everyday use

Moderator: 101

Moderator: still loading

Moderator: Working on rewrites right now... I will let you know when everything has been returned

Jennifer: Ok

Moderator: any general questions before we get started

Elizabeth: ok

Moderator: but I have received a great number of them so I just wanted to let people know that I'm working on them

Moderator: also, a reminder that anything that says PAPER gets sent to me at my e-mail address.

Flavio: ok

Moderator: RESPONSES go on blackboard as do DISCUSSION GROUP postings

Jennifer: When are the responses due?

Moderator: generally Jennifer, responses are due after we've discussed the work

Jennifer: Ok

Moderator: any other questions

Moderator: issues

Jennifer: I'm good

Elizabeth: no

Flavio: no

Moderator: what was the question I asked

Flavio: symbolism or conflict

Jennifer: About symbolism and/ or conflict in "Everyday Use"

Moderator: let's start with the basics

Moderator: who wants to summarize the plot for me

Elizabeth: Mama had two daughters. Maggie and Dee. Dee changed her name to identify herself with her African roots.She got an education. On the contrary Maggie got burned when their house was on fire.

Jennifer: It is about a mother and daughter, Maggie, who are connected with their hetiage through inheirtant items like a quilt but the other daughter, Dee, believes she knows more about their background because she was educationed but in reality she jsut knows the superficial facts

Moderator: Elizabeth, everything you're telling me is true but that's not  the plot... this is all background information that we learn in the course of the plot

Moderator: Jennifer that's a lot closer

Elizabeth: im sorry

Moderator: but you're still not telling you the plot... both of you are in  theme  mentality

Moderator: the plot is much simpler than what either of you said

Flavio: The plot is the quilt

Moderator: no flavio

Moderator: her member, that the plot is simply what happened

Louise: sorry.

Moderator: remember that the plot is simply what happened

Moderator: no need to be sorry... that's why we discussed this

Louise: im late had to work late

Elizabeth: ok

Moderator: it is okay Louise

Jennifer: Dee comes home and tries to take the item for their montary value and Mama and Maggie gives it to her because they can remember their past

Moderator: the plot simply is somebody does something and somebody else does something in response

Moderator: that's a lot more to the point Jennifer

Moderator: except your ending is off  a bit

Moderator: who ends up with the quilts

Flavio: maggie

Moderator: yes

Elizabeth: Mama and magie

Louise: maggie

Flavio: dee drives away

Moderator: so  thereforel ultimately mama says...

Louise: no

Moderator: exactly

Elizabeth: "Take one or two of the others (Walker 468)

Moderator: the on the surface of it, this looks like a simple family spat with a rather simplistic resolution. However, by looking at the conflicts more closely and evaluating symbolism, we can find some deeper meanings. Let's start with the easy stuff

Moderator: conflicts

Moderator: I want all of you to tell me one of the conflicts that you discussed on your paper by labeling the conflict in showing both sides of the conflict in one entry so that we can see what you're saying

Moderator: that will get the ball rolling

Louise: dee wants the quilt and mama says no

Flavio: heritage = quilt Mama vs. dee (man vs. man)

Louise: man v man

Jennifer: I focused my paper on hte symbols but the conflict i used was Mama and Maggie had an external man vs msn conflict with Dee

Elizabeth: The conflict man versus herself that Dee has.She did not want to have her original name Dee, so she changed it to Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo.

Moderator: Louise, like I said, put it all in one entry

Moderator: flavio,  just conflict for now please

Louise: oh ok

Moderator: Jennifer, what is it

Moderator: Elizabeth, I saw that a lot

Flavio: ok

Moderator: in order for you to show me internal conflict, the conflict has to occur during the course of the story

Moderator: does she change her name during the course of the story

Flavio: no

Elizabeth: no she didnt

Louise: no

Jennifer: nope

Louise: right at the intro of her

Moderator: furthermore, what aspect of herself is she  battling with the change her name

Moderator: or is she actually in conflict with something outside of her

Louise: environment?

