bionicspider has joined the conference.

t_ra_ce has joined the conference.

stichure: hey now

t_ra_ce: hello
bionicspider: yo

stichure: still loading

stichure: Let's talk about test two

bionicspider: ok

t_ra_ce: okay

stichure: How did it go?

t_ra_ce: i finished was grateful for that

bionicspider: I think I did ok

stichure: Did you discuss irony or symbolism

bionicspider: Can we pick them up?

bionicspider: I did 2 ironies and 1 symbol

t_ra_ce: i discussed both -- in corrolation to one another

stichure: Yes... I drop them off today

stichure: Then let's start with what you guys wrote...

stichure: Who wants to go first?

bionicspider: ok

stichure: Spider your up....

bionicspider: Give me 1 sec.

t_ra_ce: cool ... off the hook

bionicspider: Well, don't know if this qualifies

bionicspider: but...

stichure: heheeh

bionicspider: For one of the symbols, I choose the arms for the protagonist

stichure: Explain please

bionicspider: The family did not take crap from anybody, no one could provoke them...

bionicspider: The arms...

bionicspider: A serpent whose fangs are imbedded in the heel of a person

bionicspider: is symbolic of revenge

bionicspider: you can't provoke a snake without a reaction

stichure: Which is Fortunato... the snake or the foot

bionicspider: The foot

t_ra_ce: the snake

stichure: Actually, both answers can be correct... it depends on that you explain them.  I 
want you both to explain them in one complete paragraph

t_ra_ce: right now?

stichure: Right now

stichure: in other words, put your answer in one message

bionicspider: A human foot wanders a field, a snake usually won't attack unless acted 
upon...the protagonist would be the snake because the "foot" Fortunato has stumbled upone 
the snake

stichure: How does the foot also fit Fortunato, spider

bionicspider: Fortunato insulted the protag...

stichure: Describe the foot according to the story

bionicspider: A huge human foot in a field azure; the foot curshes a serpent rampant whose 
fangs are imbedded in the heel

stichure: There is a word missing in describing the huge humanfoot

bionicspider: foot d'or

bionicspider: I am unfamiliar with what that means

stichure: Oro

stichure: ore

stichure: gold

stichure: Does that fit the symbolism

bionicspider: d'or = gold?

stichure: Yes

bionicspider: Yes that does

stichure: Explained

bionicspider: If it was a golden foot, fortunato was described as posh

stichure: Okay... race... explain it the other way

stichure: In mind that the golden foot would then belong to the narrator

t_ra_ce: In the short story, "The Cask of Amontillado", a coat of arms is utilized in 
symbolization.  The coat of  arms of the family, Montresor, is "(a) huge human foot d'or, in 
a field azure; the foot crushes a serpent rampant whose fangs are imbedded in the heel." 
(Poe, 711)  The character, Fortunato is representative of the snake symbolically in that the 
family motto characterizes provocation.  The foot crushes the serpent; therefore it 
represented Montresor.  Montresor was dutifully fulfilling his family motto in revenge for 
Fortunato's injuries on Montresor in the past.  Just as the foot in the coat of arms crushes 
the serpent, Montresor crushes Fortunato's spirit by walling Fortunato in the catacombs of 
Montresor's forefathers.       

stichure: Very nice

stichure: Both of you

stichure: Which dies first

stichure: Foot or snake

bionicspider: Foot

t_ra_ce: snake

stichure: And how does that fit in context  of the story

bionicspider: When you describe as a "snake" they are usually "sneaky", the way that 
Montresor exacted his revenge was very tricky and sneaky

t_ra_ce: "For the love of God, Montresor!"  "Yes, I said for the love of God!"  "But to 
these words I harkened in vain for reply..."

