You have just entered room "englitguy Chat05."

EricLBecker1982 has entered the room.

FRECKLS4ME has entered the room.

EricLBecker1982: Good evening!


englitguy: hey now

englitguy: we will discuss the answers to the test

EricLBecker1982: Well, I don't know if my strategy on the second test worked or not, but at least I 
FELT better about writing...I bought a big blue book instead of a small one, it felt much more 
liberating to have all that space to write in.

katzenjamrzz has entered the room.

englitguy: let's start with the basics so that we can understand what is going on in the story

englitguy: who are the two characters

EricLBecker1982: Montressor and Fortunato

englitguy: when is the story taking place

FRECKLS4ME: fortunato and montresor

EricLBecker1982: The story is taking place during carnival.

englitguy: where is the story taking place

englitguy: meaning what Eric

englitguy: what is the carnival season

EricLBecker1982: The story is taking place during an event called Carnival.....I'm trying to 
remember what the significance of Carnival is.

englitguy: it would help if we knew in what country this was taking place 

EricLBecker1982: Mardi Gras?

englitguy: what is Mardi Gras

EricLBecker1982: I want to say a celebration of the dead, but I can't remember why I think that.

englitguy: Mardi Gras is French

englitguy: for fat Tuesday

englitguy: that Tuesday is the day before

englitguy: ash Wednesday

englitguy: which is the first day of

englitguy: ...

EricLBecker1982: Ah yes, the day of eating much stuff before lent.

englitguy: why

englitguy: what happens during lent

EricLBecker1982: Because during lent you have to give something up.

EricLBecker1982: And you can't eat meat on Fridays.

englitguy: what religion observes lent

englitguy: why Eric

FRECKLS4ME: catholics

englitguy: in other words, what is the philosophy

englitguy: what country is this story occurring in

katzenjamrzz: Italy

englitguy: why do you give something up

EricLBecker1982: Catholics.

katzenjamrzz: to atone

englitguy: how you know that Cats

englitguy: when you atone to what are you asking for

EricLBecker1982: Forgiveness?

katzenjamrzz: On the first page, it says "few Italians have the true virtuoso spirit."

englitguy: and therefore what should you offer others

englitguy: very good Katz

katzenjamrzz: thanks

englitguy: what goes on during the madness of the carnival season

katzenjamrzz: you should forgive them 

englitguy: what is going on when we meet our characters

EricLBecker1982: Everybody is out partying.

katzenjamrzz: they are in party clothes, drinking

englitguy: How is Fortunato dressed

EricLBecker1982: Dare I say silly...explanation coming in a moment.

FRECKLS4ME: colorful

englitguy: be more specific

katzenjamrzz: like a jester, a clown

englitguy: the narrator is telling us a specific image

EricLBecker1982: A tight-fitting parti-striped dress, he had a conical cap and bells on his head.

katzenjamrzz: carefree

englitguy: how is Montresor dressed

FRECKLS4ME: jester is what comes to my mind-For Fortunato

katzenjamrzz: more seriously

englitguy: that is correct freckles... be more specific cats

katzenjamrzz: he is solemnly dressed, in a cape with a hood

englitguy: more specifically...

katzenjamrzz: looking...

englitguy: color

englitguy: what is the point of view of this particular story

katzenjamrzz: dark color; black

englitguy: also, what is a year approximately

englitguy: what is the year approximately

englitguy: what does Montresor look like

katzenjamrzz: the point of view is Montresor's

englitguy: first third

katzenjamrzz: oh.  

EricLBecker1982: Probably at or around only clue is that it was published in 1846.

englitguy: good guess Eric

katzenjamrzz: well, this was narrated 50 years after it happened, yes?

englitguy: so, put the setting altogether

katzenjamrzz: so, the setting is a Catholic place, a party atmosphere

Mandrini87 has entered the room.

katzenjamrzz: one guy is dressed like a jester and another like... well,

englitguy: what year

englitguy: I will be right back

englitguy: discuss amongst yourselves

katzenjamrzz: it says his cloak is one worn during the 18th century

katzenjamrzz: so, it must be before the 1800's

EricLBecker1982: All right.......well, it's definitely between 1800 and 1850.

katzenjamrzz: si?

englitguy: the point that it is in or around the 1800s is the most important

katzenjamrzz: on page 433, there is a note

katzenjamrzz: ah. okay

Mandrini87: 1846 is my guess..

katzenjamrzz: we were trying to talk among ourselves

englitguy: what is the primary plot

katzenjamrzz: revenge

katzenjamrzz: there's a lot of evil vs good, it seems

englitguy: by whom upon whom

katzenjamrzz: a lot of judgment

EricLBecker1982: Fortunato insulted Montressor, who vows revenge and eventually takes it.

