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7:03 PM
Hello Prof

Wyatt B
7:03 PM
hello professor

7:03 PM
hey folks
how are those annotated worksProjects coming along
7:04 PM

Wyatt B
7:04 PM
almost there

7:05 PM
There going, question do you only want cited info from only ebcohost and gale?

7:05 PM
any issues or snags?
Again remind me which store you're doing
7:05 PM

7:05 PM
Sunny blues

Wyatt B
7:05 PM
we are both doing sonny's blues

7:05 PM

7:05 PM

Mill, that is the one I am most concerned about

7:05 PM
Got it

7:05 PM
is the newest and has the least number of valid resources. However, I know there are at least 13 or more and there are more every year.
And of course you are both getting your resources from either Ebscohost or Gail correct?
7:06 PM

7:06 PM

Wyatt B
7:06 PM

7:06 PM
Nothing from E notes or Shmoop
7:06 PM
Well, since you're both doing that story, you want to talk about it?
7:06 PM

7:06 PM
No you said last week you want nothing from there
7:06 PM

Wyatt B
7:06 PM
7:06 PM

7:06 PM

7:07 PM

Mill, trust me… I have to mention certain things over and over again.
7:07 PM
It's almost like having kids
7:07 PM

7:07 PM

7:07 PM
only I can't send students to their room. Or cut off their allowance
but I digress.
7:07 PM

Wyatt B
7:07 PM
lucky for me lol

7:07 PM
And believe I must have a selective memory sometimes

Wyatt B
7:07 PM
no time outs

7:08 PM
Remember that for the analysis of your paper, I need you to organize your paper by seeing rather than by literary device. In other words, I don't want a paragraph on conflicts. I want a paragraph that discusses the conflict, symbolism and irony of various situations in the story.

7:08 PM

7:08 PM
7:08 PM
what scene' would you start with
7:08 PM
and I always have you start with something that involves conflict and then you build your symbol and irony off of that.
7:08 PM

7:09 PM
The beginning of the story when he reads it in the paper

7:09 PM
I can think of at least three
7:10 PM

7:11 PM
1 that he couldn't believe it was his brother

7:11 PM
well, I want you to get right to labeling conflicts. anytime you mention conflict, it needs to be either man versus self/internal conflict, man versus man, man versus natura
l elements, man versus society or man versus man made environment.
7:11 PM
Remember I'm grading you on your use of literary terms in their correct application. Irony and conflict need labels.
7:11 PM
Label the conflict and until me the two sides
7:12 PM
and like you said, there are multiple ones just in your description.
7:12 PM
Wyatt, same deal. Jump in. I want you two to be having a conversation so we can covers much of this story as possible.
7:13 PM

7:14 PM
Yes I understand I need the practice to actually put it on paper

Wyatt B
7:14 PM
ok trying to figure out which to start with

7:14 PM
I know it and I see but another is to write it in way that your asking

7:14 PM
Wyatt, however for the sake of conversation you start with what 

Mills suggested in that way we can work back and forth.
Mil, it's straightforward. Who does the character how conflict with when he reads the story? What conflict is the story itself describing?
7:15 PM

have a conversation with me now because if we can help clarify it, it'll make sure it's right on your paper, which is where the grade is
7:15 PM

Wyatt B
7:17 PM
ok, the narrator didn't want to accept the fact that his brother got caught in a raid for doing drugs, and he wants to picture his brother making better decisions even though the physical evidence is in front of him. Internal conflict

7:18 PM
Wyatt, what are the two INTERNAL feelings that are at conflict? It sounds like he has a conflict with what he's reading which would be an external conflict of some kind
remember, whether or not your label is correct has anything to do with the description. There certainly is more than one way to describe something in terms of conflict that would change the label of the conflict.
7:18 PM
Internal conflict requires two internal feelings that are at odds with each other.
7:18 PM
Picturing his brother not being a criminal and picturing his brother making better decisions are not in conflict with each other.
7:19 PM
Actually knowing his brother IS a criminal and also not wanting him to be a criminal would be an internal conflict.
7:19 PM

7:19 PM
As the items as he's reading he is feeling internally and externally conflicted man vs self and man vs society

7:20 PM
And the other thing is, do not give me two in a sentence.
Based on the thing that you just said, I don't know what you're telling me is man versus self and what is man versus society.
7:20 PM
7:20 PM
7:20 PM
Does this character have a man versus society conflict? If so, what is the society and was the conflict that he has with that society?
7:20 PM
Does this character have internal conflict? If so, what are the two feelings that are in conflict with each other?
7:21 PM
Wyatt, you seem to think he has an internal conflict. Tell me the two sides
7:21 PM
or change the label
7:21 PM