t_ra_ce: Fortunato's spirit died before he actually succumbed

stichure: Yes but let's make it clear that Fortunato did not die until later

stichure: To one of those works well as long as you explain it clearly

stichure: either one

stichure: This was a symbol or  irony or both

stichure: If this is Irony, label it

t_ra_ce: situational irony

stichure: Very good

stichure: Another symbol or irony please

t_ra_ce: as well as symbol

stichure: Yes

t_ra_ce: Amontillado

stichure: Explained

stichure: What is and what it means

t_ra_ce: situational irony and symbol

stichure: Explain place

stichure: Please

t_ra_ce: unresolved. yet title of the tale and the characters' quest 

t_ra_ce: a mirage in the desert

bionicspider: verbal irony - "Pass your hand over the wall; you cannot help feeling the 
nither.  Indeed it is very damp.  Once more let me impore you to return."

zoochikk has joined the conference.

zoochikk: hello

stichure: hey zoo

stichure: We are discussing the test

zoochikk: ok

stichure: Race, it is unwise to explain a symbol by using a metaphor

stichure: Explain why that is verbal irony, spider

t_ra_ce: darn

bionicspider: Mont. says this knowing that Fortunato is bound with chains

bionicspider: There is no chance of Fort. returning with Mont.

stichure: Very good spider

stichure: Zoo we are sharing a what we wrote on the test

stichure: shar a symbol or irony

zoochikk: how did most do?

zoochikk: the part when Montressor toasts Fortunato's long life ??Is that verbal irony?

zoochikk: or dramatic? or neither..haha

stichure: Compared to how\ most classes do with this story, very well

zoochikk: good to hear!

stichure: You tell me.... explained

zoochikk: id say verbal

stichure: Race, respond again and don't give me a metaphor to explain the symbol

stichure: Good answer... why

zoochikk: he is speaking it, and it is one person saying one thing and meaning something 

t_ra_ce: I said that it was a situational irony in the test 

stichure: Tell me specifically why Montresor's words are verbal irony

stichure: Give me entirety of its meaning though, race

t_ra_ce: Honestly, I don't remember exactly what I said...will try, though

stichure: Please do...

stichure: Spider, give me another one

stichure: Zoo, give me another one

bionicspider: another verbal irony - "we will go back;your health is precious."

stichure: Explain why

zoochikk: when he says that he is a mason 

stichure: Explain, zoo

zoochikk: Montressor says he is a mason...that is verbal

stichure: Why

bionicspider: Mont's ultimate intentions are make fortunato suffer and then eventually die, 
caring about ones health becomes irrelavant when ones dead

zoochikk: saying one thing but meaning another

stichure: Good spider

zoochikk: I had to laugh at Montressors dark sense of humor on that one

zoochikk: hehe

stichure: Zoo,  you're being a little short answered

stichure: I thought it was a very funny story

zoochikk: he pulled a trowel from under his coat

stichure: And

zoochikk: i am not sure how I am supposed to answer?

zoochikk: please..give me an example


stichure: To explain I, you must explain what is expected and then what is the unexpected or 
ironic result

zoochikk: ok


bionicspider: another verbal irony - "we will go back;your health is precious."

bionicspider: Mont's ultimate intentions are make fortunato suffer and then eventually die, 
caring about ones health becomes irrelavant when ones dead

stichure: Expectation... caring about one's health means that you care about their health... 
the reality is montrsor is going to kill the person he claims to worry about

stichure: now you try, zoo

zoochikk: wow!  that's good

stichure: heheh

stichure: Thanks

zoochikk: In the end, when he says "pace requiescat" (rest in peace) Another name for a 
monastic prison is "in pace" it's a very secure prison..what else do i need to say again?

zoochikk: oh yeah, I got that from a 2nd source

stichure: I'm glad you said that

zoochikk: hehehe

stichure: I think a lot of people look this up

zoochikk: i don't remember where though

stichure: And of course, if you cannot explain what you read, it made your essay worse

stichure: Why is that ironic

stichure: What you locate your exit exam you will not know who the other or title is and 
therefore you will not be it will look anything up

stichure: Be able

stichure: You will not know author or title

zoochikk: that is why i didn't touch that one with a 10 foot pole...i don't know why..i left 
that out of my test even though i knew it was some irony in it.