FRECKLS4ME: montresor is seeking revenge on fortunato

katzenjamrzz: Montresor is seeking revenge upon F

katzenjamrzz: ah!  great minds

englitguy: start with symbols and start with the characters themselves, including clothing and 
names.  Also include the symbolism of the setting

katzenjamrzz: symbols:  name: fortunato, fortunate one

englitguy: symbolic?  Explain how

katzenjamrzz: oh.  okay.

katzenjamrzz: it is a symbol and ironic, also.

katzenjamrzz: the name wold be symbolic because it means Fortunate, but it is ironic because he 
ends up not being fortunate.

katzenjamrzz: it's situational irony

katzenjamrzz: i need help with more symbols

Mandrini87: At the beginning, it was set in a carnival of some sort, signifying a joyful, a festive 
type of atmosphere.  Possibly to emphasize by contrast the dark vaults that the story would be 
set in upon its conclusion.

katzenjamrzz: montresor would be symbolic of what

englitguy: is his life prior to meeting Montresor for that night emblematic of his name

katzenjamrzz: yes, he has been fortunate in being rich

englitguy: to what had a person's Fortunato... what is his personality as explained by the narrator 
and also as demonstrated by Fortunato's own words in the story

katzenjamrzz: yes.  and maybe the fact that careless abandon and gluttony should be punished

englitguy: what kind of person is Fortunato

katzenjamrzz: He's a snob.  looking...

FRECKLS4ME: a man who is respected and feared.

katzenjamrzz: on page 433, F says, "Luchesi cannot tell Amontillado from Sherry"

Mandrini87: He was a "virtuoso [type of] spirit", but he was also a "Quack" although he was 
respected and feared.

katzenjamrzz: F wants to prove that he can tell a good Amontillado

englitguy: man, what are we to take from that?

katzenjamrzz: so, he has a superior attitude

EricLBecker1982: It takes place in Italy, by the way.

EricLBecker1982: In case nobody brought that up (I didn't see it.)

englitguy: it was mentioned quite early actually

englitguy: but helped put everything altogether in one sentence

Mandrini87: He reached all ends of the spectrum in terms of his personality, some found him 
amusing, others feared him.

englitguy: why does Montresor want to kill him

katzenjamrzz: page 432 "when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge."

englitguy: so what did he do

englitguy: shoot his dog

englitguy: kiss his wife

englitguy: steel his car

katzenjamrzz: o, contraire

FRECKLS4ME: he took him into the vaults and buried him alive

englitguy: eat his jumbo Jack

katzenjamrzz: I think he insulted his family

englitguy: know... what did Fortunato do to Montresor

katzenjamrzz: his heritage

englitguy: that's all?

EricLBecker1982: Hey...that was an endorsement for Jack In The Box!

Mandrini87: He insulted him, one of many "injuries" he inflicted..

katzenjamrzz: well, maybe he lip-sync-ed, but that's not in the story

englitguy: not if that results in murder

englitguy: that would be worth killing for cats

katzenjamrzz: thanks.  and curiosity, of course

phildo6966 has entered the room.

katzenjamrzz: Montresor has got to be symbolic of something

EricLBecker1982: I was wondering at the beginning of the story if his intent truely was murder, or 
if it merely occured because the situation was set up for such.

L8T Jayde has entered the room.

englitguy: the motive for this murder is important because it has to do with whether or not the 
revenge is successful or not

englitguy: Eric, are you applying this might be accidental rather than premeditated

englitguy: is this premeditated

katzenjamrzz: it says, "the very definitiveness with which it was resolved..."

L8T Jayde: Thank you Freckles

englitguy: implying

katzenjamrzz: i mean, murder is definite

katzenjamrzz: He also says, 'at length' he would be avenged

FRECKLS4ME: your welcome

EricLBecker1982: I'm implying that to an extent it may have been....

katzenjamrzz: so, he's definitely definite

englitguy: Eric...