Wyatt B
7:22 PM
then for my previous argument, i would say society.
man vs. society
7:22 PM

7:25 PM
what does society believe
7:25 PM
or think
7:25 PM
and what does the character believe or think that is in contrast or conflict
7:25 PM

Wyatt B
7:25 PM
society is depicting Sonny as a criminal

7:25 PM
7:25 PM
by the way, when so many breaks law, you have an automatic man versus society conflict and it's all about depiction. It's that, in this case, doing, possessing or selling heroin is illegal and sunny has been convicted of doing that and therefore we have a man versus society conflict
7:25 PM
so for the main character, is this an issue where he disagrees whether or not Sonny is a criminal or that he disagrees that sunny should be depicted as a criminal or what
7:26 PM

Wyatt B
7:27 PM
The narrator explains that sonny is just a child who has just made some mistakes. he was a good boy

7:27 PM
very good
society sees him as a grown man criminal
7:27 PM
and the narrator sees him as a childlike boy who makes mistake
7:27 PM
that's clear
7:27 PM
is there an internal conflict or is there some kind of incompetence going on inside the character that might be called man versus nature?
7:28 PM
How does he feel when he reads this? What is the description?
7:28 PM

Wyatt B
7:28 PM
he didn't want to believe that his brother was going down the wrong path. he is sick to his stomach about the idea.
"I felt my guts were going to comespilling out or that I was going to choke or scream" (Baldwin para 2)
7:30 PM

7:30 PM
Isn't it actually described as ice?
Therefore man versus what Wyatt?
7:30 PM
Any physical malady falls under.....
7:31 PM

Wyatt B
7:31 PM
man vs. manmade environment

7:32 PM
" I stared at the swinging lights of the subway car, and in the faces and bodies of the people, and in my own face, trapped in the darkness which roared outside".
You asked me prof a bit ago
7:32 PM

Wyatt B
7:33 PM
no scratch that

7:33 PM
Which I' believe is a man vs n environment

7:33 PM
very good 

nicely done
7:33 PM
wyatt, a physical malady, such as addiction, disease, or affliction would be man versus nature like mother nature
7:33 PM
his man versus society conflict concerning how they are treating or referring to his brother is now resulting in a man versus nature conflict in which his body is making him feel bad.
7:34 PM
That's why, by the way, I want you to talk about the scene because then you can show how the author is mixing all these conflicts together.
7:34 PM
By the way, how does the author feel about his brother and his brother's decisions?
7:34 PM

Wyatt B
7:34 PM

7:37 PM
And a man vs myself because his brother remembered something specific sonny did which made him feel that way
7:37 PM

7:38 PM
What is the internal conflict, 

Mill? In other words, what are the two feelings the narrator has about his brother that are in conflict with each other, especially when it comes to the narrator's own responsibility
Wyatt, I'm looking for conflict.
7:38 PM
Does he simply think of his brother as a scared boy or does he also placed blame on his brother for his own choices?
7:38 PM
And therefore does internal conflict come up in which he has conflicting feelings about his brother
7:38 PM

Wyatt B
7:42 PM
the narrator didn't want to be apart of Sonny's life, but he didn't want to see Sonn'y going down the wrong path as he had seen so many others do.

7:42 PM
Does he feel responsible for his brother
7:42 PM
at all
7:42 PM

Wyatt B
7:43 PM
yes he feels that he is partially responsible for his mistake since he wasn't apart of his life. he though sonny would straighten out on his own

7:44 PM
you're on the right track, but it also has to do something else.
Did he make any promises?
7:44 PM
To anyone
7:44 PM
concerning sonny
7:44 PM

Wyatt B
7:44 PM
yes later in the story. his mother
it gives a clear representation of how he was the responsible older brother or how he was supposed to be.
7:46 PM

7:46 PM
yes. This creates an internal conflict, as well is a conflict with his mother for not following through.
7:46 PM

Wyatt B
7:46 PM
the narrator describes the brother's first steps to him, and the promise he made to his mother to take care of sonny when she was gone

7:46 PM
All of this is related to him seeing this thing in the story because seeing the story in the newspaper makes him realize he has failed
7:46 PM
so now you have all of these conflicts
7:46 PM
related to the scene.
7:47 PM

Mill, you brought up the train car. What does the train car symbolize?
7:47 PM
Because now we have to apply symbolism to these conflicts.
7:47 PM
Wyatt, do you want to take a shot at the irony of these conflicts?
7:47 PM
Or you can both do symbolism or irony
7:47 PM

Wyatt B
7:49 PM
it is ironic that the narrator didn't want to be apart of sonny's life, despite the fact that he made the promise to his mother. By not following through with the promise sonny ends up on the wrong path entirely.