t_ra_ce: The Amontillado represents situational irony in that it remains unresolved.  
Montresor utilizes the Amontillado as a ploy to keep Fortuanto's interest.  Montresor puts 
the burden of proof to Fortunato, "I have my doubts...and I was silly enough to pay the full 
Amontillado price without consulting you in the matter..."  (Poe, 709)  It symbolizes a 
mirage (for lack of a better word -- it was the best that I could come up with).  The 
Amontillado does not materialize the entire story.  Yet it is the focal point of the story.  
As well, Amontillado is the title of the tale leading to belief that it is important to the 
message.  As well, being walled in, and facing his demise, Fortunato believes that the 
Amontillado will still materialize.  "...(Y)es, the Amontillado.  But is it not getting l    

zoochikk: woo wee

stichure: Race, I am still looking for symbol

t_ra_ce: late?  Will not they  be awaiting us at the palazzo..." (Poe, 714)

t_ra_ce: unattainable?

stichure: That is only symbolic if something else is unattainable

stichure: Describe what amontillado is

stichure: Specifically

stichure: The author chose that purposely

bionicspider: a dry spanish sherry wine

t_ra_ce: an expensive brandy -- 

stichure: What does dry mean in reference to wine

stichure: Actually, race its sherry

t_ra_ce: not sweet

stichure: very good

zoochikk: Can i ask something, does anyone know why Montressor had it out for Fortunato? I 
found it difficult to clearly understand the way Poe writes.  

zoochikk: dry is the taste

bionicspider: zoochikk: Fort. insulted Mont.

stichure: After the what montresor looking for that is sweet

stichure: That is it spider

t_ra_ce: sweet revenge

bionicspider: sweet sweet revenge

stichure: Make the point

zoochikk: ty bionic

stichure: Does the amontillado exist

t_ra_ce: in mind only

stichure: Is the revenge sweet

zoochikk: is it mountains of spain

t_ra_ce: didn't it make Montresor sick?

stichure: Are not following you zoo

zoochikk: sorry..

stichure: Yes race

stichure: So answer the question

t_ra_ce: Montresor does not even find the Amontillado

stichure: Why did he author choose amontillado

t_ra_ce: it is unattainable

t_ra_ce: rare

stichure: There are two things going here

stichure: montresor never had amontillado... it was a ploy to fool fortunato

bionicspider: Mont knew that Fort was arrogant enough to try to verify its authenticity

stichure: The second, though it is that the rare dry nature of amontillado is a reflection 
of montresor's situation

stichure: For what purpose spider

zoochikk: and since fortunato has a taste for alcohol montresso knew he couldn't resist

stichure: Does Fortunato believe it exists

stichure: It's bigger than that, zoo

bionicspider: It was the invisible cheese in the rat trap

bionicspider: the cheese that was never really there

t_ra_ce: not at first he thinks montresor is lying

bionicspider: for retribution

stichure: Spider... you're correct but avoid that kind of metaphor

stichure: Not lying

zoochikk: Im always reminding myself of that..dig dig deeper

stichure: He doesn't think the narrator is lying

stichure: He thinks... what?

t_ra_ce: montresor got rooked?

stichure: Of course

stichure: Why would he bothered to leave his party?

zoochikk: something in it for him??? 

zoochikk: that is probabley not correct

stichure: What kind of person is Fortunato

bionicspider: Because he didn't want Mont to go to Luchesi

bionicspider: arrogant

stichure: You right, but that is so vague that it is not helpful

stichure: Your closer spider

zoochikk: boastful

stichure: Yes


stichure: Why does he want to be the one to point out that the narrator got ripped off

t_ra_ce: prideful

zoochikk: yup

bionicspider: Fort. never liked Mont and he wanted to gloat

zoochikk: Fort. feels "above" Montressor...talks down to him 

stichure: Very good spider

stichure: Exactly a zoo

stichure: Is simply it

zoochikk: His family is above Montressor's

stichure: so, what really killed Fortunato

zoochikk: pride

zoochikk: arrogance and vanity did it

stichure: Third time is the charm zoo

zoochikk: hehe

stichure: You are correct

bionicspider: Could it also be that Fortunato knew about Monts "arms", about their family 
history...he got off on being "above" them?