Elizabeth: Dee has a conflict with her relatives from the past

Jennifer: outside. man vs society because society taught the superficial facts of her heritage instead the in depth knowledge Maggie and Mama have

Moderator: Louise, who gave her the name

Moderator: in fact what h=is mama's response when dee tells  her that she's changed her name

Louise: dee is dead

Moderator: what is mama's response

Jennifer: Mama ask "What happened to 'Dee'?" (Walker, 464)

Jennifer: And Dee responsed with "'She's dead'" (Walker, 464)

Elizabeth: "You know as well as me you was named adter your ant Dicie"(walker 464)

Moderator: that's what I'm looking for Jennifer and Elizabeth

Moderator: who is dee rejecting by changing her name

Flavio: heritage

Elizabeth: her aunt

Louise: her aunt

Jennifer: "' I coudn't bear it any longer, being named after the people who oppress me.'" (Walker, 464)

Moderator: who is de]e in conflict with

Moderator: possibly flavio,  so what is the conflict

Moderator: Elizabeth And Louise,  who named her

Moderator: or

Moderator: what was the intent when the family gave her the name dee

Moderator: and therefore who is she rejecting

Elizabeth: her mom;s sister

Louise: mom

Elizabeth: Dee is rejecting her grandma?

Flavio: big dee

Moderator: yeah the problem is is that 'dee'  is both her aunt's and her  grandmother's name

Moderator: how important is the name to the family

Moderator: how important is the name to Mrs. Johnson

Jennifer: Mama said she "could have carried it back beyond the civil war through the branches" (Walker, 464) meaning her name has been the family for way more then 4 generations

Moderator: why is Mrs. Johnson so surprised by her oldest daughter's decision to become Wangero

Moderator: yes Jennifer...

Moderator: why does the family give a person that name

Moderator: what is the family telling the person who gets the name

Jennifer: its an honorary title

Jennifer: The name symbolizes the person they hope for you to become

Louise: it is a symbol of tradition

Moderator: yes

Moderator: therefore who does D. have a problem with... a conflict with

Moderator: either an individual person

Moderator: or group

Moderator: the individual person would be...

Elizabeth: her mother

Moderator: yes

Moderator: and the group?

Louise: ancestors

Louise: ?

Moderator: Who is she rejecting by rejecting the name

Moderator: very good Louise

Moderator: there is a possibility and actually a likelihood that dee  has an internal conflict, but in order to them straight back, one of two things has to happen...

Moderator: either , like the story "what you pawn..." where the narrator Jackson tells us that the character in front of them is pondering something and that character indicates that they are struggling with two answers, like upon broker who knows the right thing to do would be to give back the regalia but also does not want to lose money,  we get a very direct indication that there is an internal conflict

Moderator: especially since this is also told in first person by somebody other than dee

Moderator: the other option would be that the internal conflict is told to us via a first-person narrator about themselves

Moderator: and I would ask... does Mrs. Johnson have an internal conflict that is discernible

Moderator: there is a third option that we will get to shortly

Louise: yes should she give the quilt to dee or maggie the right thing would be to give it to maggie but dee really wants it also

Moderator: Louise, you have very clearly articulated one half of the problem

Moderator: the problem is the right thing is to give it to Maggie

Louise: stand up to dee?

Moderator: the other half however is not that hdee really wants it... it has to do with what  Mrs. Johnson has been able to do

Moderator: that is exactly correct

Moderator: she wants to stand up to D. but... give me the other half

Louise: sweet

Moderator: she wants to give the quilts to Maggie, but... give me the other half

Moderator: both of these would be accurate descriptors of the internal conflict for Mrs. Johnson

Louise: she doesn't know how and never has before

Moderator: very good louise

Moderator: man versus man conflicts besides wangero versus Mrs. Johnson

Louise: maggie and dee

Flavio: Mama and dee

Moderator: Explain as you go please

Louise: maggie always takes second place to dee and resents her for it

Moderator: give me an example from the story please

Moderator: flavio?