EricLBecker1982: .....since he doesn't imply what he's planning, then that happens.

englitguy: is this planned out

englitguy: does he have things planned out

englitguy: if you are prosecutor would you say this was manslaughter or premeditated murder

EricLBecker1982: I don't know....I don't think so because he encounters him, but at the same time 
I do think so because of the Amontillado.

L8T Jayde: pre 

EricLBecker1982: So from that standpoint, I'd say he planned it out.

englitguy: explain J.

Mandrini87: I would say so, In the opening paragraphs, Montresor makes it seem that he 
purposely "smiled" and was friendly toward him (over a period of time) to obscure his malicious 

FRECKLS4ME: yes.  2nd paragraph.  page 432

englitguy: yes man

englitguy: be specific freckles

L8T Jayde: He planned it he went with intent

katzenjamrzz: he could have happened on him on purpose, knowing where he'd be

englitguy: explain J.... how do we know that

L8T Jayde: Because he appeared happy 

L8T Jayde: he was smiling 

FRECKLS4ME: "...he did not perceive that my smile now was at the thought of his immolation."

katzenjamrzz: we know it was pre-meditated because in the first paragraph M says, "At length I 
would be avenged."

englitguy: yes freckles

katzenjamrzz: He knew in advance

englitguy: not quite clear J.

L8T Jayde: what 

FRECKLS4ME: immolation-offer in sacrifice

englitguy: yes Katz... but folks as the story progresses there are specific things that tell us 
whether or not he had planned as out

englitguy: planned this out

katzenjamrzz: for one thing, he had his trowel with him

L8T Jayde: excatly 

EricLBecker1982: Another thing that makes me think that he did is the way that he leads him into 
the chamber, slowly intoxicating him more and more the deeper they go, then leads him into the 
area with the two iron staples.

L8T Jayde: why else would he have it with him 

englitguy: better answer cats

englitguy: better answer Eric

englitguy: what else

Mandrini87: Around Section 25, pg 433 Fortunato asked about the pipe, as the pace of his gait w
as unsteady, as if he was suspecting something foul to happen.  Montresor attempted to throw 
him off the track by requesting that he "observe the white web-work which gleamed from the 
cavern walls."  Distracting him enough from his suspicions.

englitguy: good man 

katzenjamrzz: Well, he was unsteady partly because he was drinking

katzenjamrzz: The jingling bells are ironic

katzenjamrzz: situational

englitguy: were not there yet cats

katzenjamrzz: sorry

FRECKLS4ME:  Fortunato was a wine connoisseur and Montresor knew that if he put a challenge 
of having someone else check the Amontillado for its authenticity he could get him to follow 
because he would not be out done by another.

englitguy: yes freckles

englitguy: does the amontillado exist

FRECKLS4ME: i don't think so

katzenjamrzz: it doesn't have to

EricLBecker1982: It doesn't appear to.

EricLBecker1982: There's no mention of it actually appearing in the story, just several 
implications of its existance.

englitguy: does Fortunato think the amontillado exists


katzenjamrzz: yes

phildo6966: no

katzenjamrzz: He doesn't think about it, because he's operating on ego, wanting to prove he has 
good taste

katzenjamrzz: no?

englitguy: fill explain

phildo6966: fortunado wants to prove that he is just saying he has it to fit in at the high class party

Mandrini87: Up until the end, I think he comes to the realization that it was all some kind of joke, 
"he! he! he! over our wine he! he! he!"

EricLBecker1982: He wants it to exist because he wants some.

englitguy: not quite phil

phildo6966: oh, ok

englitguy: you're looking at the wrong side of the argument

englitguy: look at it from Fortunato's point

katzenjamrzz: Montresor is appealing to Fortunado's ego, because he knows this will keep F 

englitguy: why would Fortunato  bother to leave a party and follow Montresor down to the 
catacombs if he does not believe the amontillado exists