stichure: More symbols and ironies please

zoochikk: hehe

stichure: Actually, the fact that he forgot is ironic

bionicspider: ah

zoochikk: snake bitting the heel

bionicspider: he did forget about it

zoochikk: what is with the talk of niter over and over

stichure: What is nitre

zoochikk: i know what it is

zoochikk: makes bullets

zoochikk: gunpower

zoochikk: powder

stichure: That is one

stichure: What else

bionicspider: potasssium nitrate

zoochikk: but they talk of it "hanging" like moss

bionicspider: saltpepper

t_ra_ce: verbal irony -- "My dear Fortunato, you are luckily met.  How remarkably well you 
are looking today!"  (Poe, 709)  

zoochikk: does it grow that way?\

stichure: Spider?

stichure: Explain race

bionicspider: yes?

stichure: I don't understand salt Pepper

zoochikk: me neither

bionicspider: A white, gray, or colorless mineral of potassium nitrate, KNO3, used in making 
gunpowder. Also called saltpeter.

bionicspider: got that from

zoochikk: i didn't wanna say anything though

bionicspider: oh saltpeter

zoochikk: hahahaha'

stichure: saltPeter....

t_ra_ce: utilazation of bravado and flattery by Montresor to fortunato to show false 

stichure: Also used for what

zoochikk: i thought it said salt and pepper

bionicspider: me too

bionicspider: I'm so lame

stichure: How is Montresor Lucky


stichure: saltpeter according to myth, has been used in prisons for a long time for a 
specific purpose

bionicspider: does it keep things moist?

t_ra_ce: down, spider

t_ra_ce: keeps 'em down

stichure: hehehe

stichure: Yes... it causes impotence

bionicspider: I see

stichure: Apply symbolically to the story

stichure: What does Montresor want from Fortunato

stichure: What does he want to do to him

zoochikk: haha

stichure: Keep it clean, zoo

stichure: What does potent mean


t_ra_ce: montresor lucky because he had given no clue to fortunato prior to undoing.  
""neither by word nor deed had I given Fortunato cause to doubt my good will" 

zoochikk: strong

t_ra_ce: are we on another topic now?

bionicspider: able to perform sexual intercourse

stichure: Race, more obvious... in what condition and what situation does a fine Fortunato

stichure: Does Montresor find Fortunato

t_ra_ce: with a cough

zoochikk: a bit tipsy, too

stichure: potent refers to powerful, sexually or otherwise

stichure: Race... zoo... why would Montresor be lucky to find Fortunato that way

stichure: There's one other aspect

zoochikk: take advantage

zoochikk: of him

stichure: Exactly

stichure: Who is with Fortunato?

t_ra_ce: alone

zoochikk: montressor

stichure: Why is that lucky

zoochikk: He has him all to himself...just a buzzed fortunato and 

zoochikk: no one else around

bionicspider: no witnesses for monty

t_ra_ce: easier to take control

zoochikk: the catacombs..hehe

stichure: There you go

zoochikk: it's the same when a guy tries to get his girl buzzed and a little out of it, then 
he can have his way with her

stichure: Of course

zoochikk: ain't nobody gonna know

stichure: What are they wearing

zoochikk: not that I would know from experience or anything..haha

zoochikk: his rolaque

zoochikk: ??

stichure: indeed

t_ra_ce: fortunato--party clothes ... Montresor --black mask

stichure: What is that

bionicspider: bells on Fortunato

stichure: Fortunato specifically

zoochikk: couldn't find that in the dictionary

t_ra_ce: cloak

stichure: Specifically

zoochikk: haha

zoochikk: bells on his hat like a jester

stichure: Yes Race...

stichure: Yes zoo

stichure: What it is Fortunato dressed like?