Moderator: give me the conflict other than the ones we  already discussed concerning the quilt

Elizabeth: Mama and Asalamalakim

Moderator: there are plenty of conflicts by the way in the story

Moderator: haha

Moderator: halimabarber?

Louise: She thinks her sister has held life always in the palm of one hand, that "no" is a workd the world never learned her to say"(460)

Elizabeth: yes

Moderator: very good Louise

Moderator: explained Elizabeth

Elizabeth: Since he comes from a Muslim doctrine he did not eat pork "We sat down to eat and right away he said he didnt eat collards and pork was unclean" (Walker 465)

Flavio: mama vs. maggie "Have you ever seen a lame animal, perhaps a dog run over by some careless person rich enough to own a car, sidle up to someone who is ignorernt enough to be kind to them? that is the way my maggie walks" (Wwalker 461)

Flavio: Mama is always judging Maggie in the way she is

Moderator: very good Elizabeth

Moderator: flavio,  what judgment is the mother making on Maggie

Moderator: is this a conflict or is this merely an honest observation about her daughter

Jennifer: i dont think there is any conflict w mama and maggie flavio

Flavio: well, she wants her doughter to get marry so she can live peacefully

Moderator: she is getting married

Jennifer: They seem to have a close relationship

Moderator: to John Thomas

Louise: she is not judging she is sorry for her

Moderator: I think that is supportable Jennifer

Moderator: in fact, what does the mother recognize that perhaps too many parents do not recognize about their children

Moderator: I think it is also supportable Louise

Elizabeth: children can make their own decisions?

Moderator: Elizabeth I think it's something more about the way that parents do something that might be a mistake even though it's done through love and good intentions

Moderator: is the mother's assessment of her daughter accurate

Louise: yes

Jennifer: yes

Flavio: yes

Moderator: is the mother's assessment of her daughter a reflection of how others would see her

Elizabeth: yes

Jennifer: moms arealways right

Louise: yes

Elizabeth: yeap

Moderator: sometimes Jennifer... but more importantly, what we have is a mother honestly assessing her daughter and especially the way that she would be perceived by the outside

Moderator: is the mother also honest about herself in the same way

Flavio: the way that maggie is will make it man vs. self?

Louise: yes very

Elizabeth: yes

Jennifer: yup

Flavio: yes

Moderator: flavio,  does Maggie have a problem with herself or does she have a problem with the outside world

Moderator: or individuals in the outside world

Flavio: outside world

Louise: I am a large big boned woman with rough, manworking hands.

Moderator: and remember, you must stick to or given in the story rather than projecting onto the character

Moderator: flavio,  name that conflict

Flavio: environment

Moderator: me too Louise...

Flavio: man vs. environement or society

Elizabeth: hahaha

Moderator: very good flavio

Jennifer: haha

Louise: lol

Moderator: because of the mothers honest portrayal about herself, do we get a sense that she likes herself? Think before you answer this

Moderator: what does she tell us about herself

Moderator: and is it good or bad

Jennifer: She lacks confidence in herself

Moderator: besides her big bones

Moderator: and her hands

Moderator: Jennifer, give us the context please

Louise: she likes her skills and ability to work but she does not like how she is uneducated

Moderator: where did we find this out  and what is she saying at the time

Moderator: Louise, does she understand why she is uneducated

Moderator: and has she accepted it

Louise: no

Louise: in 1927 colored folks asked fewer questions than they do now" (462)

Moderator: has she accepted it

Moderator: is she fighting this

Moderator: does she feel she needs to fight this

Moderator: why does she explain that in 1927 colored folks ask fewer questions

Moderator: in what context

Louise: no she has accepted who she is and is fine with it

Moderator: because we want to make sure were following her point rather than getting sidetracked with details

Moderator: show me that  Louise...