7:49 PM

Mill, describe the train car again
Wyatt that's not irony.
7:49 PM
that's exactly what we would expect
7:50 PM

7:50 PM
Trapped in th darkness which roared outside"

7:50 PM
think about what the character wanted
or tried
7:50 PM
and think about what he ultimately got
7:50 PM
and whether or not he is approach resulted in getting what he wanted or the approach she chose actually ended up where he did not want
7:50 PM
very good 

Mill. Who else is trapped in darkness? And what is that darkness
7:50 PM

7:52 PM
The darkness of their lives and the darkness of movies
7:52 PM
7:52 PM

7:53 PM
well done
where do we see that scene later in the story where people are inside someplace and there is darkness outside?
7:53 PM

Wyatt B
7:53 PM
wait what?

7:56 PM
Wyatt, did he want to be responsible for his brother?
Did he want to have to feel the pressure of making sure his brother is on the straight and narrow?
7:56 PM

Wyatt B
7:56 PM
wait before the irony, i dont get the symbol?

7:57 PM
Oh you mean 

Mills symbol?

Wyatt B
7:57 PM

7:57 PM
She described the train car
and the train car is exactly the same description of the lives
7:58 PM
the literal darkness of the tunnels of the train car symbolizes
7:58 PM

7:58 PM
Drugs and t" it came to me that we both were seeking through our separate Lucan windows was that part of our lives which had been left behind".

7:58 PM
the darkness of a hostile and racist environment Of Harlem that is described in the story.

Wyatt B
7:58 PM
ok that makes more sense

7:58 PM

7:59 PM

Mill, I see the window connection, but is it dark in that description?
I was thinking of another scene in which the author actually points out that people are sitting and outside, it grows dark
7:59 PM
as well as another scene in which the darkness reveals a murder
8:00 PM

8:00 PM
Well... "to darken with dark people"

8:00 PM
very good
that's what you're looking for
8:00 PM
remember, symbolism requires that you use the same words to describe one thing that supposed to represent another thing
8:00 PM
and they cannot be literally the same.
8:00 PM
So you are saying the darkness of a racist or dangerous environment is si

Milar to the roaring darkness outside of a Train or even the darkness of people's behaviors.
8:01 PM
And personalities
8:01 PM
remember the encounter between the narrator and Sonny's old schoolmates, the guy who turned sunny on in the first place
8:01 PM

8:01 PM

8:01 PM
this guy was almost invisible in the dark
like he himself was darkness
8:02 PM

8:02 PM
I was relating it though

8:02 PM
and of course the narrator wanted to kill him
because this is the guy who turned his brother onto heroin
8:02 PM
this is the guy that the narrator says that Sonny is trying to kill himself
8:02 PM
and the guy points out that people who are doing drugs are not trying to kill themselves. They're trying to survive with the drugs. It's world that's trying to kill them
8:02 PM

Wyatt B
8:02 PM
Irony, the mother wants the narrator to take the care of the brother, but the brother wants nothing to do with sonny's life

8:02 PM
the author has used multiple versions of dark versus light.
And they are supposed to whole symbolize those things.
8:02 PM
How is that ironic wyatt
8:03 PM
if you're giving an unpleasant task to somebody, it's not ironic for them to not want to do it
8:03 PM
however, it would be ironic that, in trying to avoid that task, that task becomes even more prevalent in their lives.
8:03 PM
Think about what the narrator wants and what the narrator gets rather than what the mother wants and what the narrator gets
8:04 PM
Let me give you a simpler irony
8:05 PM
what is the narrator's job?
8:05 PM
8:05 PM

Wyatt B
8:06 PM
algebra teacher

8:06 PM
To tell the story

8:07 PM

Mill, in this case I'm asking what his job is in the story ended indeed he is a junior high school teacher.
Therefore in a general way what is his job
8:07 PM