t_ra_ce: a court jester

zoochikk: a villan

stichure: And how is it symbiotic and how is it ironic

t_ra_ce: stripes

zoochikk: with a cloak and his trusty trowel

stichure: OK

stichure: For the poor people who have to read this

bionicspider: the jokes on Fortunato at the end

stichure: One at a time

stichure: Fortunato first

stichure: Please start now

zoochikk: villan always wear stripes

zoochikk: ??

stichure: How is he dressed specifically and how does that make ironic and symbolic sense

stichure: no zoo

t_ra_ce: symboilc -- fortunato cause the joke is on him -- court jester also stripes become 

bionicspider: Fortunato wore a black mask - black is usually associated with death

zoochikk: a a playtoy for rich people..make them laugh

stichure: Race, better answer

stichure: Splatter... that did not happen

stichure: Spider

stichure: I did not happen

stichure: yeesh

zoochikk: hehee

stichure: Spider, that did not happen

bionicspider: What did not happen?

stichure: Fortunato did not wear a black mask

zoochikk: to much nitre

stichure: Montresor did

bionicspider: Didn't he wear a black silk mask for his cough?

bionicspider: oh

stichure: No

bionicspider: my mistake

zoochikk: i just remember the hats description

stichure: It's OK

bionicspider: What about this, Mont. wore a black mask - like an executioner

stichure: Fortunato is dressed as a fool

zoochikk: yessssssss

t_ra_ce: yes

zoochikk: that is what i thought

stichure: Fortunato normally treat others as fools... he expects to make a fool out of 
Montresor ...

stichure: He becomes the fool

stichure: What kind irony is that

t_ra_ce: situational

zoochikk: he thinks he is the bomb

zoochikk: and he thinks montressor is the fool

stichure: A good race

stichure: Yes zoo

stichure: I'm looking for labels

stichure: Montresor is dressed in a black cloak and a silk hood

stichure: He is dressed as...

zoochikk: grim reaper

t_ra_ce: yes

stichure: Very good zoo

zoochikk: death be knocking on fortunatos door

stichure: How is that I run

zoochikk: i run too

stichure: sort of

zoochikk: hehe

stichure: How is that ironic

t_ra_ce: situational

stichure: Actually, that is correct, but it could be another

stichure: It depends on you explained

stichure: On how you explain it

zoochikk: one could take the story differently in the beginning...Fortunato seems to have 
the upper hand, whereas Montressor looks like the weakling

zoochikk: then the story twists

zoochikk: that is situatiojnal iron  there is an incongruity between appearance and reality

stichure: did Montresor do that on purpose

zoochikk: yes

zoochikk: played dumb

zoochikk: put fortunato on a platform

stichure: Because...

zoochikk: kisses his bottom a little...makes him out to be someone of importance

stichure: Could he have directly asked Fortunato for a favor

stichure: You're correct zoo

zoochikk: he wants to get him right where he needs to be

zoochikk: drunk and alone

stichure: Could he have asked Fortunato for a favor

zoochikk: so he can kill him

zoochikk: ?

stichure: Was he in position to do so

zoochikk: i guess

stichure: Try again

zoochikk: no 

stichure: Why not

zoochikk: fortunato would have laughed

stichure: Of course

zoochikk: haaa...u want my time u little peon??

zoochikk: spelled peon right??

stichure: How does Montresor lure Fortunato into the trap

stichure: Yes, you did

zoochikk: perfectly

t_ra_ce: ask for help

zoochikk: fortunato was easy prey

t_ra_ce: determine if amontillado really amontillado

stichure: Race... does he asked Fortunato for help

stichure: Ever

zoochikk: alcohol lowered his imbibitions and poor judgement

bionicspider: Mont. gives Fort. incentive by threating to go to Luchensi

stichure: Yes spider

t_ra_ce: preyed on vanity of fortunato

stichure: In fact

stichure: How many times does Montresor Tell Fortunato to go back home

t_ra_ce: countless times

zoochikk: he gives him several opportunities

stichure: Irony?