Moderator: she's big boned... what does she say about her weight... good or bad

Moderator: her big man working hands... good or bad

Moderator: what does she look like... good or bad and to whom

Jennifer: she is happy she can do a man's work: " I always better at a man job's: (Walker, 462

Moderator: what kind of man's work does she do Jennifer

Moderator: is there an example?

Elizabeth: she doesnt mind being overweight. She is happy the way she is.

Moderator: Because Elizabeth

Moderator: because?

Flavio: "One winter I knocked a bull calf straight in the brain" Walker 461)

Moderator: flavio.... Her hands... her  weight... enable her to do what

Jennifer: farmwork, take care of the animals: "I used to love to milk..." (walker, 462_

Moderator: very good

Moderator: do her physical characteristics  reflect popular culture

Moderator: conversely, do her physical characteristics allow her to survive in her environment

Louise: no

Louise: yes

Elizabeth: yes

Louise: i mean

Flavio: YES

Jennifer: in her environment yes in society no

Louise: right

Moderator: hhhaha

Flavio: "my hot keeps me hot in zero weather "

Elizabeth: "My fat keeps me hot in zero weather (walker 461)

Moderator: very good flavio  and Elizabeth

Flavio: fat* oops

Moderator: how do we know that society does not like what she looks like

Flavio: isn't it the opposite. she doesn not like society because she is isolated. she stays in her own place

Moderator: flavio,  where does it indicate she does not like society

Moderator: because someone isolates himself does not necessarily mean that they do not like society... that isolation could merely

Moderator: keep them from understanding or knowing a society even exists

Moderator: why do they live where they live

Louise: the old house burnt

Flavio: fire burned down the house

Moderator: how different is the new house from the old house

Elizabeth: no windows, roof is tin

Flavio: yup

Moderator: flavio,  how different is the new house from the old house

Moderator: folks, does Mrs. Johnson like being a farmer... does she like her life?

Jennifer: old houses have more memories

Moderator: Does Maggie like this life

Moderator: Jennifer that's not what I asked you

Moderator: physically and literally

Moderator: how different is the old house from the Newhouse

Jennifer: oh ok sorry

Moderator: she indicates

Moderator: how different is the old house from the new house

Moderator: how similar are they

Flavio: no real windows and holes and the roof is thin. they both have 3 rooms

Moderator: the roof is tin,  not thin

Flavio: pasture house too,

Moderator: what is the difference between the new house and the old house... folks this is actually very important

Moderator: what does Mrs. Johnson say

Jennifer: "I have deliberately turned my on the house" (Walker, 464)

Louise: Da

Jennifer: (462) sorry

Flavio: is it something to do with dee

Louise: dee is not a part of the new house

Louise: the memories are all new and happy

Elizabeth: the new house brings bad memories to Dee.It reminds her of the fire.

Moderator: ' Jennifer, is that Mrs. Johnson or is that wangero

Elizabeth: "No doubt when Dee sees it she will want to tear it down (walker 462)

Moderator: flavio,  it has everything to do with the way that Mrs. Johnson describes the new house

Jennifer: johnson

Moderator: she essentially says

Moderator: when describing the new house

Moderator: that is EXACTLY

Moderator: like the old house

Moderator: except it has a tin roof

Moderator: and considering the old one burned down, that might've been a response if she felt that embers came out of the chimney and started a wooden roof on fire

Moderator: which gets me back to the question...

Moderator: does Mrs. Johnson liked being a farmer

Moderator: does Maggie like her life

Louise: yeah butshe feels its been hard

Elizabeth: yes

Moderator: I didn't ask if it's been difficult... I asked if they like their lives

Moderator: difficult or not

Louise: yes

Moderator: that is correct... they do enjoy their lifestyle

Moderator: they're not hiding out on a pasture because they are afraid of society...