8:07 PM

8:07 PM
take out the specifics but leave the general
what is his job
8:07 PM
the thing that he's chosen to do
8:07 PM
this is an idealistic description of the job, by the way, but it still applies
8:08 PM

Wyatt B
8:08 PM

8:08 PM
would you say guide would also be appropriate?
8:08 PM

Wyatt B
8:08 PM

8:08 PM

8:08 PM
What did his mother asked him to do

8:08 PM
Guide his brother
Take care of
8:08 PM

8:08 PM
so this guy
8:08 PM

Wyatt B
8:09 PM
guide his brother away from the wrong path

8:09 PM
so this guy bails on this obligation to his flesh and blood
yet joins a profession in which he does this for a bunch of strangers
8:09 PM
that's situational irony.
8:09 PM
8:09 PM
it becomes symbolic if it turns out that he's actually not guiding those young men either
8:09 PM
what does he tell us about what the students are doing
8:09 PM
that he's in sort of aware of but he is not doing anything about
8:09 PM

8:11 PM
And again he feels conflicted experiencing a man vs self in wanting to do the right thing and sees this in teaching students that remind him of his brother?

8:11 PM
in what ways do his students reminded him of his brother
8:11 PM

Wyatt B
8:12 PM

8:12 PM
his internal conflict concerning his brother and his internal conflict concerning students is exactly the same conflict. On one level he wants the right outcome, but on the other level he does not want to be dragged down by them or feel responsible for them.
What does he think his students are doing in the bathroom?
8:12 PM

8:12 PM
Bright and open great gentleness and privacy

8:12 PM
He says so specifically

Mill, I'm not sure that references.
8:12 PM

8:14 PM
Popping off needles like he believed his brother was doing

8:15 PM
What does he do about it
8:15 PM

Wyatt B
8:16 PM
says its doing more than algebra

8:17 PM
He does nothing

8:17 PM
Wyatt, what is the irony of that statement?
What is a teacher supposed to do and, for reality, what is he actually doing for his students and for the young men of Harlem in the 1950s
8:17 PM

Mill, is there an irony in his lack of action, either because it is a irony based on his job boards and irony because it reflects another behavior we've seen from this character?
8:18 PM

Wyatt B
8:19 PM
its ironic because his job is to guide people but he claims that heroin guides them even better than he can. its more important to the students than algebra

8:19 PM
What is the label on that irony
8:19 PM

Wyatt B
8:20 PM
situational irony

8:20 PM
very good
expectation versus outcome
8:20 PM
8:21 PM
the distinction between what is and what should be
8:21 PM
algebra should be better than heroin
8:21 PM
more useful than heroin
8:21 PM
but it's not for this particular situation
8:21 PM

Wyatt B
8:21 PM
ok got this one

8:21 PM
8:21 PM
now the question
8:21 PM
which character is more in touch with this culture?
8:22 PM
His culture?
8:22 PM

8:22 PM

Wyatt B
8:22 PM

8:23 PM
this is where you have to show me how
8:23 PM

8:23 PM
Jazz music the era

Wyatt B
8:23 PM
he is not influenced. the narrator has joined in a prodominatily white society buvt sonny hasn't.

8:24 PM
Wyatt you thing because drugs have slowed him down?

8:24 PM
you are both correct
I just need both of you to explain your answers. Wyatt, yours is a little clearer but I need you to tell me in what ways the narrator joined white society
8:24 PM
and likely, 

Mill, you have to explain the jazz music thing.
8:24 PM
Are you claiming that jazz music is black?
8:24 PM

8:25 PM

8:25 PM
you should
8:25 PM

Wyatt B
8:25 PM

8:25 PM
It is the first purely American music and it was invented by black people
and is rooted from blues
8:25 PM
which is also black
8:25 PM
and is a mixture of African rhythms and some folk music elements from Europe
8:26 PM
8:26 PM
is rooted in stories of loss, oppression and tragedy experienced by the lower class.
8:26 PM
Jazz is simply a musical translation of that.
8:26 PM
8:26 PM
you need to define jazz because the nature of jazz is how Sunny lives his life.
8:26 PM
What is the nature of jazz.
8:26 PM
What specifically defines jazz in a way that's different from say classical music
8:26 PM

Wyatt B
8:27 PM
it emphasises hardship and suffering

8:28 PM
but musicaslly
8:28 PM
considering that most jazz is purely instrumental
8:28 PM
remember, the blues is the original source but they did something with jazz.
8:28 PM
what I'm talking about is how it's played.
8:28 PM
For example in contrast.
8:28 PM
Tell me again what the narrator does for a living
8:28 PM

8:29 PM
Especially now with yes but what about theteaches
8:29 PM
He teaches
8:29 PM

8:29 PM
what kind of thinking is involved in mathematics? Are there absolute correct and incorrect answers in math?