FRECKLS4ME: he thinks that's what he's going to taste, he is a wine connoisseur trying to prove 
that it is or isn't actually amontillado

phildo6966: fortunado wants to prove m a fool

phildo6966: m= montressor

englitguy: phil

englitguy: yes

katzenjamrzz: M was going to ask Luchesi, as a threat to F.  F wants to prove he can judge better 
than Luchesi

englitguy: remember why Montresor wants to kill Fortunato in first-place

phildo6966: he has insulted him

englitguy: was he really going to cats

englitguy: and what does Fortunato want to do again

phildo6966: his family i mean

FRECKLS4ME: seek revenge

FRECKLS4ME: sorry wrong one


katzenjamrzz: was he really going to ask Luchesi?  no.  He just said that to appeal to F's ego

englitguy: yes fill

englitguy: yes Katz

englitguy: folks, the stuff is important because it has a lot to do with both the symbols and irony in 
the story

englitguy: let's get to the irony of Fortunato's costume

katzenjamrzz: ok

englitguy: in life does he  perceived himself as a fool

Mandrini87: Fortunado wants to goad Fortunato into insulting him, it could be so he could justify 
in his own mind his reasons for taking a life.

Mandrini87: I mean F wants to goad M into insulting him, (duh)

EricLBecker1982: No, he doesn't.

katzenjamrzz: F would be insulted to be called a fool

EricLBecker1982: Fortunato thinks he is the ultimate person.

katzenjamrzz: he doesn't seem to have a sense of humor about himself

englitguy: possible man, but it's already happened

englitguy: Eric  that is vague but correct.  You need to put it within the context of the story

Mandrini87: I mean M wants to goad F into insulting him (man, I must've drunk too much 
Amontillado myself!)

englitguy: pass it around man

katzenjamrzz: within the context of the story?

EricLBecker1982: Okay.....well, the story says "in painting and gemmary Fortunato, like his 
countrymen, was a quack."

katzenjamrzz: i guess you mean F thinks highly of himself in comparison to the other character(s)

englitguy: how is Montresor dressed

katzenjamrzz: in a roquelaire (long cloak)

englitguy: that is a better answer Eric if you can explain what that quack means

englitguy: cats keep going

katzenjamrzz: covered.  

katzenjamrzz: with a hood.  hidden

katzenjamrzz: ominous

phildo6966: grim reaper looking

katzenjamrzz: sometimes I see the character of Death in a hood

EricLBecker1982: Quack....someone who talks like they know what they mean but don't really 
know what they mean.

katzenjamrzz: yes!

Mandrini87: Darth Vader looking

EricLBecker1982: Someone who's full of hot air.

katzenjamrzz: symbol

englitguy: better answer, Eric

englitguy: Phil, you think Montresor in daily life is in the role of the grim REAPER

phildo6966: are you asking about the definition?

phildo6966: reaper?

englitguy: this has to do with irony

katzenjamrzz: both characters are dressed counter to what they think of themselves

englitguy: obviously from symbolic standpoint does Montresors costume reflect his attitude

englitguy: explained cats

katzenjamrzz: I think Montresor's costume more reflects what he feels is his duty (getting 
revenge) right now

englitguy: in the meantime, someone to find it be criteria that the narrator explains are necessary 
for a successful revenge

katzenjamrzz: but normally, i don't think M thinks of himself as threatening

katzenjamrzz: and F definitely does not see himself as a clown

katzenjamrzz: so, his costume is ironic.  

phildo6966: impunity,

englitguy: which is what, Phil

Mandrini87: Montressor seems to be a nice guy.  In the opening paragraph he mentioned how F 
knowing the nature of his soul (as a peaceful person) would never suspect that he would react to 
F's threats.  M's attire probably reflects his dark nature that would take over so that he could 
commit the murder.

englitguy: okay man

phildo6966: dont get caught by the man

englitguy: by the way man, keep your F'S and M'S straight

Mandrini87: OK, no more Amontillado for me, I'll switch to Budweiser ("What are YOU doing")

phildo6966: exemption or freedom from punishment

englitguy: how many times does Montresor tried to get Fortunato turn around

englitguy: yes Phil

englitguy: what else

FRECKLS4ME: Fortunato was dressed as the jester, the one people make fun of, so now who 
has the last laugh.  Montresor will laugh at Fortunato when he gets his revenge.

katzenjamrzz: what is the question?

phildo6966: exemption or freedom from punishment, harm or loss

FRECKLS4ME: several, or do you want a specific number?

englitguy: freckles, that is the theory... does that work

englitguy: there are three specific things that the narrator refers to

englitguy: the first is that he must get away with it

englitguy: what are the other two

katzenjamrzz: M says the victim must know the avenger

katzenjamrzz: first paragraph "equally unredressed when the avenger fails to make himself felt'

englitguy: what else

katzenjamrzz: well, 'a wrong is unredressed when retribution overtakes its redresser'

katzenjamrzz: but, that's back to doing it with impunity, right?