Louise: because they know no other way

Moderator: society has nothing to do it

Moderator: exactly  Louise

Moderator: this is what they know... this is what they like

Elizabeth: after their first was burned they could have moved to another please;howver, they stay in the same area

Moderator: the narrator makes very clear that she enjoys her lifestyle

Moderator: she is proud of what she can do on her own

Moderator: she likes who she is

Moderator: who doesn't like who she is

Jennifer: Dee

Louise: they don't know what they are missing

Elizabeth: d

Jennifer: Says she and maggie can be more w education

Moderator: more than that, what does the mother tell us... a little story... that indicates how wangero feels about her mother and her mother looks like

Moderator: as well as Mrs. Johnson's other personality traits

Elizabeth: Wangero is not very proud of her mother. She feels ashamed of the way her mother looks.

Louise: she used to read to us without pity: forcing words,lies,oter folks habits whole lives upon us two, sitting trapped and ignorant underneath her voice

Moderator: show me

Moderator: show me where we are told by Mrs. Johnson that wangero is ashamed of her mother

Louise: (462)

Moderator: Louise, what does that tell us about wangero

Moderator: what does it tell us about her personality

Moderator: what kind of person was D. even as a child

Louise: she alwqays felt above them

Louise: always

Louise: she always wanted more than she had or her mother could get her

Moderator: yes... and more importantly, was she very helpful with her education and wisdom

Moderator: how do we know that  wangero is ashamed of what her mother LOOKS like

Louise: she pressed it on them even when they didn't want to hear it

Moderator: yes Louise... but did she at least help them to understand and learn?

Louise: she tried

Moderator: Really

Moderator: read the last segment of that sentence

Moderator: the part that has the word SHOVED

Moderator: the part you didn't share

Moderator: it's actually a very long sentence

Louise: right

Louise: only when she felt like sharing her knowledge

Jennifer: Dee thinks she knows more and tries toconcive Maggie to make more of herself: " You ought to try to make something of yourself, too, Mama"

Moderator: and so then I ask you does she try  to educate them REALLY

Elizabeth: not really

Moderator: Jennifer, but does wangero really do anything to help them

Jennifer: No

Moderator: in fact, according to the mother, what does she say about LEARNING with D.?

Jennifer: instead she tries to act superiot

Moderator: give me the entire sentence

Moderator: yes, Jennifer

Elizabeth: "She washed us in a river of make believe, burned us with a lot of knowledge we didnt necessarily need to know" (walker 462)

Flavio: professor, i have to go to work. sorry. bye everyone.

Elizabeth: bye Flavio

Jennifer: Bye Flavio Have a good night

Moderator: f take carelavio

Flavio: thanks

Moderator: keep going Elizabeth

Moderator: washed

Moderator: burn

Moderator: keep going

Moderator: give me the entire thing

Elizabeth: Pressed us to her with the serious way she read, to shove us away at just the moment, like dimwits, we seemed about to undersntand" (walker 462)

Moderator: pressed shove

Moderator: washed burned

Moderator: what do those four verbs have in common

Moderator: what is the effect on the receiver

Moderator: positive or negative

Elizabeth: negative

Jennifer: neg

Elizabeth: humiliiation?

Moderator: very much so Elizabeth

Louise: neg

Moderator: and

Louise: shame

Moderator: to shove us a way at the moment like dimwits we seemed about to understand

Moderator: is she trying to get them to understand anything or is she merely showing them what they DON'T know

Moderator: according to that phrase

Jennifer: showing what they don't know

Elizabeth: she feels that they are ignorants in some way

Moderator: yes

Moderator: the quote explains she has no intention of teaching them anything

Moderator: as soon as she recognizes that they're going to learn something,

Moderator: she leaves

Moderator: she pushes them away

Moderator: she SHOVES them

Moderator: is wangero any different now that she's back

Elizabeth: a little bit different

Elizabeth: as soon as she gets home she starts taking picture with her mother in them