zoochikk: Did anyone get the feeling that Fortunato was a little on the "sissy" or crybaby 
side? I did.  When he gives Montressor his arm to clutch onto as they walk

stichure: He is sick

stichure: He is drunk

stichure: He is of high social status

zoochikk: a pris


stichure: Fortunato normally treat others as fools... he expects to make a fool out of 
Montresor ...

stichure: He becomes the fool

stichure: What kind irony is that

t_ra_ce: situational

zoochikk: dramatic

stichure: Someone define dramatic area for me please 
stichure: Explain

stichure: Both correct

stichure: Explain

zoochikk: expressed in thought

zoochikk: someone speaking

t_ra_ce: when a character says something which actually foreshadows outcome of events 
without knowing it -- dramatic irony 

stichure: Run answer, raw agrees and zoomed

stichure: Right answer, wrong  reason, zoo

zoochikk: an incongruity or discrepancy between what a character sas or thinks and what the 

stichure: Actually, race there's another aspect

stichure: Yes, zoom

stichure: hhe

stichure: thionks

zoochikk: knows to be true

zoochikk: zoom..haha

stichure: A situational if you merely point out that Fortunato is dressed as a foll and will 
be made a fuoll

stichure: If you point out what Fortunato thought he was going to do, to become dramatic

stichure: You understand this distinction

stichure: ?

zoochikk: yes..

t_ra_ce: that fortunato thought he was to find the amontillado actually sherry it would be 
ironic dramatically?

bionicspider: If were to go to the store and expect to buy an apple, but end up buying a that dramatic irony?

t_ra_ce: that fortunato dressed a fool and made the fool and made others to be fools in the 
past inc. montresor situational irony?

stichure: I don't follow , race .....rephrase your question

stichure: No, spider

stichure: Changing a person's mind is not irony in and of itself

stichure: If it goes against everything you ever believed in, that would-be irony

bionicspider: I see

zoochikk: the name Fortunato ..that is irony too

stichure: yes race

stichure: Especially since we realize that is likely the type of insult that is going to be 
the reason for his demise

stichure: Explains zoo and label

zoochikk: Fortunato=fortunate..not in his case

zoochikk: ok

zoochikk: The name Fortunato(meaning fortunate) that is verbal irony

stichure: No zoo

bionicspider: verbal must be spoken

stichure: How is that verbal?

t_ra_ce: i thought it situational irony

stichure: Thank you

stichure: Yes race

stichure: Only what context

zoochikk: it is a figure of speech because what is said is the opposite of what is meant

stichure: Thanks,  is Fortunato a fortunate person up to the point that we meet him

stichure: zooo

stichure: said

stichure: Requires dialogue

stichure: Or at least a first-person narrative

zoochikk: or dramatic irony vecause there is a discrepancy between

t_ra_ce: he turns out to be most unfortunate

stichure: Start with the symbolism first

zoochikk: isn't that what i said

stichure: Is he a, up to this point, a person who matches his name

zoochikk: i know he is NOT very fottunate,,

stichure: Fortunato is a person's name, zoo

bionicspider: in the beginning he seems to be very fortunate

stichure: Is not what somebody said per se

stichure: Yes spider

zoochikk: it sounds just like fortunate though

t_ra_ce: yes

zoochikk: and he is not fortunate

stichure: The irony works only if you establish the symbol first

zoochikk: the symbol is?

stichure: Has Fortunato been fortunate?

zoochikk: no

zoochikk: not at all

stichure: Rich

stichure: Respected

zoochikk: oh 

t_ra_ce: yes -- fortunate

stichure: Admired

stichure: Loved

stichure: As I once was

stichure: Yes

t_ra_ce: a virtuoso

zoochikk: I am thinking of the time I 

stichure: You must establish that first and then the irony is at the end of the story

zoochikk: got to know his character

stichure: He becomes unfortunate

zoochikk: i see

stichure: Part of this kind of analysis requires you to slow down

t_ra_ce: stop and smell the niter

zoochikk: i see

zoochikk: haha

stichure: Give me a single idea and explain it fully rather than giving me a series of 
release or symbols that are only partially discussed

stichure: A series of ironies or symbols

stichure: hhew

stichure: Or at least feel it

zoochikk: ok i felt it.