englitguy: not exactly

L8T Jayde: it must be done to honor the montresors

englitguy: impunity usually refers to being  busted

englitguy: explain J.

katzenjamrzz: oh, 'precluded the idea of risk'

englitguy: over taking redresser means you must maintain control

L8T Jayde: he is trying to gain the approval of the reader in playing it off to be an honor to the 

englitguy: so, you must let the person know what you're doing, you must maintain control, and 
you must get away with it

englitguy: how does he do

englitguy:  certainly J.

katzenjamrzz: ok.  i thought it meant, you have to be able to get revenge without having revenge 
brought against you

englitguy: how well does he gain our approval

katzenjamrzz: oh, okay

englitguy: that would be impunity cats

katzenjamrzz: sorry

L8T Jayde: not well for he is viewed as a murderous  madman

L8T Jayde: we do not share in his gloating satisfaction

phildo6966: he is pretty smart

katzenjamrzz: well, he keeps calling F his 'friend'  

L8T Jayde: we connect with the fears of fortunato

L8T Jayde: being walled up alive to die slowly in the dark of starvation or suffocation

phildo6966: to fool such a high class, (educated) man into falling for such a ploy

katzenjamrzz: I don't think he gains our approval, but he also does not show F in a very good 

EricLBecker1982: Well, it wasn't too difficult, Fortunato was pretty drunk, after all.

phildo6966: righto

englitguy: who is Montresor talking to

englitguy: who is he trying to get on his side

phildo6966: priest?

phildo6966: approval, forgiveness

L8T Jayde: and Montresor used him in his weak point to get his revenge, quite possibly as 
intelligent and Fortunato was it was the only way he could get away with it

katzenjamrzz: "you, who so well know the nature of my soul'

englitguy: how do you know Phil

phildo6966: he says there is an aching in his heart, and it seems as if it has bothered him for the 
last 50 years so he wants to be forgiven for what he has done

Mandrini87: It sounds like he's trying to get his own self on his side.  He seems to be having an 
internal struggle with what he's doing to F.  On page 436, section 75 he says "for a brief moment I 
hesitated-I trembled" and then he resumed what he was doing, "but the thought of an instant 
reassured me"

englitguy: which brings us back to whether or not it is successful revenge

englitguy: did he ever tell Fortunato what he was doing and why

EricLBecker1982: No, he didn't.

englitguy: did he maintain his control

EricLBecker1982: Yes, he did, very well.

englitguy: see man's last comment

Mandrini87: barely, but yes.

phildo6966: he was going to before he put the last brick in

L8T Jayde: no

englitguy: explained J.

phildo6966: i think fortunado knew the same things as monty and knew it would screw his whole 
plan up

Mandrini87: I've got to "Poof" now people... hasta next Tuesday...

englitguy: finally, did he get away with it... was he unpunished

phildo6966: adios

englitguy: bye man

Mandrini87 has left the room.

L8T Jayde: he reveals his own madness unsheathed his rapier  he thrusts about with it and then 
responds by echoing and surpassing the cries of his victim

englitguy: good point J.

EricLBecker1982: Yes, very good point.

englitguy: finally, does he go unpunished

englitguy: according to what we know from the story, did he get jailed for this

L8T Jayde: no he was punished by also growing sick due to the dampness of the catacombs

L8T Jayde: jailed by illness himself and concluding fifty years later

englitguy: reread that J.

englitguy: you're being too literal

katzenjamrzz has left the room.

FRECKLS4ME: no, it never says he gets punished by jail.

EricLBecker1982: "For the half of a century no mortal has disturbed them" reference to the 
bones that he put back up after sealing Fortunato in.

EricLBecker1982: Nobody knows what happened to Fortunato except Montressor.

englitguy: yes Eric

englitguy: yes freckles

englitguy: but is he okay with it

L8T Jayde: he savors every moment

englitguy: explain J.

FRECKLS4ME: i think because he has second thoughts while he's doing it, that shows he's not 
okay with it, but he must seek the revenge, like it says on his arms, "no one can provoke me and 
get away with it."