Wyatt B
8:29 PM

8:29 PM
Does the narrator Wis a ordered or disordered life
does the narrator try to live in ordered or disordered life?
8:29 PM
Is his life structured or unstructured
8:29 PM
planned or unplanned
8:29 PM
rules or no rules
8:29 PM

Wyatt B
8:30 PM
ordered and structured and planned rules
Sonny is more of a free spirit
8:30 PM

8:30 PM
what is the essential nature of playing jazz music?
8:30 PM
If you need some information, I actually have a link that discusses jazz music on my website.
8:30 PM
In which it is described, as well as its history explained. All you need is the description at this point
8:31 PM

Wyatt B
8:31 PM
that would help

8:31 PM
check it out
obviously if you know something about music, you may already have an idea
8:31 PM
if you listen to jazz
8:31 PM
or you hate jazz for this reason
8:31 PM
8:31 PM

8:32 PM
I put it on from ti,e to time at work but the employees think it's terrible??
8:33 PM

8:33 PM
just because they have no taste 


Wyatt B
8:34 PM

8:34 PM
Of course

8:34 PM
Wyatt, you are on the right track when you explain that Sonny is a free spirit
does Sonny's life have order?
8:34 PM

Wyatt B
8:34 PM
not at all

8:34 PM
Does Sonny's life have a plan
what happens during the jazz gig that is described in the story
8:35 PM

Wyatt B
8:35 PM
no he's kind of a drifter

8:36 PM
according to the description in the story, how is jazz played

Wyatt B
8:38 PM
Freedom lurked around us and I understood, at last, that he couldhelp us to be free if we would listen, that he would never be free until we did.

8:39 PM
how is it free
what's missing
8:39 PM
that you would get in something like classical music or even a standard pop song
8:39 PM

Wyatt B
8:40 PM
its not planned or organized

8:40 PM
very good
8:40 PM
is there a danger in improvisation
8:40 PM
does in fact something get dangerous during the song that they're jamming on
8:40 PM

Wyatt B
8:40 PM
sonny is terrible in the beginning and the crowd is getting irritated
8:40 PM
until he finds his groove
8:41 PM

8:42 PM
apply that to his life

Wyatt B
8:42 PM
unplanned, and disorganized throughout
he spontaniously does heroin, joins the navy, and gets into the blues
8:42 PM

8:43 PM
is he finding his groove
and what would it be
8:43 PM

Wyatt B
8:43 PM
escaping suffering through jazz music

8:44 PM
very good
so now you have another symbol
8:44 PM

Wyatt B
8:44 PM
nice what about the scotch trembling?

8:44 PM
but you also have the irony of who is part of what culture
what is in the glass
8:44 PM

Wyatt B
8:44 PM

8:45 PM
what is in the glass

Wyatt B
8:45 PM

8:45 PM
not what is glass
what is in the glass that is on the piano
8:45 PM

Wyatt B
8:45 PM
scotch and 


8:45 PM
what color is 


Wyatt B
8:46 PM

8:46 PM
color Scotch
8:46 PM

Wyatt B
8:46 PM

8:46 PM
he needs both
is only black culture gonna save him? In other words his approach?
8:46 PM
Is only white culture to save him? In other words the narrators approach?
8:46 PM

Wyatt B
8:47 PM
he doesnt need white like his brother does

8:47 PM
Wyatt, you have to go with the story shows
does Sonny need SOME organization in his life
8:47 PM
some elements of his brothers influence to straighten out his life
8:47 PM

Wyatt B
8:47 PM

8:48 PM
it doesn't mean he has to turn it was brother
it does not mean that he has to turn into his brother.
8:48 PM
In fact we realize that the narrative shows us that the brother himself is not doing a very good job living in the white world
8:48 PM
he is not following through.
8:48 PM
Sunny is more dedicated to his cultural belief then the narrator is
8:48 PM
he does try to follow through
8:48 PM
• glass has both black and white
8:48 PM
as part of that, the author is saying something about what people need to survive
8:48 PM
the pure white approach of the narrator is not working because he has no sense of caring or empathy for black people that he is charged with
8:49 PM
neither his students
8:49 PM
nor his fa

