-known writer.  Also, she explains a great deal 
about the themes in her work

stichure: Not in a college class, Christ

stichure: In other words, understanding how authors you symbolism and setting in order to 
tell a story makes your understanding of the story greater.

stichure: And therefore what you get out of it is more

stichure: When you read these analyses, you'll understand how critics analyze work.

zoochikk: Thus ..critical thinking, and critical writing

stichure: The reason there is more than one correct answer is because there's more than one 
way to look at these works

stichure: There you go zoo

stichure: However, your limited by the constraints of normal thinking

stichure: We are going to get into a great deal of symbolism in a worn path

stichure: And just as a tree can mean strength (Oak) or flexibility (the seas Willow) or 
even generally family, the definition that applies is based on the theme presented in story

stichure: And as an educated reader, we began to understand more clearly how authors use 
these elements to create unified things

stichure: Themes

stichure: To tell a story

stichure: To make a point

zoochikk: I bet a person could really mess up the story by looking too much into it and 
taking it out of context, right?

stichure: Absolutely

stichure: But also misunderstanding where the authors coming from

stichure: Knowing that meeting Gordimer is from South Africa

stichure: And that they story was written during the 1980s at the turn of apartheid

stichure: Helps explain her story about an unnamed place in which a family is afraid of 
people don't look like them

stichure: The bottom line is that her story and its characters could really be from 
anywhere, but understanding that she lived in a strongly segregated and racist society shows 
us where she's going with it

stichure: And of course, we understand why it was a child that was injured and not for 
sample the grandmother or the father

stichure: Because child is symbolic

stichure: As is grand Mother

stichure: And a injured child is much more tragic

stichure: Because of the things it symbolizes

stichure: I want at least one use of primary source in every paragraph of the body

stichure: Quoted and sided

stichure: I want at least one use of a secondary source in every paragraph of the body

stichure: Go to the library and get the password sheet

zoochikk: I read somewhere today that said to pay close attention to specific "things" the 
author repeats..a job mentioned..a place..

stichure: You can start tonight using literary resource center

stichure: Of course

stichure: That would've been on my web site

stichure: And in the book

stichure: Because authers repeat things

stichure: like 

stichure: You have been warned

stichure: Happily ever after

stichure: Or more importantly

stichure: Contrast between old and new

stichure: Liked in bride comes to yellow sky

zoochikk: in "a worn path" kept talking about birds

stichure: Contrast between poor and rich in the lesson

stichure: And plants as well

stichure: Along with all the other obstacles in her way

stichure: Everything she runs into is symbolic

stichure: Animals

stichure: Specifically birds

stichure: Plants and trees

stichure: Items in the way

stichure: People

stichure: Etc.

stichure: By next week you should have decided which get her story you're going to discuss

stichure: And we will discuss the wealthy story as well as get into specific questions about 
your paper

stichure: Any questions

stichure: The welty story

t_ra_ce: none here

stichure: In our discussions here we did not even close to covering all of the symbols, so 
there's plenty for issues from as well is using the ones we discussed here

stichure: Is plenty for us to choose from

stichure: Have a good week

zoochikk: How much time should I allow myself extra in the lib tomorrow

stichure: Two hours

stichure: Get started

stichure: Talk to  Barbara Rugeley

zoochikk: see ya manyana

stichure: She can help

stichure: buhbye zoo

zoochikk: spelling ??

zoochikk: nite all

stichure: manana

zoochikk: gracias

stichure: no hay de que

zoochikk: como?

zoochikk: que?

zoochikk: hahaha

zoochikk has left the conference.

stichure: bye christ

stichure: bye shorty

diedinchrist95: adios

stichure: bye rac

diedinchrist95 has left the conference.

t_ra_ce: bye, prof.

stichure: ciao

t_ra_ce: thanks

stichure: yer welco,me