Elizabeth: pictures

Moderator: really

Moderator: is she any nicer

Moderator: any more generous

Louise: she doesn't want them to be any better at anything than her

Moderator: anymore considerate

Jennifer: nope

Louise: no  she is still a brat lol

Moderator: more importantly Louise, is she there to help them

Elizabeth: no

Jennifer: Lol

Moderator: what does she want from them

Louise: no to tear them down

Moderator: is she in any of the pictures

Moderator: this is where I need specifics

Moderator: what does she want from them specifically

Jennifer: she wants the items to for montrary values

Jennifer: not the symbolic meanign Mama and Maggie see it

Louise: she wants displays of her past without the true meaning of it

Moderator: very good Louise

Moderator: does she want to be identified as the child of sharecroppers

Moderator: does she want to be identified as a  farm girl

Moderator: what specifically does she ask for Jennifer

Jennifer: nope

Jennifer: as an eductated woman

Elizabeth: no

Jennifer: she was the quilts, churn

Jennifer: wants

Moderator: this is where were to get into some symbolism there

Moderator: what part of the churn does she want

Louise: she wants to show her"hard" life

Louise: just the handle

Moderator: http://www.ci.port-washington.wi.us/SummerTheater/Oklahoma/Photos/SandyAllen/Thursday/AuntEllerButterChurn.jpg

Elizabeth: the churn stood

Moderator: how important is the butter churn to Maggie and her mother

Moderator: and how do you know

Jennifer: makes it seem she did "hard" work

Elizabeth: Uncle Buddy made it

Jennifer: to mama and maggie ti is in memory of Big Dee and Stash house because the churn was from tree with yellow wood

Moderator: folks, what does a churn do

Louise: im sorry have to go the baby won't stop crying

Moderator: good luck Louise

Louise: make butter

Moderator: what did the Johnsons used this for

Jennifer: NIght lousie

Louise: k bye

Moderator: what did Maggie and Mrs. Johnson used this particular device for... decoration or making butter

Jennifer: Milk in it clabber by now" (Walker, 466)

Elizabeth: stirring millk

Moderator: explain what that is telling us Jennifer

Jennifer: butter but Dee wants it as display

Moderator: is this decoration or an actual useful tool

Jennifer: They actually use it

Moderator: yes

Moderator: this is actually a very important element

Moderator: all she wants is the top and the dasher, which is the stick that you see the lady holding onto in the picture that I posted

Moderator: what use will this thing be if she takes those two bits

Elizabeth: no use

Elizabeth: just as decoration'

Moderator: to Maggie and her mother have any other alternative for making butter if wangero takes the dasher of the butter churn

Elizabeth: not really

Jennifer: nit

Jennifer: no

Moderator: exactly

Moderator: does wangero seem to care

Jennifer: nopr

Moderator: furthermore, why is Mrs. Johnson reticent to give wangero the quilts

Elizabeth: no

Jennifer: because they use it and dee wants it for display

Jennifer: they have it for "everyday use"

Elizabeth: they are just a sourvenir for Dee

Moderator: exactly Jennifer

Moderator: S. Elizabeth

Moderator: yes, it was

Moderator: yes, Elizabeth

Moderator: why is Mrs. Johnson reticent to give wangero the quilts

Jennifer: because they need it

Jennifer: and use it

Moderator: who does

Jennifer: Mama and maggie

Moderator: try again Jennifer

Moderator: this is where paying attention to the detail of the story is imperative

Jennifer: Maggie?

Moderator: has mother been using the quilts according to her own explanation

Moderator: for why Jennifer

Moderator: why does Maggie need them

Moderator: what will she use them for

Jennifer: well in the end Maggie says "I can 'memeber Grandma Dee without the quilts"

Jennifer: So she doesn't need them to remeber her past but uses them for "everyday use"

Moderator: Jennifer, when wangero asks for the quilts her mother explains to her that  Maggie needs them for something very specific

Jennifer: For Maggie when she marrys John Thomas

Elizabeth: Maggie would use the quilts for when she marries

Moderator: yes

Moderator: how come wangero doesn't get the quilts?