L8T Jayde: because when fortunato begins to scream, montresor responds by echoing

L8T Jayde: and yet he stops and sits back for a moment

englitguy: J., just a few messages ago you pointed out how he seemed to lose control.  Also, his 
comments about the catacombs is after a pause

L8T Jayde: i know just caught that one sorry

englitguy: so reevaluate

englitguy: remember what religion these people are

englitguy: as indicated in earlier comments

englitguy: does he get away with it

englitguy: does he feel good

englitguy: we already also establish that is likely talking to priest... and it is 50 years after the fact

englitguy: why would he explain this to a priest

EricLBecker1982: Confession.

englitguy: exactly

EricLBecker1982: He may think he's near death and wants to confess it and be cleansed of the 
sin before he dies.

englitguy: so is the OK with this... did he did away with it

phildo6966: he wants to get in upstairs

englitguy: be specific fill

EricLBecker1982: In a way yes because he wasn't punished, but on a deeper level, his 
religious beliefs go, if he doesn't confess it, he's going to hell.

phildo6966: heaven

phildo6966: not hell

englitguy: yes both

englitguy: what is the symbolism of the drinks

L8T Jayde: montresor is devoured by the lust of hate which destroys his soul as he destroys 

FRECKLS4ME: he is repenting seeking atonement for his sins.

EricLBecker1982: Phil:  If he DOESN'T confess it he'll go to hell.

phildo6966: but then again, he did kill him. is that really forgivable?

englitguy: if you're a Catholic any commit a mortal San Diego hell anyway

englitguy: if you commit a mortal sin you go to hell anyway

EricLBecker1982: A San Diego hell?

phildo6966: thats what i meant, I agree it did look weird in print

EricLBecker1982: :Ah, all right.

EricLBecker1982: Just checking.

englitguy: what are the drinks

FRECKLS4ME: I'm glad you cleared that up.

englitguy: I tried

phildo6966: wines

englitguy: be specific look at the names

phildo6966: de grave

phildo6966: the grave

L8T Jayde: the temptations used to lead Fortunato to his death

englitguy: what is the other drinks

phildo6966: medoc

englitguy: what is that sound like

phildo6966: medic

englitguy: what is he drinking for

L8T Jayde: mi doctor

phildo6966: to a long life

phildo6966: to his health

L8T Jayde: to keep him warm

L8T Jayde: so he can press on despite his horrid cough

englitguy: the last answer is correct J.

englitguy: it is to protect them from the damps

englitguy: what is the irony

englitguy: what will the alcohol do

L8T Jayde: keep him subdued so Montresor will succeed

englitguy: yes

englitguy: what type of irony

L8T Jayde: situational

L8T Jayde: ?

englitguy: yes

englitguy: find verbal irony

englitguy: explained why it is ironic

L8T Jayde: toasting to his long life

L8T Jayde: because he will die

englitguy: why is that verbally ironic

L8T Jayde: and Montresor knows this

englitguy: correct

L8T Jayde: because he is stating something opposite of what he means

englitguy: correct

englitguy: more verbal ironies freckles Phil Eric

L8T Jayde: jumping with excitement here "im getting it"

englitguy: yes you are J.

FRECKLS4ME: you go j

englitguy: find a dramatic irony J.

englitguy: while the rest of them give me a verbal

EricLBecker1982: "Let us be gone".....foreshadowed not that F and M would walk out of there 
together, but that F would in fact soon be gone.

englitguy: who said it

EricLBecker1982: Fortunato.

EricLBecker1982: Then Montresor.

englitguy: did he know that he was dying

englitguy: which one is verbal

englitguy: Fortunato or Montresor

FRECKLS4ME: "we will go back; you will be ill, and I cannot be responsible." (Montresor to 
Fortunato.)  He IS going to be responsible for what happens to Fortunato

phildo6966: was monty really a mason? an actual member

englitguy: very good freckles

englitguy: no fill

englitguy: capital M.

englitguy: no

englitguy: is he a Mason

englitguy: ?