stichure: heheh

zoochikk: i see where i goofed

stichure: other ironies or symbols?

stichure: I'm going to offer a makeup test.  It will be on the guest by Albert Camus

stichure: It will likely be next week

zoochikk: the names of the other characters

stichure: Symbolism, I or conflict

stichure: Irony or conflict

stichure: We will discuss conflict right now

zoochikk: symbols

stichure: There are three types of conflict

stichure: Men versus Man... a conflict between two characters

stichure: Rainsford versus Zaroff

stichure: Jake versus Mariana

stichure: Scratchy versus Potter

stichure: porter versus Potter

stichure: Sylvia versus Ms. Moore

zoochikk: montressor vs. fortunato?

stichure: Exactly

stichure: The next is

stichure: Men versus self... an internal conflict

stichure: whitney conflicted over hunting

stichure: Potter conflicted over marriage

zoochikk: montressor wants revenge 

zoochikk: that is conflict, right?

stichure: No

stichure: Not in and of itself

zoochikk: oh

stichure: It has to be a conflict between two things

stichure: How does he feel about killing Fortunato

zoochikk: happy

bionicspider: It's his duty

zoochikk: looks forward to it

bionicspider: to save face for his family

stichure: How do the revenge go overall?

stichure: Everything go as planned

zoochikk: he built his thing and left him in it

t_ra_ce: i do not think montressor expected fortunato to talk with him as he walled him up

zoochikk: ya..that freaked him out a little

stichure: We will discuss this story more next Monday and we will discuss the final paper 
next Monday

t_ra_ce: as well i do not think montresor expected to feel sick about it

zoochikk: ok

stichure: But I want you to reread the cask amontillado

stichure: And ask yourself whether or not the three items for successful revenge are taken 
care of

stichure: They are listed at the beginning of the story

zoochikk: the guest test will replace the cask grade?

stichure: Actually, your lowest test grade

stichure: Whichever it is

zoochikk: uggh

t_ra_ce: guest test?  did i miss something?

zoochikk: scroll up race

t_ra_ce: okay

stichure: It will be posted a message board

t_ra_ce: probably when prof had us writing paragraphs

stichure: hheh

stichure: It's not there yet

zoochikk: hehe what kind of irnoy is that?

stichure: It's not

cabralesaudrey has joined the conference.

cabralesaudrey: am I too late.


stichure: Unfortunately Audrey, yes

cabralesaudrey: Sorry - see you tomorrow - it was my mother in law's birthday dinner 

stichure: Don't want To miss that

stichure: Have a good everybody.  Tests are graded.

stichure: Week

t_ra_ce: thank you for your time, prof. eiland

t_ra_ce: have a good week

cabralesaudrey: cool - "poof" (stichure 1 )

zoochikk: goodnight you pace requiste

bionicspider: Ok, ty Prof. Eiland

zoochikk: hehe

stichure: thabnk YOU

zoochikk: night Professor

t_ra_ce: can't see anything about a guest test -- scrolled up and don't see it

stichure: Thanks, zoo

stichure: It's just one line, race

bionicspider: stichure: I'm going to offer a makeup test.  It will be on the guest by Albert 

stichure: Thank you spider

zoochikk: we are to read the guest and be tested on it next week

t_ra_ce: okay spider, thanks

bionicspider: Good Night everybody

stichure: take care audrey 

t_ra_ce: great

stichure: see you in class

bionicspider: oh, when will paper 2 be graded prof?

t_ra_ce: good night all

stichure: By spider

zoochikk: audrey>>

cabralesaudrey has left the conference.

zoochikk: ???

zoochikk: kristina

stichure: grading them now

bionicspider: okie

stichure: By Friday

stichure: I hope

zoochikk: adios

zoochikk has left the conference.

stichure: ciao

stichure: By race

stichure: By spider

bionicspider has left the con just conversation ference.

stichure: poof

t_ra_ce: bye now

t_ra_ce has left the conference.