Elizabeth: Mama offered her one of the quilts when she went to college.Dee said they were old fashioned out of style

Jennifer: She was offered them but dencline because they were old fashioned

Elizabeth: Now Dee changed her mind and she wants them.

Jennifer: Wants them to display them as though thats the only thing you can do w a quilt

Moderator: Very good Elizabeth

Moderator: yes Jennifer

Moderator: yes Elizabeth

Moderator: yes Jennifer

Moderator: what must have happened while she was at college to make wangero want quilts now

Jennifer: She was educated on how her heritage is important

Elizabeth: Show her heritage

Jennifer: but was taught only the superfical facts

Moderator: Jennifer, Elizabeth, do we get the impression that wangero is proud of being a child descended from slaves

Moderator: that wangero is proud of being a child of people who live in the pasture

Moderator: was proud of being a child of people who cannot read

Moderator: try another answer  that is far more logical and supportable... what do cityfolk think about handmade quilts

Jennifer: not until she was educated of the "value" of the inheited items of her past but she changed her name which shows she doesn't want to be apart of her family anymore

Elizabeth: cityfilk appreciate hand made things

Moderator: yes... Jennifer yes... Elizabeth

Elizabeth: people for the city appreciate the time that people take to make quilts

Moderator: and what are they willing  to do to show that appreciation

Jennifer: display it

Elizabeth: buy it at any price

Moderator: your both correct

Moderator: this has nothing to do with her personal attachment to this

Jennifer: but there is no real price for the significant value behind the items

Moderator: it has to do with her apparently new understanding that when she left behind has value that she missed

Jennifer: but thats how they show apprecation

Moderator: well

Moderator: her argument against Maggie taking the quilts is what

Jennifer: maggie can't appreciate these quilts She'd probably be backward enough to put them to everyday use!

Moderator: yes...

Moderator: they will be used

Moderator: the word she uses

Moderator: is tatters

Moderator: suddenly wangero realizes that her sister will actually use these items to the point that their intrinsic value is lost if the intrinsic value is its artistic merit

Moderator: but what is the real value

Moderator: according to Maggie and her mothe

Moderator: what do the quilts represent

Jennifer: Grandma Dee

Jennifer: And their past

Elizabeth: their ancestors

Jennifer: It has various clothing from different gernations

Jennifer: It represents the family's pride, stuggles, and events

Moderator: yes Jennifer yes Elizabeth

Moderator: very good

Moderator: therefore give me an overall theme that carries all the  elements

Moderator: especially Jennifer's last statement

Moderator: what do we call that

Moderator: it is our...

Elizabeth: history?

Jennifer: theme?

Jennifer: hertiage

Elizabeth: past?

Moderator: Jennifer

Moderator: heritage

Moderator: very good

Moderator: past and history would be also correct Elizabeth, but heritage carries with it a more symbolic conceptual idea because it's not the specifics of one's past but rather the overall

Elizabeth: ok

Moderator: end of your going to say that the quilt equal heritage, you would have to explain the adjectives that describe the quilt and the word heritage

Moderator: which we will get to next week

Moderator: good lord, look at the time

Moderator: I will continue grading and I will let you know when things are ready to be picked up

Jennifer: what story is next week?

Moderator: we will finish this one

Moderator: symbolism

Jennifer: okie dokie

Elizabeth: ok

Moderator: we have  not even really touched on the symbolism in

Elizabeth: good night Professor

Jennifer: ok

Jennifer: Good Night Elixabeth and Professor

Elizabeth: good Nnight Jennifer

Moderator: take care both of you

Moderator: poof