EricLBecker1982: I think he did know it.....I want to say Montresor because he knew that it 
wasn't true, but I might be mistaking that with dramatic.

englitguy: or a mason?

englitguy: Eric, when someone says something that is verbally ironic they have to know it is 
ironic at the time

L8T Jayde: after chaining up his enemy he implores him to return

englitguy: yes J....

englitguy: although that may be taken as sarcasm

englitguy: which is slightly different

EricLBecker1982: Well, he does know it's ironic at the time, so it's the verbal irony.


englitguy: sarcasm is designed to do mean the other person whereas verbal irony is merely 
designed to show wit

englitguy: freckles no

englitguy: he does not recognize the grotesque sign that Fortunato flashes him... that is why 
Fortunato tells them he is not of the brotherhood

englitguy: how is he a mason with a small m

phildo6966: brick layer

englitguy: yes

englitguy: to go back to that phrase lettuce be gone

englitguy: let us be gone

englitguy: when Fortunato says that, it is only verbal irony if he knows he will die soon

englitguy: if he thinks he's merely saying let's leave this place, and he does not know he will die 
soon, in other words he does not know he will soon be gone, then it is dramatic

englitguy: when Montresor says yes let us be gone, it is verbal

englitguy: verbal irony exists when the speaker knows the irony exists

EricLBecker1982: I think he knows it, though.

englitguy: dramatic irony exists when the speaker is not know the irony exists...the joke is on the 

englitguy: if that is the case Eric, then your answer as a verbal is correct

englitguy: more dramatic ironies

EricLBecker1982: I think it based on the fact that his next line is "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, 

englitguy: in that case Eric, it would seem that when he said let us be gone that he was really 
asking Montresor to let him go

englitguy: which would not make his comment verbal

englitguy: it was Montresors response that made him realize that he was going nowhere

englitguy: more dramatic irony folks

phildo6966: '"you jest"' fortunado said. the joke is on him because he is calling monty the fool 
when he is the one who ends up being fooled into a trap that ends his life

L8T Jayde: the suggestion that he will go to luchesi for his info on the Armontillado

englitguy: correct

phildo6966: hence, dramatic irony

englitguy: explained J.

englitguy: phil is correct

phildo6966: that's what i get for trying to use fancy words.

L8T Jayde: he uses luchesi as a bate to pull Fortunato in

englitguy: that would not the dramatic irony if Montresors talking

L8T Jayde: fortunato, who's jester's bells jingle grotesquely in the funereal atmosphere

englitguy: yes...

englitguy: is that verbal dramatic or situational

L8T Jayde: situational

englitguy: correct

englitguy: other situationals.... other dramatics

englitguy: how about the fact this occurs during the carnival season

englitguy: how about the coat of arms

englitguy: how about the motto

englitguy: how about Fortunato's response to the motto

EricLBecker1982: The motto is "Nemo me impune lacessit" and Fortunato's response is "Good!"

L8T Jayde: fortunato makes a secret gesture

EricLBecker1982: "No one can provoke me and get away with it."

englitguy: explain Eric

englitguy: which is which

englitguy: what is the secret gesture J.

EricLBecker1982: The coat...a large foot being bitten into by a snake, crushing the snake.

englitguy: yes... what is the symbolism

englitguy: and is it ironic

EricLBecker1982: The symbolism is that Fortunato is the snake with the teeth in the heel, and 
Montresor is crushing him.

EricLBecker1982: And that Fortunato is the provoker.

EricLBecker1982: The irony is that Montresor is basically telling Fortunato his fate.

englitguy: Eric, snakes do not provoke... no poisonous animal is aggressive unless it is hunting 
for food and no poisonous animal hunts humans

englitguy: the irony is correct

englitguy: which irony is it

englitguy: snakes are defensive animals

englitguy: who is the snake

phildo6966: monty

FRECKLS4ME: sorry, i have to go put my kids to bed before they kill each other.

englitguy: and how does that fit the story

phildo6966: fortune is provoking him

englitguy: good luck freckles


phildo6966: adios

FRECKLS4ME has left the room.

englitguy: correct fill

EricLBecker1982: Is Montresor the snake being provoked and therefore biting then?

englitguy: Eric, i was a bit misleading

englitguy: yES Eric

EricLBecker1982: All right...I just had it backwards.

englitguy: actually, we can apply both characters to each image in the picture

englitguy: what color is the foot

phildo6966: gold

englitguy: between Montresor and Fortunato, who has been stepping on whom

englitguy: between Montresor and Fortunato, who is more likely gold

phildo6966: symbolizing wealth

EricLBecker1982: Fortunato has been stepping on Montressor.

phildo6966: fortune

englitguy: and which person lays in wait

phildo6966: monty

englitguy: so who is the foot and who is the snake according to that

englitguy:  idea

L8T Jayde: no one injures him with impunity

phildo6966: that's one of the rules of his vengeance checklist

englitguy: exactly J.