Mily originally
8:49 PM
nor the women and men across the street who were at the mission singing.
8:49 PM
He does not understand this black culture and he finds much to complain about.
8:49 PM
He sees them as doomed
8:49 PM
as his description of Harlem is a boiling hell
8:49 PM
at the same time, Sonny is fully immersed in this culture that he loves
8:49 PM
he understands those kids
8:49 PM
it understands the people over at the mission
8:49 PM
he finds beauty in this darkness
8:50 PM
but he needs some order
8:50 PM
some support
8:50 PM
some direction
8:50 PM
the cup
8:50 PM
has both
8:50 PM
white and black
8:50 PM
mixed together
8:50 PM
valuable issues from both sides
8:50 PM
does the narrator learn something from this experience?
8:50 PM
Does he understand something little bit more about being black from this experience?
8:50 PM

Wyatt B
8:50 PM
yes, both cultures create stabilization which is why the scotch and 

Milk doesn't fall

8:51 PM
Very good
the trembling means that it is unstable
8:51 PM
and there is potential
8:51 PM
8:51 PM
it is hanging in there
8:51 PM
8:51 PM
who's the teacher
8:51 PM
and who is the student
8:51 PM

Wyatt B
8:51 PM
ok i see where you are coming from
Sonny is the teacher and the narrator is the student
8:52 PM

8:52 PM
very good
8:52 PM
and there are two labels on this
8:52 PM
and it depends on how you explain it
8:52 PM
one of them should be appearance versus reality
8:52 PM
and the other one should be a difference between what character thinks and what we know better and certainly with the character knows better by the end of the story
8:52 PM
you should do both
8:52 PM

8:53 PM
Very good Wyatt

Wyatt B
8:54 PM


8:54 PM
you both have plenty to contribute.

8:54 PM
Thank you professor

8:54 PM
What is the irony of the issue

8:54 PM
That I know I have to do it but how can I
8:55 PM
8:55 PM

8:55 PM
At the beginning of the story, What does the narrator think that we know better and he knows better by the in the story in terms of who's smarter or who can teach him ?
8:55 PM
humor is also rooted in irony 

Mill, so you get a credit for that
8:55 PM
the situational irony is who we would expect to be more knowledgeable and who actually turns out to be the more knowledgeable one
8:55 PM
. This is the difference between dramatic and situational irony
8:56 PM

8:56 PM

8:56 PM
dramatic irony focuses on what the character thinks or says and what we know different

Wyatt B
8:56 PM
i just have a sick sense of humor so its not always right

8:56 PM
and situational irony is the difference between what we would expect to happen or to be and what actually does happen or what actually is
Wyatt, that's even more rooted in heavy irony.
8:56 PM
The sicker the better
8:56 PM
humor requires intelligence and understanding of wordplay
8:56 PM
and meanness, of course, is not necessarily humor. But true humor is rooted in cleverness.
8:56 PM
That requires intelligence.
8:57 PM
But I digress
8:57 PM
folks, right subparagraphs
8:57 PM
scribe some paragraphs
8:57 PM
you have an opportunity for giving direct feedback on your final paper by posting a response
8:57 PM

8:57 PM
And send them right over to you

8:57 PM
and now's the time to do it. The earlier you get feedback from me the better
8:57 PM
well no. Post your response on blackboard
8:57 PM
and I'm looking for a single well-developed body paragraph with a short introduction a short conclusion. These body paragraphs for this paper may be well more than the page.
8:58 PM
I also need you to utilize your secondary sources which are going to discuss the very things that we just talked about
8:58 PM
get working on this and we can talk next week and we can talk about any snags you may be hitting
8:58 PM
any questions
8:58 PM

Wyatt B
8:59 PM
no at the moment thank you professor

8:59 PM
I don't think, but I know when I get off right now I WiLL

Wyatt B
8:59 PM

9:00 PM
Get to work folks. Have a great week.
Don't forget that annotated works cited. The sooner the better
9:00 PM

9:00 PM
Same to you thx prof

9:00 PM
yer welcome
9:00 PM

Wyatt B
9:00 PM
thaks professor

9:00 PM
K Wyatt toys

9:00 PM
unpoof.yer welcome wyatt

9:00 PM
Talk to you soon

9:00 PM

9:01 PM

Wyatt B
9:01 PM

Wyatt B left the Main Room. ( 9:04 PM ) -

Mil left the Main Room. ( 9:04 PM ) -