englitguy: remember, snakes by when stepped on

phildo6966: to be patient, lie in wait

englitguy: bite when stepped on

englitguy: but I want to look at it from another perspective is well

englitguy: remember this is Montresors coat of arms

englitguy: and remember in Catholicism a snake means what

L8T Jayde: evil

englitguy: and therefore would Montresor make himself to be this symbol of evil

englitguy: in Catholicism, it is believed that one of the things that Christ did before he went to heaven was he went down and killed the snake by stepping on it

L8T Jayde: so he was the snake

englitguy: in that case, who is the snake and who is a foot

EricLBecker1982: Judas Iscariot?

EricLBecker1982: Judas the snake and Christ the foot?

englitguy: in other words, your answer is correct if you supported it's well

englitguy: not Judas

englitguy: the snake that tricked eve

englitguy: garden of Eden

EricLBecker1982: Satan.

englitguy: the original sin

EricLBecker1982: The Devil.

EricLBecker1982: The serpent.

englitguy: exactly

EricLBecker1982: Etc.

englitguy:  exactly

EricLBecker1982: Lots of things we could call it.

englitguy: in other words, Fortunato is the foot and Montresor is the snake if the snake is reacting 
to being stepped on repeatedly by someone in power

englitguy: the other way to look at it is that Fortunato is the snake who is untrustworthy and who 
has caused evil and Montresor is the foot that is going to crush him and keep him from hurting 

englitguy: both answers are correct because they are explained so that the symbols link up with 
the characters

englitguy: remember, it's not specifically the answer you give me... it is whether or not you can 
support from the text

englitguy: and time flies

englitguy: it is after 9:00

englitguy: we will talk about conflict very quickly here and we will talk about it in detail next week

englitguy: three types of conflict

englitguy: man vs. man is two people in conflict

L8T Jayde: nature vs man

englitguy: man vs.  environment is man vs. nature, like a snow storm or high seas, and also man 
vs. society at large

englitguy: and society's rules

englitguy: and then man vs. self is the most important... it is a person fighting over whether or not 
to do something

englitguy: quickly

englitguy: most dangerous game

englitguy: man vs. man

EricLBecker1982: Rainsford v. Zaroff

englitguy: correct

englitguy: man vs. nature

phildo6966: rainsford v island and sea

EricLBecker1982: Rainsford v. going overboard and swimming the sea to the island...

englitguy: both correct

EricLBecker1982: ...then again on the island.

englitguy: man vs. self

phildo6966: rainsford keeping his wit

L8T Jayde: Zaroff

englitguy: okay, by he doesn't go far from keeping his wit

englitguy: does zaroff ever have second thoughts about what he does

EricLBecker1982: No.

englitguy:  think minor character

EricLBecker1982: The big guy...oh, what's his name...the deaf, dumb, mute servant.

EricLBecker1982: Ivan.

englitguy: does Ivan ever have second thoughts

EricLBecker1982: No...hmmm...

englitguy: try again

EricLBecker1982: .....the other guy on the boat.

englitguy: there is only

englitguy:  one person left in

EricLBecker1982: Talking about how their prey might have feelings.

englitguy: the story

englitguy: that is it

englitguy: Whitney

EricLBecker1982: Yes, Whitney.

EricLBecker1982: I just found that right as you said it.

englitguy: hunt or not hunt

phildo6966: man v self

englitguy: I like it yet it makes me feel bad

englitguy: we will do more next week with the next story

EricLBecker1982: All righty then!

englitguy: what is the next story

phildo6966: he is not sure of his own feeling on the subject

L8T Jayde: the drunkard

englitguy: by the way, the makeup test will be on the guest

englitguy: thanks J.

englitguy: look for symbolism irony and conflict for next week

L8T Jayde: was ready for that one tonight

englitguy: get your papers into me by Thursday

englitguy: well, J., then you will be extra ready next week

englitguy: heheh

L8T Jayde: yup

EricLBecker1982: All righty then!  POOF!

phildo6966: adios

englitguy: have a good week folks

EricLBecker1982 has left the room.

englitguy: by Eric

L8T Jayde: goodnight

englitguy: hasta la vista, phil

englitguy: bye j

phildo6966 has left the room.

L8T Jayde has left the room.

englitguy: poof